lost killing

Chapter 187 The Palace Disappears

In Chen Feng's eyes, the energy was suppressed by the chain all the way, but slowed down the speed of the other chain.

"Do you want to resist my attack with your strength?"

The breath of the whole body suddenly rose, and the breath fluctuated on the side of the body, and the void around it was actually a little broken.

"Broken the void!" Chen Feng can't believe that the one in front of him is the existence of the broken void. After crossing the thunderstorm, he can step out of the category of mortals. Even the god of war is also the category of mortals and has years of life. And once he breaks the void and steps out of the thunderstorm, he will become a god. At that time, You can take out the small world in your body and hold it high to the divine world, where you can get your own place.

"I can't see that you, a little war king, actually have the courage to come here and guess my strength. Boy, which family are you from? What's your name?"

Seeing that the other party asked this, Chen Feng knew that the previous family was also an existence that could not be ignored. He just fought and killed, but now he is asking his own family.

"My name is Chen Feng."

"Chen Feng, surnamed Chen, will not be his descendant." Although he was talking to himself, he heard Chen Feng's ears.

"Whose descendants do you think they are?"

"A generation of demons, Chen Tianyou."

"Hm?" When Chen Feng saw the respect on the other party's face, he knew that the person mentioned in his mouth was probably extraordinary.

"Who is this person?" Chen Feng couldn't help looking at each other in surprise.

"He is the person imprisoned here. He is one of the ten god kings in the divine world." The man seemed to fall into memories of the past.

Chen Feng also learned about the existence of this demon lord, as if it were a strange flower in heaven and earth. At that time, there were more and more gods, and the newly promoted gods would go to other gods as their subordinates, but he was in the divine world. With his amazing strength, he finally laid a piece of his own territory. , his strength also ranked among the top ten gods and became famous for a while.

Of course, this is intolerable by other gods, but many gods are no match for him and let them develop. Finally, the god of light couldn't sit still and took the goddess who had just been promoted from the mortal world to fight against the demon, and all the selected goddesses would become one of the harems of the gods in the end.

Just when the team of the God of Light and Chen Tianyou's team were fighting, they had been in a stalemate for a long time, and the God of Light agreed with the rise of the demon.

The goddess fell in love with the demon in this battle and went to find Chen Tianyou against the will of the God of Light. Originally, the two could have become a good story, but the God of Light could not allow this situation to occur, so he built this palace to lock him up with the goddess and make them suffer. Finally, the demon came alone to rob people and had a fierce battle with the god of light, but the god of light was defeated. The demon master robbed people. For a while, the demon master ranked first among the top ten gods, and no one dared to touch its moldy head.

However, not long after they lived together, there was a battle between the gods. At that time, the two were double injured and were seized by the opportunity by the god of light to work with the dragon patriarch to seal the two in this palace.

"Kid, it's not a mortal like you who can come here. Now, even if you want to leave, there is no chance." The man looked up at the sky and just issued an order that Chen Feng offended the gods and wanted to accept punishment or something.

How does Chen Feng know that the other party is going to kill, and even if he doesn't know, he will not relax his vigilance against the other party.

"In the past, didn't the divine world connect with here?"

"It's not wrong, mortals, but after the battle of the gods, the divine world can no longer exist like gods."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he stopped talking. With a gentle wave in his hand, the chain broke through the void, and then suddenly appeared on the side of Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng was about to be entangled, as soon as Chen Feng was about to flash, he felt that his whole body's breath was locked by the chain. Even if he flashed out, I'm afraid that when he appeared, he appeared wrapped in a chain.

"A hundred flowers are in full bloom."

Hundreds of flowers slowly floated up, and the energy in the forbidden spell was pulled over, forming an energy vortex in front of the wind.

"What is this trick?" The other party looked at Chen Feng's move in surprise and was slightly distracted. Just then, a sound came to his ears.

The chain collided with the energy, and the energy that erupted was venting everywhere. The man hesitated for a long time, and the energy passed by the momentum and did not have any impact on it.

And the energy hit Chen Feng, which was another scene. Chen Feng sprayed blood and flew back in the air. His consciousness began to blur, and the next moment he fell to the ground fiercely.

"It's okay, it's okay." The man glanced at the unconscious Chen Feng and thought of the sound just now. He raised his head and looked at the gate of the palace, as if his eyes could penetrate the gate.

"It seems that the gods can't go down to this mortal world." The man sighed slowly.

Looking at the wind lying on the ground, he said softly, "Take care of yourself, boy. I hope you can step into the sky and I will wait for you there."

He stretched out his hand and shouted to the sky, "Open the door of the sky and get into the seal of the demon hall."

On a sunny day, a crack suddenly opened, and it was not the empty energy that tore everything from the middle, but the strong atmosphere of heaven and earth.

"If you go, the mortal world will never come down again." Looking at the place around for many years, I was also a little disappointed. Then, I stepped out and pinched the formula in the sky. The palace rose from the ground and flew to the cracks in the sky. The chains trembled in the air, as if it didn't want to leave this place.

"Rumble, roar."

The sky seemed to collapse. With the thunder, the people at the bottom of the mountain could not stabilize their bodies. Several major forces looked at the invisible peak of Tianji Mountain in horror. The Tianlang Palace, which was the closest to the peak, collapsed, and some of the old houses collapsed, stirring a burst of dust in the frightened eyes of everyone and spread out. Come on.

"Is this, is it that Brother Chen is in danger?" Cao Lingyu looked at the white sky and didn't know what was going on.

When everyone was frightened, the whole skyline mountain shook violently. On the peak, when the palace left the ground, the chain was pulled up and connected to the peak. At this time, the whole mountain range was pulled up. The rickety skyline seemed to fall, and some residents were frightened. Running, the forces on the mountain were ready to withdraw, and some stable buildings began to collapse.

"Don't panic, don't panic, everyone can line up and leave."

The village at the foot of the mountain began to escape, and the stones in the square on the top of Tianji Mountain flew down, and for a while, the rocks fell.

"The disciples of Tianlang formed a formation." A shout went straight through the world and reached everyone's ears.

I saw a group of disciples of Tianlang Palace, under the incomprehensible eyes of Cao Lingyu and others, stepping on a strange pace in the square of Lang Palace that day, in a large circle, and the weapons in everyone's hands pointed to the sky.

Just as a rock fell, a person in the crowd suddenly jumped up, and his breath suddenly rose. He was just a warrior-level existence. At this moment, all the people's breath gathered on the leaping man, and his breath rose to the breath of the Holy Land. He waved his sword and saw that the sword was as light. The same bright pillar of light split into the rocks falling from the sky, and those rocks shattered immediately when they met the sword light.

This person will no longer jump up as soon as he hits. Instead of another person, he will change back and forth in this way, and take those from the Tianlang Palace

All the rocks falling over the sky were smashed.

Seeing this scene, everyone was so surprised that their strength had improved like that.

"Ha, you are right if you don't understand. This is the previous practice method. As long as the strong man below the Holy Land falls into it, it will be difficult to break through." Liu Yun said to the surprised people.

However, the rocks that were not above the Tianlang Palace were also affected, but the rocks far away could not be broken in time, so they roared and smashed down the mountain.

The rest of the forces at the foot of the mountain saw the rocks rolling and used their skills one after another. When some rocks fell below, one-tenth of them had disappeared. The rest was to smash some houses. Due to the speed of people's escape, and the rock was only after the shaking of the mountain, when the palace was pulled up. After falling, people have already left the foot of the mountain.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I'm afraid it's what those people did on the top of that mountain. It's never happened before."

Several people were there discussing what happened this time and watched the mountain gradually return to normal. After half a day, people entered the village in horror.

"I'm afraid this is inexcable with Chen Xiaoyou." Jin Ao did not expect that after Chen Feng went up, the mountain began to vibrate violently. Moreover, he heard the head of Lang Palace say that this had not happened for many years, which further explained that this shock was probably the cause of Chen Feng. How did they know that Chen Feng had long been seriously injured and unconscious.

The crack in the void slowly closed. The man stood in the crack in the void, looked at the wind below, and said slowly, "Kid, I'm looking forward to your arrival."

Then he stepped into the void, which suddenly closed and spewed out a trace of energy from the middle, many times thicker than on the mainland.

"Cough." Chen Feng slowly moved his fingers and woke up.