lost killing

Chapter 315 The Last Wish of the God of Light

At the time of his presence, the god of light felt the energy contained in the colorful energy blade. He was terrmented and knew that he had just been careless. He didn't expect that this colorful energy was so lethal.

But it's too late to avoid it. The god of light can only watch the colorful energy get closer and closer.


After the colorful energy hit the god of light, the god of light remembered such a move, which he had seen before.

"It's the remnants of Wuzong."

When several gods around him heard this sentence, their whole body trembled, which was enough to show the reputation of Wuzong in those years. It has been thousands of years on the mainland, and the relics of Wuzong have gradually disappeared in the long river of time.

The moment the voice of the god of light fell, the energy blade fell on the body, and there was no time to react at all. The god of light felt a violent breath flowing in his body.

Chen Tianyou is the strongest. After the energy blade cut to the god of light, he immediately felt a trace of danger, but he did not know where the danger came from. However, the higher the strength of the god, the higher the accuracy of the induction.

"Hide quickly."

After saying that, he pulled Yueshen and hurriedly retreated to the rear. The rest of the gods saw Chen Tianyou's behavior and thought for a moment and wanted to follow Chen Tianyou back. However, in a slow time, the rest of the gods' bodies could not move.

"Since you, p••••••"

Before saying a word, the God of Light spewed out a mouthful of blood. If you look closely at the body of the God of Light, you will see the clue.

After the god of light was cut by the energy blade, the energy of the whole body became disordered. The situation is no different from the self-explosion. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the god of light now controls everything in the divine world. If the god of light explodes, the gods present can't avoid the fall. The end.

"You, okay, today, I'll ask you to come to the funeral."

After the last word was spit out from the mouth of the god of light, the god of light suddenly burst into light, and the whole divine world also bloomed with bright light.

After that blow, the God of Light no longer has the ability to bring the divine world to the mainland.

Just when everyone thought that the God of Light was going to explode to end the divine world, a word from the God of Light sent the gods into the ice cave.

"I am the light, and when the thunderstorm clouds move, the light is injected into it, for the thunderstorm of the heart."

"Everyone in the world wants to become a god, and they must survive my disaster, otherwise they will fall into the land of nine secluded forever."

"Now, I swear as the Lord of the divine world that there will be no gods between heaven and earth, and you are just immortals with a title."

These words were shouted by the God of Light with all his strength. After shouting, the voice reverberated in the divine world for a long time.

"Cough, you can't see the future situation. Now I'll tell you that there is no longer a divine world on this continent. Hahahaha, ..."

After a mouthful of blood spewed out, the god of light's whole face suddenly changed, and his whole body began to tremble, which was getting bigger and bigger.


A loud noise resounded through the fairyland. In the eyes of Chen Feng and others, the dark curtain on the sky collapsed little by little, and the energy began to become violent, and the light between heaven and earth was blocked by this energy.

People on the Dragon Continent can no longer see the sun, and the whole continent is in panic and chaos.


"Save us quickly."

There are sounds for help everywhere in the divine world. The god of light is not a person's self-explosion, but a self-explosion that pulls the whole divine world.

After the self-exploding of the god of light, the energy of heaven and earth continued to rage, destroying everything in the divine world and mourning everywhere in the divine world.

"Is the crisis resolved?"

Chen Feng looked at the dark ball above the sky and began to crack, and there were constantly broken fragments falling.


With a loud noise, the whole fairyland sank violently. Even people on the mainland felt their chest tightening, and some weak houses fell to the ground.

A void appeared in the place where the divine world exploded, constantly devouring the fragments produced by the explosion.

In the place where people can't see, the resentment of the god of light entered the clouds.

"Look, it's raining in the sky."

After this shout, many people raised their heads and looked at the sky, only to see the fire and rain falling from the sky.

The continent suffered an unprecedented disaster. The dust from the explosion covered the sky of the whole continent and fairyland, and everything was dark.

Many broken fragments hit the city. All the cities visited by the fragments have become history. No one can survive, and even the city has turned into ashes.

Some lakes and rivers are filled with fallen fragments, and those fragments continue to fly down. You should know that the divine world is much higher than the mainland. Some of them are sucked into the void, some fall into the fairyland, and some fall through the void to the earth.

The whole continent has completely become a land of catastrophe, even recorded in the history books of the Dragon Continent in the future.


The Tiger God looked up at the sky. In his eyes, a sea of fire kept rolling in the air. Pending his reaction, he saw stones with flames falling quickly.

"No, God is angry."

The tiger god quickly shouted, and all the demons began to hide deep into the mountains, but all this was useless. The fast-down flame stone kept hitting the mountains.

The rumbling sound kept coming, and the sound kept coming from the mountains. The surrounding mountains were immediately attacked by the firestones falling from the sky, and the whole outside mountains became desolate.

The western sea was also helplessly smashed under the gravel. Although the fragments of the explosion of the whole divine world have spread to the whole continent, the most serious places are still in the west and north.

In this disaster, the whole landscape has changed. The gathering place where the demons gather in the west keeps falling flint, but after the coastal city falls, mountains gradually formed. The mountains in the north continue to fall in the flint, and the area of the mountain forest plummets, losing at least one-third of the mountain forest. The land, before the mountains and forests, turned into the Gobi, and the broken goodwill was still left there. At least half of the demons died in this disaster, and they could not afford to turn over the waves.

The demon clan in the west is originally a flat river, facing the sea. This time, the whole west is directly separated from the sea, and the mountains and forests piled up are constantly raised and expanded.

Chen Feng and others can't see the changes on the mainland at all. In their eyes, the fairyland is constantly changing like the mainland.

Because the divine world is above the fairyland, and the place where the divine world exploded is located in the northwest, there is not much difference between the landform of the fairyland and the landform on the continent. The only difference is the thinness and richness of the energy of heaven and earth.

In this explosion of the divine world, none of the gods present escaped, and even Chen Tianyou was buried in the explosion of the divine world. The last step of the god of light was to circle all the gods and die together.


The explosions in the sky kept ringing, debris, and fire and rain kept falling.

"It's been three days and it's still falling. The area of this divine world is too large. I don't know if the door of promotion has been damaged."

Wu Lao quickly took the lead in running to the gate of the fairyland. If the door of the fairyland is damaged, these people can only stay in the fairyland. The void resilience of the fairyland is many times higher than that of the lower world, and it can't be torn apart casually.

Chen Feng's move was Wuzong Zhenzong's martial arts skills, destroying the gods. This move directly destroyed the whole divine world. Although it was not Chen Feng, it directly killed the god of light. I'm afraid that even the god of light did not expect that it was Wuzong's martial arts that had been destroyed by himself before.

When everyone arrived at the gate of the fairyland, they found that the gate of the fairyland had been destroyed under the attack of explosion and falling stones, and the broken fragments were scattered in the air.

"What can I do?"

Mu Su looked at the fiery fairyland, and now a group of people are trapped in the fairyland and can't retreat.

"You protect the law for me, and I will rest for a while."

After Chen Feng was comforted by everyone, he immediately sat down and kept searching for what Chen Tianyou left in his mind.

There is Chen Tianyou's cultivation experience, and there is also part of Chen Tianyou's energy.

"I found it."

After Chen Feng closed his eyes and practiced for three days, Chen Feng found the black fog in his mind, which was exactly what Chen Feng needed.

And the people around Chen Feng were covered with scars all over their bodies, and the falling stones in the sky had no idea of stopping at all.

"Why hasn't he woken up yet? Let's get out of here as soon as possible. What can he do to help us?"

When Chen Feng cut out his color ability, these talents were promoted and did not know Chen Feng's feat at all. Moreover, in their eyes, Chen Feng was the weakest one among Mu Su, Xiao Qianshang and others. They did not believe in Chen Feng's ability at all.

"Let's go, leave them alone."

"Let's go."

"You." Xiao Qianshang saw that those people were about to leave and was about to persuade them, but he was pulled by Musul.

"They are going, just let them go."

"Let's talk less, because the flint is flying." Mr. Wu looked intently at the flying firestones in the sky and was also looking forward to the wind to wake up soon.

"I am the light. When the thunder cloud moves, the light is injected into it and the heart is thunder."

"Everyone in the world wants to become a god, and they must survive my disaster, otherwise they will fall into the land of nine secluded forever."

"Now, I swear as the Lord of the divine world that there will be no gods between heaven and earth, and you are just immortals with a title."

This sound also resounded on the Dragon Continent. The firestone kept falling from the void, and the voice of the god of light was constantly spreading. The whole continent knew who was the maker of this catastrophe.