lost killing

Chapter 282 Chaos Dragon Island

When the blade was about to fall on Yu Fei's neck, a huge roar suddenly came from the air. The whole island trembled after this sound. The blade that cut to Yufei also lost its accuracy under a huge vibration. A sword cut to the ground, and the blade pierced the ground fiercely.

"Good opportunity." Chen Feng didn't care how the loud roar appeared. In short, it was a good opportunity to rush in the wrong direction.

"Looking for death, you are offending the majesty of the dragon clan." Seeing Chen Feng coming, the dragon god of war immediately got up and punched Chen Feng without fancy.

Where the fist passed, the air was pressed layer by layer, and then the void cracks appeared around its fist wind.

"Oh, the magic dust is you."

Just as the fist collided with Chenfeng's weapon, there was a roar in the air and scolded from time to time.

"I didn't expect that I was still alive, Long Tianao."

"Today, you actually entered the territory of my dragon clan. It seems that you don't plan to go back."

"Ha ha ha, I'm here to take over your position as patriarch."

"Presumptuous, you magic dragon still dare to be rampant here and wait for me to teach you a lesson for the patriarch."

The people on the island don't know who is in the air, and they can't see where those guys are talking.

"Is it above the wind?"

Chen Feng suddenly remembered that when the reserve soldier fought against the demon god, the two met to fight on the nine days. Now when he heard this sound, Chen Feng immediately thought of that possibility.

"He smells like a demon clan. He is a demon clan."

Chenfeng's sickle is made of the magic dragon skeleton, and the breath on it cannot be removed unless it is burned out.

I don't know who roared, and everyone's eyes fell on Chen Feng. Then, the group of dragon people rushed to Chen Feng. All the king-level guards and some holy realm-level also quickly participated in the war. The god of war level did not intend to stand by. Chen Feng and Chen Feng fell into a dilemma, not only There are a large number of dragons, and even their strength suppresses the two.


At this moment, a huge shadow fell down and fell fiercely into the crowd, and several weak people were directly crushed to death by the shadow on the spot.

"It's up to you to talk to me."

There was a loud roar in the air, as if laughing at this overpowerful guy.

Waiting for the dust to disperse, it appeared in the eyes of a tiger's hyena tail, a python-like figure, covered with fish scales, two horns of horned deer on its head, and four beasts like eagle claws.

"This is the dragon clan, the dragon clan."

Chen Feng and the two were also shocked when they saw the beast in front of them, which was ten feet long.

Unlike the shock of Chen Feng and Yi Feng, those dragon people immediately knelt down after seeing the beast.

"It's important to save people."

Chen Feng suddenly remembered that he still had to save Yu Fei. Seeing the appearance of those dragon people was a good opportunity to save Yu Fei.


Chen Feng flashed out, and the sickle in his hand cut off one knife. The blade of the sickle quickly cut off a chain, and then three times, five times to two, cutting off the chains that were not wrapped around his body one by one.

"Master Chen Feng."

"Let's leave here first."

"Where do you want to go?" Before Chen Feng took a few steps, he saw several dragon people in front of him, and the surging breath on his body showed the strength of these gods of war.

And just as several God of War-levels were ready to do it, a dark shadow fell down and kept rolling in the air, getting bigger and bigger. The powerful breath suppressed the people below. As people could see what it was, they all looked at the shadow in consternation.

The shadow is that two beasts bite each other and constantly attack each other. In the eyes of everyone, the two beasts fell to the ground fiercely together.

"Boom, boom."

Two huge sounds came from the two deep pits, and did not wait for the dust to fall. The two shadows pounced on each other again, entangled, and the sound of body impact could make some weak people bleed.

"Retire quickly from the Dragon Slayer." A dragon man shouted with all his strength to suppress the sound of the impact.

Every time the two beasts hit, the energy of heaven and earth will fluctuate. The island is constantly trembling like an earthquake. Many houses are also destroyed in this fight, and the sea around the island also produces huge waves under the battle between the two beasts.

"Oh, I didn't expect that after so many years, Long Tianao's strength still hasn't improved. I thought your strength would be better."

"You are the same, Mochen. You were so seriously injured that you could still survive. Your life was really hard. If I had known that you could still survive, I would have gone up to make up for it."

The two fighting beasts in the field are the same as the beast that began to fall down, and its opponent is a dragon with wings.

Chen Feng also knows that the battle between the two races began after the Lich War. Of course, these history is also recorded in the "Martial Arts". The history of the continent is divided into three stages. The first stage is that the witch and the demons are the two major races on the mainland. Finally, there was the Lich War. The losses were tragic, and the human race flourished, and the witch clan finally became the blood clan, the spirit clan and the soul clan. The three races, the dragon clan and the demon dragon clan, also branched out from the demon clan. So at that time, there were eight races on the mainland: dragon clan, demon dragon clan, demon clan, demon clan, blood clan, spirit clan, soul clan and human race.

The human race is the weakest in it, but after the first stage, there was an endless war between the major races, during which there were various cultivation methods. Finally, it was the famous battle of the gods. How many gods fell to end the war. This is the second stage. History.

The history of the third stage begins with the war. After the war of the gods on the mainland, it has been depressed for many years. One day, the war inexplicably began, forming several major forces on the mainland.

The hatred between the dragon clan and the demon dragon clan should have been concluded when it was still in the demon clan. So far, it has not been resolved. Moreover, the more confused accounts are piled up, the deeper the hatred is.

I don't know when the demon clan came in. With the combination of the demon clan, the dragon clan felt that the pressure increased sharply, so they used the blood of the dragon clan to make the first batch of dragon people in the human race. In this way, the hatred of the four races continued to accumulate in history.

The whole dragon-killing platform was destroyed by the fight between two beasts. If Chen Feng and Yi Feng hadn't seen the dragon-killing platform, they would not have imagined the appearance of the dragon-killing platform.

"Let's go." The three looked at it for a while, and Chen Feng reacted first. When the dragon people looked at the battlefield, he said to the two. After saying that, he took the lead and ran out. As long as he got to the seaside, he immediately threw out the boat in the ring and left here.

"Where to go, stop." As soon as Chen Feng and the three of them started, the dragon people saw it.

"Catch them."

The whole island was confused in the fight between the two beasts. Some people watched the fight between the two beasts with relish, and some chased Chen Feng and others.


Yi Feng held a sword, and each sword accurately blocked the incoming spear and halberd.

The dragons are constantly surrounded by Yi Feng's sword spirit. Yi Feng's sword is a sword that goes forward bravely, a sword that looks back at death, and a sword that thirsts for killing. The sword spirit swallows dozens of inches, making those weak dragons be cut by Yi Feng before they come into contact with Yi Feng.

I saw many dragon people blocking the road and not rushing, trying to delay the pace of Chen Feng and others.

Chen Feng felt the strong man at the god of war who had seen here not far away. Because the dragon people were very confident in their own strength, they were blindly arrogant. Those gods of war who saw the battlefield on Chen Feng's side were just a god of war.

The rest of the people looked at the two beasts in the fight, and some wanted to enter and help. However, the energy provoked made those gods of war stop outside the battlefield and dare not step into the battlefield at will.

As soon as Chen Feng saw that there was a God of War coming this way, he was eager and shouted, "Hundreds of flowers bloom."

As the sound of the wind fell, hundreds of black flowers attacked the dragon people.