lost killing

Chapter 192 Light and Dark

In desperation, the demon clan had to leave first, and the god of light did not dare to chase up. In this way, the demon team retreated quickly like a black tide, and the rest of the people looked at the retreating demon team from afar and could not do it.

"I don't know what's wrong with God?" The lord of the thunderous city looked at the messenger standing in the air.

Its whole body emits a warm and soft light, like the sun rising after a rainy day, which makes people relax.

"The demons and demons are born one after another, and this continent will no longer be peaceful, and the god of light is great and compassionate. It wants to eliminate this disaster, but the demons also have gods. Therefore, the god of light sent me down to unite all the forces to annihilate the demons and demons in one fell swoop, and let the glory of the god of light last forever. It illuminates this continent far away.

I don't know when the dispute between light and darkness began, and since it began, it has never stopped fighting. It seems that only one of the two can exist, and the other side disappears forever to end this struggle.

And the envoy is the character used by the gods to convey his will, and the god of light and the god of darkness are such figures.

"We can still deal with these demons. Thank God." This makes it clear that he is refusing to accept the other party's help.

"Well, mortals are mortals. In this case, let you know the power of the gods, and I'm afraid you will change your mind." The light between heaven and earth dimmed in an instant, and only the light on God's body became stronger and stronger.

"The Light of Judgment."

A huge beam of light fell from the sky and fell to the ground. The whole earth trembled. The people on the wall could not stabilize their bodies, and each of them was like drunk and swaying. When the light dissipates, there is an unknown deep pit outside the city, and a continuous cold breath emerges, as if this blow had penetrated the secluded land.

"This kind of attack." Musu looked at the divine messenger in surprise, and his eyes changed slightly.

"Wan." Everyone on the wall stared at the blow and could stuff a pear in their mouths.

"This is by no means the energy that can be released at will at the level of the God of War. Even with the help of the energy of heaven and earth, it is not so horrible. I'm afraid this guy is really the god of light." Mu Su turned around and arched his hand to the divine envoy and said, "This is Brother Lei's city. He has to agree. Now that it has been solved, I think it's time for me to go back."

"Well, don't be in a hurry to leave. I think you are going not to obey the will of the God of Light."

The god roared, with the power of the soul, and rolled it to Musu. He also knew that if he wanted to make these people begin to believe in the god of light, he had to find the most powerful existence, defeat him, and let him believe in the god of light, and everything behind it would go smoothly.

"Hmm." Mu Su snorted coldly, and the momentum of his whole body suddenly rose. His fist went straight to the sky, and he punched out fiercely. The punch directly penetrated the other party's sound waves, and his fist was constantly enlarged in the eyes of the divine messenger.

"If you dare to disobey the will of God of Light, you can accept the judgment."

After saying that, two rays of light suddenly shot out of his eyes, shooting at Mu Su with boundless power.

"Drink." Mu Su turned his fist into his palm, grabbed the two lights and clenched them hard, and saw the light in his palm break, like the bright fireworks exploding in Musu's fist.

"It's up to you." With a loud roar, the latter suddenly felt that his soul kept beating and was shocked. He carefully felt Mu Su and found that the other party was actually practicing martial arts and had reached such a height.

"The heresy!" I can't help shouting.

The breath of the whole body suddenly rises, and the whole body shines brighter.

"Hmm, I'm looking for death." Musu felt that the other party had a murderous intention, regardless of whether the other party was a real messenger or not, if it was really a divine messenger and still carried out the will of the gods, such a god was no different from the bandit robber, and people had to obey him as soon as he came.

"Rumble." When the qi and blood in Musu's body flowed, it was like a big river roaring.

One punch directly smashed the void and reached the god in an instant.


Seeing that the god was embarrassed and was punched down by Musu, the whole person fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Gun of Light." The god made a long gun composed of completely light energy in his hand.

It was thrown out, and the long gun was surrounded by an extremely bright light. The long gun composed of light silently stabbed Mu Su, and there was no wind roar at all.


Mu Su suddenly twisted his body and dodged the shot. The bright long gun fell to the ground and made a loud noise, and the ground shook again.

"The confinement of light, the gun of light."

The god made two moves in a row, and Mu Su immediately felt that his whole body could not move, as if he had become a stone statue.

"Anyone who is under the light must be subject to the god of light. Don't you live under the light? I sent it here to guide people on the right path. If you don't believe in the god of light, you will be permanently imprisoned in the world of light, or accept this gun of light."

Just when the divine envoy and Mu Su fought against each other, Yunshang also ran back from the demon clan, and he had something to discuss with Mu Su in his heart. As soon as he died, he was afraid that something would happen in Liangshi's territory, and how could these unfavorable situations happen at such a critical moment?

Just as the gun of light was about to stab Mu Su's body, a dark shadow ran, a sharp sword sound, and a sword light quickly cut into the confinement space of the light. As soon as the confinement appeared a trace of relaxation, Mu Su immediately adjusted his body and hit the gun of light with one punch. These were all completed in an instant.


There was a loud noise, and then there was a violent vibration in the sky.

"Brother Mu, who is he?" A man in white fell to Mu Su's side. It was Yun Shang who came, but this sword solved Mu Su's crisis.


The confinement of the light was broken by external forces, which also caused some injuries to the gods.

"Okay, that's good. My Lord is right. Human beings are ignorant and very threatening. I didn't think so, but now I'm beginning to understand my Lord's words.

"He claims to be the messenger of the god of light, and I don't know whether it's true or not. Moreover, as soon as he appeared, he shocked the people of the demon clan and wanted to lead the power of the whole human race."

"Oh, is there such a thing?" Yun Shang couldn't help looking at the divine envoy and felt the extremely strong energy of heaven and earth from him.


"Do you also think it's strange? Me too. I'm afraid his strength is not so strong, but why can he launch a powerful attack? Is it related to his so-called gods?" Mu Su and Yun Shang looked at the god in the sky in this way.

The demon clan rushed back to the occupied city. The divine messenger immediately entered the room, knelt down to an altar, told everything that had happened, and then prayed.

"The great god of darkness, please give me strength."

I saw a black fog gushing from the altar and wrapping the god. When the god absorbed all the black fog, the momentum of his whole body suddenly rose, and it was faintly more powerful than the god of light.

"Well, next time I see you, I'm afraid I won't lead the army to escape."

And the god of light said impatiently to Yunshang and Mu Su opposite, "You can either stay or leave."

The god of light felt that he was not sure to take down the other two. He couldn't help but be angry, but it was not easy to attack. He could only make conditions for the two like this.

"Let's evacuate first, which is difficult for God to deal with." Mu Su saw that the other party's breath was a little unstable, but he still resisted the impulse to fight with him.

"I feel that his strength is borrowed. I'm afraid it will take some time to recover after using it. We might as well use this time to kill each other." Yun Shang also saw that the other party's breath was unstable.

"No hurry, if it's really borrowed power, now let's keep him and observe for a period of time, so that we can know what kind of strength the so-called god behind him is."

"Ha ha, then leave here. I have something else to tell you."

"Then the two of us will leave."

Mu Su arched his hand to the divine envoy, and Yun Shang behind him cut open the void, and the two left.

"It's terrible for these two people to unite." Lei Xiao looked at Yunshang and Mu Su who left, and swallowed a little saliva in his throat.

"If you choose to believe in the God of Light, you can all enter the Holy Land."

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole scene suddenly quieted down and looked at the high-ranking god with an unbelief.

"Well, I'll improve a person's strength to show you."

After saying that, he waved a light at a person, which penetrated in when it touched the other person's body.

Subsequently, everyone felt that its strength was growing rapidly, and soon broke through the original level, and flew one or two levels before stopping.

"I would like to believe in the god of light." When the first person takes the lead, some people also kneel down. When they say that sentence, a trace of soul will float out of their bodies.

"Hm?" Lei Xiao, the god of war, soon felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't say it in his heart, so he was secretly wary of the divine envoy.

"You are all the people of the God of Light. Now, I will give you a task to catch this person and live."

With a wave of his hand, he saw a light forming a canvas in the air, on which a person's face clearly appeared.

"It's him." Lei Xiao looked at the familiar face and couldn't help blurting out.