lost killing

Chapter 200 Seal the Devil

"Brother Feng."

"Sure enough, the strength of this incarnation is simply invincible on this continent." Chen Feng felt the strength of the incarnation and was stunned. His strongest move was easily resolved by the other party.

"Arrow of Light."

A arrow appeared on the right hand of the god of light, and the fluctuating energy on it made the nearby energy quickly thin.

"It's not good."

Chen Feng felt the threat of death, and at this moment, Chen Feng realized his recklessness.

Shangguan Wan'er suddenly pushed Chen Feng aside, and then the arrow of light shot directly into Guan Wan'er's body.


Chen Feng looked at the light without a trace of blood flashing in front of him, and the corners of Shangguan Wan'er's mouth overflowed blood.

"Brother Feng, run."


Chen Feng looked at Shangguan Wan'er who fell to the ground, with tears in his red eyes and rushed to Guan Wan'er.

"Wan'er, why are you so stupid? Even if that arrow is hit, my life will not be in danger, and you..." Chen Feng felt that Shangguan Wan'er's soul began to dissipate.

"No, no, I won't allow such a thing to happen."

"Wan'er." Chen Feng felt that Shangguan Wan'er's soul was getting thinner and thinner, and it might be extinguished at any time.

"Bear by the way, how did I forget, asshole?" Chen Feng suddenly remembered that there was another elixir in his kit, which was a seventh-order elixir.

"Wan'er, eat it."

Looking at Shangguan Wan'er in her arms, she even lost her strength to take the elixir, and the corners of her mouth were still overflowing with blood.

The effect of this "arrow of light" is similar to that of the "flower shadow", but the former directly destroys the soul, while the latter is to strip the soul. Both of them have damage to the soul. Moreover, once damaged, this damage is difficult to cure. Only after a long period of recovery can it slowly improve.

"Eat it." Chen Feng couldn't help putting his lips on Shangguan Wan'er's lips and send the elixir in. The entrance of the high-level elixir will turn into energy, but Chen Feng did not know this. Seeing that Shangguan Wan'er seemed to have failed to swallow, the resentment in his heart suddenly rushed out.

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. At this time, I took his body, and I'm a human being, hahahaha."

A voice came from Chenfeng Dantian, but Chen Feng could not hear it now. His whole mind was silent in anger, and the flames on his body suddenly rushed out.

Subconsciously, Shangguan Wan'er was put on the ground without letting the flame burn on her.


"I'm going to kill you, Wan'er. You have to hold on. Everything will be fine. I will avenge you. No, how can you die? No, I hurt you, no, it's him."

I saw Chen Feng talking to himself incoherently there, and I didn't see his incarnation of attacking the god of light.

"I missed the flame, I didn't expect to see it many years later, and the second son must be removed." Above the light, an arrow appeared in his hand, just aimed at Chen Feng, and the mind on the arrow just aimed at Chen Feng.

"Roar." A beast-like cry came from the wind.

An arrow of light pierced the air, and the place where there should have been people was empty.

"If you want to destroy the body I just occupied, you really do it." I saw a palm full of black flames poked out of the void and grabbed the incarnation of the god of light.

"The magic flame actually has wisdom." The incarnation of the god of light couldn't help saying in surprise.

"Chatter, pick me up."

As soon as the boxing came out, the sea of fire suddenly wrapped Chen Feng and the incarnation.

"The light of dawn."

A bright beam of light directly penetrated the sea of fire formed by the black flame. The incarnation of the god of light quickly rushed into the sky. Before his body was stable, he felt a trace of cold coming from behind.

"It's so fast." The incarnation of the god of light is about to dodge.

"The whip of V of God."

"Bang." A crisp sound hit the incarnation of the god, and the black flame quickly flared up.

"Wan'er." When the flame controlled Chen Feng's body and was about to rush to the split of the god, Chen Feng's original will seemed to wake up.

For a while, the two were fighting for control of the body.

"Your Wan'er is dead, and this guy will never let you go. Give me your body and I'll help you solve him."

"Wan'er, Wan'er."

"Death." A ray of light shot directly at Chenfeng, and at this moment, the flame of Chenfeng's whole body suddenly rose.

"Hahahaha, even if the God of Light comes in person, he can't deal with me. It was like this a hundred years ago, and it's still the same a hundred years later, hahahaha."

A large black flame hand, grasping the incarnation of the god of light.

"Well, a hundred years ago, if it hadn't been for the drag of all kinds of things, your flaming intelligence would have been erased."

"Whatever it is, that was a hundred years ago. Now I am still fine, and I have found a light and dark body, chattering. I am about to destroy the demon king. This continent is mine. Hahahaha, light old dog, you really can't go down. Who else in this world can be my right? Hands."

"Chen Feng" laughed wildly, and the sound penetrated through the clouds and reached the sky, in the nine clouds.

"Okay, the sealing ceremony starts, sealing the magic spell."

The split of the god of light rose sharply, and the thunder in the sky was attracted by this momentum, as if it would fall the next moment and kill the incarnation of the god of light.

"No, it was almost sealed last time." The flame actually generated fear and thinking like human beings.

"I can't run away. I have already guessed your flame in this guy's body, and I know his background clearly. This time, I destroyed an incarnation to seal you. Can you escape again?"

As soon as this seal came out, the height of the flame was inexplicably suppressed.

At the moment when the fire leaf city was inseparable, everyone in Yejia Village finished practicing one after another, felt the power of the soul in the body, and praised the "martial arts". That book was simply a treasure house. Everyone felt the benefits of this first practice of soul.

"Where's Brother Chen Feng?" After Xiao Qianshang opened his eyes, he did not see Chen Feng.

"Sister Wan'er is no more." Su Xue looked around the crowd.

"They must have gone to Huoye City."

"Energy fluctuations broke out in Huoye City. I'm afraid someone is fighting. If Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner go there, maybe they are fighting with each other." Ye Xiaolan felt the flow of energy from heaven and earth, and soon felt the energy fluctuation on the other side of Huoye City.

Everyone also calmed down, and the power of the soul extended outward. Soon, people felt those fluctuations.

"Let's go." Xiao Qianshang's roar directly brought the power of the soul.

Then, he jumped on the horse and rode away.

"Let's go." Ye Xiaolan also wanted to see who Zhang Baozhu was.

How can the people who come know that the strong man in there is the god of light.

"Four elephants seal." Four stone pillars were shot out of the void, each of which was as thick as five people holding together.

"Chain out." Four chains flew over the four pillars, two of which were black chains and the other two were gold chains.

Four chains kept rolling in the air and quickly formed a large picture.

"Wan'er, Wan'er." Chen Feng looks like a walking corpse.

The figure of the chain is exactly the seal of the forbidden spell of the palace, and the forbidden spell is said to have been set by the god of light and the patriarch of the dragon clan. If you want to open the forbidden spell, you can't say that you can solve it if you want to.

But now, it is the incarnation of the god of light. It uses the energy of the whole incarnation to seal Chenfeng. Even if the effect is not as good as the seal outside the palace, the sealed people are different. If there is no one to deal with this kind of seal against Chenfeng, he will seal it all his life until he dies.

"No, I don't want it. I just occupied my body." A roar immediately dominated, and the flames all over the body shook around like an octopus.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom."

No matter how he beat, the four stone pillars still landed, and Chen Feng's whole body was in the middle of the four pillars.

"Wrath, th"

Seeing that the chain was alive, he wrapped it around Chen Feng.

"Ah, Wan'er." With this roar, the flames all over the body were more vigorous, and there was a feeling of breaking through the seal, but then the flame was suppressed.

"No!" As soon as Chen Feng woke up, he was immediately captured by the flame.

"Brother Chen Feng." Xiao Qianshang was rushing over with a man and horse. He happened to see the four chains rising from the stone pillar and rolling towards Chen Feng. He immediately quickly whipped, pulled out the weapons behind him and rushed there.

"Is there anyone else coming to save you?" When the incarnation of the god of light was illusory and soulful, suddenly the incarnation was an exciting spirit.

"If I leave a trace of my soul and turn into Chen Feng's body, then I can swallow the soul of Chen Feng and the soul of the flame. However, if no one saves it after the seal, the loneliness and loneliness will be for it." Thinking of this, the incarnation of the god of light gave up that idea and all turned into energy and integrated into the forbidden spell.

In the eyes of Xiao Qianshang and others, Chenfeng was wrapped in his hands and feet by four chains.

"Wan'er." Chen Feng is still shouting this sentence.

"Sister Wan'er, Sister Wan'er." Shangguan Waner, who was in a coma in Su Xue's arms, couldn't wake up.

"Anyone who resists, kill." After saying that, Xiao Qianshang was about to walk to Chen Feng.


I saw a black flame coming out of Chen Feng's whole body, which directly wrapped Chen Feng's 100 steps.

"You can't get close." Xiao Qianshang looked at the traces of the ground being burned by the flame. The horses could not get close to it. Even when the weapons touched the flame, they would immediately turn into ashes. The flame was not as hot as other flames, but a chilly flame.

The whole stone pillar was wrapped in by the flame, and a black flame with an area of dozens of feet was covered into a sphere.

From time to time, roars come out of it.

"I'm going to get out of here, damn God of Light."

As soon as the roar fell, another voice would come out.

"Wan'er, Wan'er."

"What's wrong with Brother Chen Feng?" Su Xue, looking at the half-damaged sword in her hand and the flame nervously, there was no way to start.

"I think it was Shangguan Wan'er who was injured, and Chen Feng's anger attacked his heart, causing confusion. Coupled with his flame, ordinary people couldn't get close, so that guy wanted to seal Chen Feng. Now that guy sealed Chen Feng at the cost of his life. If we want to open this seal, we must be stronger than that. The guy needs to be strong. Cao Lingyu looked at the black flame in the four stone pillars and couldn't help but be surprised by the amazing power of Chen Feng's flame.

These people did not know that the person who sealed Chenfeng was the embodiment of the god of light, and they did not know that this flame was intelligent. They wanted to seize Chenfeng's body, but the timing was wrong and it was directly sealed.

I heard bursts of roaring from the flame, like a trapped beast struggling desperately, and the chains in it kept shaking and making bursts of noises.

"Wan'er." The hoarse sound came from the mouth, and a black flame appeared in his eyes, forming two small columns of fire in front of him. The flames in and out of the body, a cycle, finally absorbing the energy of heaven and earth from the outside world.

This is the work of the black flame in Chen Feng's body.

"Let me out, this damn seal." Chen Feng's consciousness was just a little dizzy, and the black flame immediately dominated and roared from time to time.

"This can't be approached at all, let alone cut off the chain." Xiao Qianshang looked at the black flame, felt the power of the flame, and was also surprised that Chen Feng had such a flame.

"I'm going to save Brother Chenfeng." Su Xue listened to the roar from the flame, and there were tears in her pupils, so she wanted to jump in and save Chen Feng.

"Xueer, Chen Feng will be fine. As long as we have the ability to destroy this seal."

"Even if you can break this seal, you must have the ability to block this black flame." Jin Ao felt the power of the flame, the surging flame, giving people a feeling of falling into the abyss.

"Brother Chen Feng, put away the flame in your body." Xiao Qianshang shouted at the figure in the flame.

"This is not fair."

The flame quickly occupied Chen Feng's body, roared, shaking the chain from time to time, trying to break free.

The black flame kept releasing, trying to destroy the chain, but to no avail. The flame burned up along the black chain, but there was a layer of purple fog outside the golden chain to resist the black flame.

"Brother Chen Feng doesn't seem to hear our shouting." Su Xue couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Let's go to the Zhangbao Lord for a while and take down the city first."

Xiao Qianshang looked at the fire leaf city and hated the Lord Zhangbao to the bone. He thought that if it hadn't been for him, Chen Feng would not come, and if he didn't come, he wouldn't be sealed in the middle of the stone pillar.


Half a day later, the black flame rested. Although Chen Feng occupied the dominant position, his mind was still blank.

After everyone invaded the fire leaf city, they found that there was no so-called Zhang Baozhu, and the city owner's house were all believers of the god of light.

"Is this?" All of them were stunned. Looking at the people in the city's mansion, they were wearing a glimmer of light and looked like masters outside the world.

"Who are you who dares to enter the territory of the God of Light, kneel down quickly, receive the baptism of light, and become a believer of the God of Light." An old man in a white robe, like a scholar, shouted to Xiao Qianshang and others.

"I hate those hypocritical people. I thought that the god of light had sent a divine envoy to divide up the continent, but now, it is secretly manipulated here. I don't know if there is such a situation in the territory of other forces?" Xiao Qianshang looked at the believers of the killed god of light in front of him and couldn't help worrying.

The god of light is still in the city of thunder, but believers of the god of light appear in the power of the martial arts family. Xiao Qianshang has never heard of such a thing. These believers seem to have appeared overnight.

"Ms. commander, the city has been taken."

"Stay in." Xiao Qianshang shouted to the team, and then saw the mercenaries happily moving things into it. At first, Xiao Qianshang wanted to move the whole village, and no one was willing to, but now when they saw a city being attacked like this, everyone was still a little touched.

In the next few days, the believers of the god of light were pursued in the city.

"Xiaojia Village was established here, just adjacent to Yejia Village." Xiao Qianshang looked at the place where the village was located. In front of the village was the fiery maple forest, and behind the village was a lake as clear as emerald.

"Lord, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't say more. I don't want to be the owner of the city anymore. Leave this fire leaf city to my daughter."


"Hongluan, you can already be alone. Your mother believes in you, and not only does her mother help you behind you, but also Ye Xiaolan and even Xiao Qianshang."

Hongye didn't expect that Chen Feng had only wandered in the mainland for a few years, and his friends were not a group of simple people.

"This time, it is also our honor for Chief Jin to stay in our Fire Leaf City."

"Where, no, it's an honor for the owner of the Red City to let us move in. I didn't expect that the owner of the Red City, as a female generation, also has a place in this continent of China, this strength."

"This is not my city. It's all luck."

In those years, if the demons had not killed all the people in the city, and they happened to bring the people in the city to migrate, the city would not have fallen under their own name.

"Brother Chenfeng." Su Xue looked at the black sea of fire and occasionally heard the sound of struggling chains and the roar.

This place that sealed the wind was later called the "Land of Destruction" by the world.

These black flames burned everything nearby crazily. Chen Feng and the split of the god of light were fighting, but they were at least a hundred miles away from the maple forest, and now, the sea of fire is wrapped in one-tenth.

There are black flames for dozens of miles, and the four stone pillars stand in the sea of fire.

"I want to destroy everything in this world." The black flame roared through Chen Feng's body.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Qianshang just rushed over and heard the sound in the flame, and quickly asked Su Xue.

"I don't know."

"Brother Chen Feng, I will definitely find a way to save you."