lost killing

Chapter 168 Blood-eating Vine

With Chen Feng's move, a black flower slowly bloomed behind the wild bear.


With a loud noise, the figure of the barbarian bear staggered forward. Chen Feng could not let go of this opportunity and step out one step, and his palms hit the back of the barbarian bear heavily.

"Roar." The bear shrank forward in pain, and Chen Feng's bow sounded, and with a "buzz", he saw an arrow shot into the latter's eyes quickly.

"Roar." That pain made the already crazy wild bear even more desperate. It pounced around. For a moment, the dust flew, and the scratches were soon covered with the ground, and there were potholes and criscrossing scratches everywhere.

Everyone ran forward desperately. Yi Feng and Cao Lingyu blocked the small bear, while Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner dragged the big bear.

One eye slowly looked at Chen Feng, eager to engrave the other party's appearance deeply into his mind. Then, with a sudden pounce, the two huge palms patted Chen Feng.

"Bang." A strange thing in Shangguan Waner's hand made this sound, and saw three black shadows finished characters, as fast as a meteor chasing the moon, shooting at the bear's chest.

"Ding Ding." Three times in a row, the crisp sound of metal came to Shangguan Wan'er's ears, and the latter's face changed slightly.

"Brother Feng, the defense of this barbarian bear is comparable to the second level of the Holy Land. Now, it can't break its skin."

Chen Feng took a look, and the people almost withdrew. He immediately ran to the upper official Wan'er and held each other: "Brother Yi, Brother Cao, you can't fight for a long time. There will be a period of weakness after they are furious. At that time, if they still chase them, you can kill them."

Chen Feng stepped out one step, had already came to the side of the two, pulled the two people, and stepped out again, and appeared dozens of meters away. This was the first time that Chen Feng took so many people with him. As a result, the distance was shortened and the energy consumption increased.

I'm afraid that these dozens of meters can flash out of miles with all his strength.

"Let's go." Just after the two wild bears lost their goals for a while, they found the direction of Chen Feng and others by their sense of smell. The beast's vision was much more than that of people. Just as their noses turned to the direction of Chen Feng and others, their eyes were already stared at the figure in front of them.

Then, the two wild bears ran up, and the whole earth kept shaking. However, this kind of vibration quietly attracted a creature.

Although everyone is running desperately, the distance is still getting closer.

"Roar." A roar full of joy and anger came to everyone's ears.

The bigger bear jumped up in mid-air, and a whip shadow threw out and immediately entangled the bear.

A roar of fear came out of the mouth of the wild bear. Just as it landed, Chen Feng and others carefully looked at the whip wrapped around his body. At this look, they were scared. They saw a rattan slowly drilling in from the wound of the wild bear, no matter how miserable the wild bear roared. The rattan was unmoved. Instead, the red ** was slowly flowing in the cyan vein on the rattan.

Every leaf on this rattan shines with metal-like light, as dazzling as a sharp blade. While shaking with the wind, each leaf gently draws an opening on the bear. The defense comparable to the Holy Land is actually a little reverse in front of the vine. I don't have the ability to resist.

Chen Feng searched for a long time in the "martial arts" before he found the information of this kind of thing: blood vine, also known as blood-eating vine, which once brought a bloody killing to the mainland. Finally, many gods killed this thing together. This thing is rare between heaven and earth. I don't know why it appears, swallowing blood and strengthening itself. It is said that every time a creature's blood is sucked, it will be purified once. In that bloody killing, a blood vine sucked a giant dragon. Finally, it evolved extremely powerful strength and some intelligence, and finally brought a killing to the mainland.

"I didn't expect that a blood vine could bring such a disaster to the mainland, and what is said in 'Martial Arts' is not very complete. It also mentioned that this thing has been destroyed by the gods. Now, there is still one plant, maybe only one left, maybe, there are many more." Chen Feng felt numb when he thought of the characteristics of this rattan, and this creature should not appear on the mainland.

Seeing that the bear was almost absorbed quickly, and he was struggling hard just now, if there were no ups and downs between his chest and abdomen, everyone would probably think that the bear had died.

"You can't let it suck any more. In case it comes back against us, I'm afraid it's several times more dangerous than wild bears."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his arm and the chain roared out. The target was the blood vine.

"Sw." Pa."

I only heard two sounds, and the blood vine actually had a vine. Just when Chen Feng was surprised, the smaller barbarian bear bit the blood vine. It seemed that it was actually going to save the barbarian bear. Seeing this scene, something in Chen Feng's heart was gently touched, and the strength in his hand was also increased a little. The blood vine wrapped around it grew longer and longer, and it couldn't see its head and spread to the depths of the forest.

"I'm afraid it's been so long for some years." Chen Feng's heart was awe-inspiring, and a black flame spread along the chain. He only heard the sound of "sneer", as if it was corroding. He saw that the black flame was actually extinguished by a red ** secreted on his rattan. This was the first time that Chen Feng saw this situation, which completely disrupted his black fire. Flame's extremely respectful mentality.

In this stunnedgong fu, the blood vine wrapped around the small bear, and the larger bear opened many small mouths, as if there was a new blood vine swaying in the wind.

Sure enough, just when Chen Feng thought of this, the blood vine suddenly let out a broken crispness, and then he saw the larger bear's body begin to wriggle.

On the other side, the sound of constantly chewing also spread into everyone's ears, but the sharp leaf also scratched a wound on the bear's body. When the blood fell on the blood vine, it was soon absorbed by the surface of the blood vine. The already red leaves looked more enchanting.

As if not satisfied, I saw a blood vine roaring around Chen Feng.

"Quick retreat, this thing has no nemesis." Chen Feng saw that the smaller wild bear had just fiercely chased everyone. After a while, he lay in a bloody vine and waited for life to slowly pass.

"No, we are surrounded."

When Chen Feng heard this sound, he looked back and saw some red rattans on the empty ground in front of him, slowly climbing up to the people on the ground.

In the red ocean, dozens of people's faces were full of fear. Just now, the bloody vine sucked the wild bear and was clearly seen by everyone. Even such a powerful beast could not resist the bloody vine. I'm afraid these people can't escape.

"I'm afraid I still have to use that trick now." Chen Feng thought for a moment and made up his mind.

"You go forward at speed. Wan'er and Brother Cao pay attention to both sides. Yi Xiong is in front of you. In the back, I'll break the back." At this time, everyone had to cheer up and run forward.

"Bang." When Yi Feng saw the end of the bear, he did not dare to let these creatures get close to him and made a move from afar. He saw a metallic sound from the other party where the blood vine was scratched by the blade. Then, the sword light fell to the ground fiercely and made a loud noise.

"Let's go." In one place, the sword flew everywhere, cutting the nearby blood vine from time to time, and unexpectedly opened an exit like this.

"The remnants of thousands of flowers." As soon as Chen Feng's back foot came out, he made a sudden move and saw that the void in front of the blood vines entangled with everyone kept breaking. Although it was only a small crack, the pulling force there directly smashed the things near the crack, no matter what.

In Chen Feng's eyes, it was the first time to really see the true face of this "wand shadows of flowers". In the past, every time he fainted from time, he was in a hurry to escape. This time, when he saw this move, he couldn't help but be shocked. I'm afraid that this power can only be issued at the god of war level. If he comes to the Holy Land, I'm afraid of this move. You can be caught off guard at the level of God of War.

As soon as everyone came out of the encirclement, they ran forward desperately. They saw that the void was broken for a while, and the fluctuations between heaven and earth also changed slightly. I don't know how many vines the blood vines were broken.

However, after that move raged, several blood vines swept quickly to the people on the ground.

"Is it that this blood vine has not yet given birth to spiritual wisdom and only acts on instinctive killing?" Chen Feng knew that if he had wisdom, he might have retreated immediately, instead of attacking everyone like this.

Between a few breaths, the blood vine approached hundreds of meters. The speed of the blood vine actually flew fast and did not know how it moved at all. Although Chen Feng was suspicious, it was not the time to discuss this problem. At present, the most important thing is how to escape.

"The sky is a dragon." I saw a python body composed of clouds, with horns, whiskers, sharp teeth and eagle-like claws. Every time Chen Feng saw this python-like creature appear, the flame in his body immediately calm like stagnant water, and no ripples could not stir up, and then its manipulation of the flames would be more More difficult.

"What does this creature have to do with the flame in my body?" Chen Feng looked at the flying creature, which was only a few feet. Now, it has dozens of feet in size, and there is a growing trend.

"Wow, hu, hu, hu, I have used up all the energy in my body and only grown the dragon to this twenty feet. It is said that at the peak of the person who created this kung fu, the dragon was more than a hundred feet, and it is enough to kill the god of war level."