lost killing

Chapter 207 Against the Dragon Clan

The stone pillar roared and flew to the dragon clan in the air. At the moment when the chain was tight, Chen Feng continued to force, and the whole person soared into the air and quickly nodded on the stone pillar. The whole person spread its wings like a roc and rushed to the dragon clan. Chen Feng covered everything on his body and did not absorb the energy of heaven and earth. The flames of the whole body are running in the body.

Just as Chen Feng hit everyone, Yu Fei had already made hands with the other party.

A member of the dragon clan saw Yu Fei's knife and snorted, which was punched out, with a fierce murderous intention.



Just see that Yu Fei's move was smashed by the other party's blow, the electric light flew away, and the already thin punch still bombarded Yu Fei.


Yu Fei's whole person stepped back a few steps in the air, and the palm holding the handle of the knife was a little numb. Just now, Yu Fei set up a long knife in an instant and resisted a punch from the other party.

At the moment when the two fought and separated, they saw Chen Feng standing on the stone pillar and attacking the crowd.

"You guys, I haven't provoked you, but you have been bothering me over and over again." The flames in Chen Feng's pupils kept beating, which showed that Chen Feng was very angry.

"The guy with the 'death flame' will be removed by us, and the attributes in your body are the attributes of the demon clan that we hate most. I'm afraid the battle between the dragon clan and the demon clan will be traced back to the time when the dragon clan and the demon clan appeared. This is the hatred left behind, and the river of time cannot be submerged."

"Is this what you are talking about?" As soon as Chen Feng's voice fell, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a fire cloud rolled towards the dragon people.

"Diaobug's little skill." Long Li waved the long halberd in his hand. Just as his long halberd was about to poke Yu Fei, but the latter was blown out by a person on his side.

This blow waved to Chen Feng, and the purple energy on the halberd in his hand was wrapped.

This energy is also the most strange energy Chen Feng has seen. Like the black flame, it has an attack on the soul, the suppression of dark attributes, and even the suppression of the black flame.

After the fire cloud and the halberd met, they heard bursts of hissing. The black fire cloud and the purple energy on the halberd devoured each other and suppressed each other.

is to see who has more powerful energy, and the weak will be swallowed up.

"I'm afraid the origin of these two energies is the same. 'All the attributes between heaven and earth are separated from the same origin, and there is a phenomenon of mutual birth and restraint." As soon as Chen Feng talked about the origin, he thought of what was described in the book "martial arts". In his heart, he also admired those people and actually understood these things to such a level. At that time, it was not aimless to become a holy place for practitioners. Even if it is placed now, it is still at the holy place level.

The fire cloud that sees the wind is about to fall into the wind. At this time, Chen Fengci took out his killer mace to relax the other party, and then he gave them a fatal blow.

"How can it be!"

Those on the other side were surprised to see that Chen Feng's momentum was rising steadily and stopped until they reached the second-level sanctuary.

"This, this." Yu Fei also looked at the man in front of him in shock, and his surprise seemed to have never been interrupted.

"The shadow of flowers appears."

A black enchanting flower slowly appeared in everyone's eyes, and the flower was swaying and wrapping everyone in it.

"Don't be wrapped in this flower." One person shouted, and the rest of the people heard it and retreated.

"The remnants of thousands of flowers."

After the flowers wrapped Chen Feng and Yu Fei together, Chen Feng immediately used a move, which directly drained the energy absorbed by Chen Feng and then the flame. Chen Feng felt that Dantian was empty and knew that the energy had been squandered by himself. This move determines the lethality according to the amount of energy.

Those dragons wanted to be unfavorable to Chen Feng. Chen Feng simply emptied all the energy in his body. Originally, there was no energy in Chen Feng's body, only black flames. When it was released, Chen Feng could not feel his weakness. As soon as his mind moved, the energy of that day quickly poured into him.

In an instant, he returned to that state. Chen Feng was overjoyed. In this way, he had endless energy.

The tens of thousands of fires seemed to gushe out of the explosive barrel. When it rotated, it was still releasing energy around. The petals cut open the void, and the tearing force of the void quickly covered the surroundings of black flowers.

"Stabilize your body and don't be pulled over by the empty energy."

With the bloom of tens of thousands of flowers, the world is full of cracks in the void. The pulling power is getting stronger and bigger. From time to time, flowers explode because of the nearby energy. This explosion makes the energy more violent, and the tearing of the void has increased a little.

Chen Feng took Yu Fei among the black flowers and looked at the chaotic situation outside. There was an energy turbulence everywhere. The flowers outside Chen Feng and Yu Fei stood like a big ship in the energy turbulence, and several other dragons seemed to be small boats and could sink at any time.

"Ah." I heard a dragon man pulled over by the empty crack and his body was slowly torn.

But within a few breaths, a sanctuary was killed.

"We dragon clan will not give up with you." Long Li watched the dragon man die in the void turbulence and roared.

"You dragon people have always wanted to take my life. You can all stay today."

Chen Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense with them. Chen Feng has also encountered some of these situations. These dragon people are self-respecting as the most noble bloodline, so it is also extenable to look down on the people on the mainland. However, even if Chen Feng has provoked the whole dragon clan, he should let them know that the bloodline is Xi is of no use in the face of strength.

"The remnants of thousands of flowers."

Chen Feng immediately used this move before the end of the energy storm. However, what Chen Feng did not expect was that the flame flowers in his body suddenly burst, leaving only half of the flowers in his body.

"This is." Chen Feng had to shoot arrows on the string. With this move, the momentum of the whole person immediately dropped to the first holy land.

"Inexpectedly, there is still consumption." Chenfeng feels that the flame in his body is absorbing the energy of the outside world, and then forming flowers in his body. This process is very slow, but compared with the rest of the people, it is extremely fast. Ordinary people need to take a rest of the energy in their bodies and at least a day and night to recover. However, Chen Feng probably only needs a short time. Time can be restored.

"Kip me up." Long Li saw Chen's heat-resistant steel move, and thousands of flowers floated between heaven and earth, and he saw that his whole body was covered with scales, and the black pupils in his eyes quickly turned golden.

A halberd cut out and broke through a passage directly from the flowers. The figure flashed and stepped out of the passage. With a wave of his arm, the halberd poked at Chen Feng's head.

Chen Feng suddenly shook the chain in his hand, and the other stone pillar of the chain was thrown out from Chen Feng's feet.


The dragon power halberd just poked the stone pillar from the top, causing a spark. The long halberd plunged into the stone pillar fiercely. The dragon force stepped back, and the gravel brought by the halberd flew everywhere.


The rest of the people roared at the energy released by Chen Feng, and the sound wave spread far away, and most of Chen Feng's move was broken.

"This is the dragon power in the blood." Yu Fei looked at some of the dissipated flowers and couldn't help sighing in his heart. Thinking of the power of the inherited dragon clan in his body, he also sighed at his good luck.

This time, as many as five dragons came, one had just died, and there were as many as four remaining dragons. Chen Feng fought against four, and the flame in his body was still suppressed by the purple energy on the other party. For a moment, Chen Feng fell below.

"Puff." Seeing that Longli found an opportunity, he grabbed Chen Feng's body with one claw, and the energy on the tip of his claw immediately penetrated into Chen Feng's body.

Just as Chen Feng felt it, those energies actually began to prevent his flame from absorbing energy from the outside world.

"Breaking the devil." Chen Feng quickly used this move. There were no weapons in his hand, but the energy quickly blocked the space. The strength of Longli and others at the sanctuary level could not break through the blockade. He could only watch the black energy that cut through the void fall in front of everyone.


The energy between heaven and earth was hit, and the energy of tens of miles of vibration was dissipated.

Several sacred-level existences actually lost their ability to stagnate because they did not have the energy of heaven and earth, and fell down one by one.