lost killing

Chapter 251 Reinforcement


With this collision, Xiao Qianshang's two swords were fiercely cut on the other party's wings, and the blade was two inches deep into the wings.


The woman suddenly shook her arm, knocked Xiao Qianshang's swords off her wings, and jumped backwards. Just as the former jumped back, Xiao Qianshang saw the opportunity and cut it out with a sword.

"Thousands of shadows in the wind."

Xiao Qianshang covered the opponent inside with a sword. With one move, he did not rush in. He immediately withdrew a step back and protected the team and continued to move forward.

Just as Xiao Qianshang and others were about to break through the encirclement of the demon clan, a huge roar came from the rear of the demon clan. A man in mid-air flapped his wings and shouted to the warriors of the demon clan, "Leave them."

"No, let's go."

When Xiao Qianshang saw another person coming from the other party, he also had wings behind him. Just now, the woman's strength was the existence of the sanctuary level. This is the existence of two sanctuary levels. Among Xiao Qianshang, only Xiao Qianshang is the existence of the sanctuary level, and several regimental leaders who are friends with Xiao Qianshang are just At the level of King of War, such combat effectiveness was very horrible in the past, but now in the situation of walking all over the streets of the Holy Land, such a powerful team is a little weak.

"Why does Ren Xiaomei look like this?"

The demon man just flew above the woman and saw that the clothes on the woman below were in strips, which could hardly cover her delicate body.

"It's not that Director Xiao didn't appreciate it and tampered with me. Brother Yu taught him a lesson."

"Okay, in one sentence, Xiao Qianshang died."

As soon as he flapped his wings, his whole body quickly flew to Xiao Qianshang, took a long gun from his back, and was about to throw it on Xiao Qianshang.

At this time, a sudden sudden rise, and a blue sword spirit came from a distance and cut off the demon clan surnamed Yu with a roar.

"Who is it?"

The man surnamed Yu's demon clan blocked the sword spirit and took three steps back in a row before removing the force attached to the sword spirit, and the shock in his heart was full of words.

Xiao Qianshang just heard the roar of the other party and was about to meet the enemy when he saw the cyan sword spirit cutting towards the other party. Xiao Qianshang felt a strong wind attribute from the sword spirit.

I saw a man walking slowly from afar, dressed in white and carrying two swords behind his back. His whole breath seemed to melt with the wind between the day and the earth.

Xiao Qianshang looked at the man's face carefully, and a name jumped out of his mind.

"Lin Xunyashi."

"It's actually him." When Xiao Qianshang saw the people, he was shocked by the strength of the other party, and a big stone in his heart was also put down.

"Who are you?"

After the demon man blocked the blue sword spirit, he saw the man in white slowly appear in front of him. His pupils couldn't help shrinking. He didn't feel the breath of the other party, which only shows two points. One is dead, and the other is that the other is far beyond the strength of the other. Looking at the person who was still walking on the opposite side, he immediately denied the first possibility, and the second possibility was that the strength of the other party was absolutely not beyond the level of the Holy Land.

"Is this an ancient practice?"

Although it was a very light self-question, Xiao Qianshang still heard some of it and was also suspicious.

"Let's go."

Just when everyone was stunned, I don't know who shouted in the team. All the people woke up like a dream and rushed to the city.

When Lin Xunxiao walked in front of Xiao Qianshang, Xiao Qianshang actually felt a wisp of spring breeze blowing on his face and was shocked.

It was not only Xiao Qianshang shocked, but Lin Xunxiao also clearly felt the strong blood and soul power on Xiao Qianshang's body, just like a hot summer day.

"Xiao Qianshang?"

"Ps. Lin."

Xiao Qianshang worshipped the senior in front of him very much in the college. He not only had the same wind attributes as himself, but also had the title and strength of the first in the college.

"I remember that you and Chenfeng were the same. Some time ago, Chenfeng was rescued by you desperately. Thunder City will not investigate these things. This time, as long as Chenfeng also participates in the battle against the demon clan, the Thunder City can be cancelled for his pursuit."

"I thanked senior Lin here. When the battle is over, I will accompany Chen Feng to the City of Thunder to thank the Lord of Thunder."


When Lin Xuny heard this, she nodded and expressed satisfaction, and then looked up at the demon clan standing in the air.

"Sword in the Wind' Lin Xunxiao?"

The demon clan looked at the man in white and said such a sentence between the corners of his mouth.

"It's right here. The action of the demon clan is very fast. I don't know if it can be faster than the sword in my hand."

A breeze brushed, and I saw the ends of Lin Xunsiao's hair swinging in front of her forehead. Suddenly, I saw Lin Xunxiao move up, and a white shadow flashed, and the tip of the sword stabbed the wings of the demon clan.

"It's so fast."

Xiao Qianshang just felt the gust of wind around him, and Lin Xunxiao had rushed out.

"Drunken breeze."

The sword light flies in the air. After some weak people see the sword light, they will feel drunk. The sword light is like the 'thousand shadows in the wind' in the air. Before a sword light disappears, the second sword light appears. The whole world is full of sword light flying. I don't know which sword is real.


At this moment, a crisp sound came out. The demon clan smiled. Just as it was about to laugh at Lin Xunxiao, it felt a pain in the heart.

"How is that possible?" He quickly retreated, and his wings also frayed violently to Lin Xunxiao. A wound appeared on his chest, which was just left by Lin Xunxiao.

"The wind returns to the earth."

Lin Xunyang opened the attack wing with a sword, and her whole body followed the wind of the wing to avoid the attack wing. The other sword quickly crossed the other party's throat.


The demon man immediately retreated, and the long gun in his hand quickly stabbed Lin Xunxiao.

"Thousands of shadows in the wind."

In Xiao Qianshang's eyes, the thousand wind blades flew like headless flies, but there was only one goal.

"This is."

Xiao Qianshang was surprised to find that Lin Xunya's sword was cut out, and the surrounding energy was gradually discharged except for the wind attributes.

"I'm afraid that those wind blades will form a huge wind blade after falling on the other party."

As soon as Xiao Qianshang thought of this, the wind blades fell on the other party. All the wind blades quickly formed a ball and wrapped the demon clan in. He could not feel a trace of wind outside, but the demon clan in the sphere was cut by thousands of wind blades.


Lin Xunxiao stabbed the sphere with a sword, and the ball that was still rotating steadily became quickly disordered after the sword was pierced.


I heard a huge explosion there. After the wind gradually slowed down, I looked at the air and saw a bloody demon standing there, with a pair of wings fragmented, and his whole body was scratched by the wind blade.

"Next, this sword will take your head."

Lin Xunyi walked step by step to the demon clan, and the energy of wind attributes flowed on the blade in his hand from time to time.

"Even if you die, I want you to put your back."

The demon man surged up all his energy and rushed to Lin Xunsiao. After trying to catch the latter, he blew himself up, but he saw that Lin Xunsiao's footsteps and avoided the attack of the other party.

"How is that possible?" The other party didn't understand how Lin Xunyi escaped.

While the other party was puzzled, Lin Xunxiao's two swords pierced directly through the wound of the other party's shoulder blades, and the long sword directly penetrated the other party's body.

"Puff, Puff•••••••"

The other party spit out a few mouthfuls of blood and looked at Lin Xunxiao in disbelief. The energy in his body exploded and deployed, and the breath gradually disappeared until there was no breath. When Lin Xunxiao pulled out the two swords, a soul floated out of his body. The moment he came out, he saw the soul immediately pounce on Lin Xunxiao.

"I also know this kind of thing."

I saw Lin Xunxiao cut out with a sword, and the sword spirit attacked the soul, and then the anger sank Dantian, with a long roar.

With the sound of wind in the long roar, it fell on the soul. The soul was illusory, and then fell into the crowd and disappeared.

Lin Xunyi said in surprise, "I actually let him run away."

Just when Lin Xunyo was surprised, the demon woman in the distance saw this scene and immediately stopped moving forward.

"Go fast."

Xiao Qianshang shouted loudly at the people watching the bustle. Suddenly, the team that had just slowed down began to rush to the city.