lost killing

Chapter 317 Return to the Dragon Continent

When Chen Feng saw this, he was shocked and suddenly thought of what he was looking for. He quickly calmed down and began to look for Chen Tianyou's cultivation experience. This is the most important thing Chen Feng's top priority, but he just saw the actions of the God of Light.

"I'm afraid this memory is mixed with the memory of the god of time. My father was sealed in the demon hall when the god of light did not launch the killing on the mainland."

Thinking of the details of the memory, including yes, killing the dragon patriarch and the god of time, Chen Feng guessed in his heart that part of the things in this memory belonged to the god of time.

When it comes to the god of time, Chen Feng felt sad and sympathized with him. He and the patriarch of the dragon clan have been used as a gunman. In the end, the dragon patriarch fell, but the god of time escaped the fall due to the particularity of his own cultivation, but had to hide in the demon hall to escape the pursuit of the god of light.

Chen Feng immediately put aside this memory and began to look for Chen Tianyou's memory of the fairyland.

Chen Tianyou mixed with the memory of the god of time, and it took Chen Feng a very long time to find that memory.

The Lord of the Fairyland is a gifted guy. He is a great god of the witch clan. After he was promoted to god, he began to explore the mystery of the formation of the world.

In the following years, he explored the composition of the small world in his body. He was the first god to constitute a small world in his body. In that era, he was called the "god of space" by the rest of the gods.

Then he formed the fairyland and constantly moved the inhabitants of the continent into his own world.

This method of cultivation gradually spread, and then there is a method of cultivation in the future.

That world was placed on the wind by the lord of the fairyland. In the nine heavens, it was later called the "fairy world".

At this point, he is not satisfied. The god of light and he are generally very similar. The lord of the fairyland came up with an idea to include the practitioners in the world in his own fairyland.

So, 90% of the rare metals on the continent were taken out and a gate was created in the fairyland, which is called the "gate of the fairyland".

The "Gate of the Fairyland" is prepared for those who have been promoted. As long as they attract the attention of the thunderstorm at the time of promotion, as long as they pass the thunderstorm safely, they will be felt by this gate and forcibly absorb people in. Once they are sucked, they will enter the fairyland and be called a member of the fairyland.

"It's enough to find the 'Gate of the Fairyland'."

When Chen Feng saw this memory, he immediately had an idea and wanted to return to the mainland. Only the retrograde "Gate of Fairyland" could go back.

Two empty-breaking sounds clearly resounded in Mu Su and Xiao Qianshang's ears, and two black flames spewed out of Chen Feng's eyes.

"Brother Chen Feng, are you awake?"

"Brother Chen?"

"I think we can get out of here as soon as possible." Chen Feng just turned his head and looked around and found that there were a few fewer people, "Why are there fewer people?"

"After you sat down to adjust your breath, they left."

"How long have I used it?"

"It's been more than half a month."

Chen Feng looked up at the sky. There were still burning clouds above the sky, and the falling stones were still falling.

"This hasn't stopped?"

Chen Feng saw the scars of Mu Su, Wu Lao and Xiao Qianshang's whole body and the mountains piled up around him, and his understanding of the divine world has once again improved. Now Chen Feng's heart can no longer describe the divine world in words.

"Come with me." Chen Feng saw the flime falling in the air and took the lead to the westernmost part of the fairyland, where the door of the fairyland stood.

Mu Su and Xiao Qianshang saw Chen Feng get up and run away and follow closely.

Along the way, they kept dodging the falling gravel from the sky, and the four people did not know that the Dragon Continent had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"The gate of the fairyland is in the westernmost part of the fairyland. It is built by the lord of the fairyland. The lord of the fairyland is also influenced by previous thoughts and put the gate of the fairyland in the westernmost part. The gate of the fairyland is the easiest way to break through the void and enter the fairyland."

Chen Feng talked about the situation of the lord of the fairyland while trying to run to the west. The whole fairyland has become completely different. Under the falling stones caused by the explosion of the divine world, the landform is no longer as flat as before, and all kinds of landforms have appeared.

In the fairyland, it is much more difficult to cut open the void than on the mainland.

Even Chen Feng is not sure that he can cut open the void. Of course, if he uses the last move of the three cuts, the void of the fairyland will be easily cut open, but Chen Feng knows in his heart that if the cut has just now hurt his meridians, and then cuts out another knife, the meridians in his body may be broken.

Worried about such a reason, Chen Feng did not dare to use that move at will and decided to find the door of the fairyland first.

It took four people three months to reach the westernmost part of the fairyland.

The falling stones in the sky actually lasted for three months. When the four people arrived in the west, the flames above the sky gradually dissipated, and it took three months to complete the fragments generated by the explosion of the divine world.

"Where is the gate of the fairyland?"

Musu looked at a twisted space in front of him, and there were still some fragments floating on the edge of the space.

"The gate of the fairyland was actually destroyed."

When Chen Feng saw this scene, the distorted space in front of him and the fragments in the space showed that there used to be a door here.

The gate of the fairyland was destroyed and smashed by the falling stones caused by the explosion, and the space law of the whole gate of the fairyland gushed out like this.

"What should I do about this?"

How did Chen Feng know that he had worked so hard to come here, but he found that the door of the fairyland had been destroyed.

"Wait, this void is unstable, and we can cut through this void."

Xiao Qianshang felt the void. Because the void is the leading door generated by the gate of the fairyland, it has the power of space. Even if the gate of the fairyland is destroyed, the void still exists.

"Attack hard together."


The four people made a move together, and suddenly saw that the void began to crack, and a burst of energy kept pulling in.

"Let's go." Mu Su did not talk nonsense. Even if it was a sea of knives and fire, it was duty-bound to take a step and his figure into the void.

"Let's go, too."

Chen Feng knew that this was the only opportunity for them to leave the fairyland and take the lead in entering the void, followed by Xiao Qianshang and Wu Lao.

After entering the void, there was starlight and darkness in front of him. Mu Su opened the way in front of him, and the four people moved so fast. Just as Chen Feng felt a trace of light, the three people fell out of the void.

Four people lay on the ground and looked at the flame-like clouds floating in the air. The ground was full of potholes and black smoke.

"Are we still in the fairyland?"

Musu looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, no different from the fairyland, but the energy was thinner.

"I don't think it's fairyland." Looking along Xiao Qianshang's fingers, a team of people moved little by little not far away.

"If you look at it this way, this should be the Dragon Age Continent, but why did it end up like this?"

Several people were full of puzzles, and they could only speed up one step and catch up with the team to inquire.

"Grandpa, where are you going?"

"There is a relief place not far ahead, and we homeless people have to take refuge somewhere."

"Yes, this time the sky was angry and lowered the flame for three months, and few places in the whole continent are complete."

"Many people were also killed and injured on the mainland. According to what I heard, at least four people on the mainland died in this disaster."

"Yes, yes, I was working in the field that day, and such a big stone fell in front of me." A woman also stroked the volume of the stone. "The stone still carried flames. At that time, I was almost scared to death."

Chen Feng learned about the current situation on the mainland in the words of these people.

"I didn't expect that the mainland would suffer such a disaster. I thought only the fairyland had been impacted." Mu Su looked at the fleeing crowd in front of him, which was more miserable than the fleeing crowds that Musu had experienced.

"It seems that the void is the place that connects all places, such as the fairyland, the divine world, and Jiuyou, all of which have something to do with the void."

"These worlds are like fish. The void is water, and the water wraps the fish. If you want to go from this place to another place, you will be led by the things that world, such as the 'Gate of the Fairyland', or you have to cut open the void and pass through the void." Mu Su said immediately after Chen Feng's words.

"Whose territory does this belong to?"

Chen Feng looked at the wrong place and asked Xiao Qianshang, how Xiao Qianshang was also the commander of the mercenary regiment. This geography is still clear.

"Ha ha, this has become like this. How can I know what it looked like? Brother Chen Feng, don't embarrass me. Let's ask these refugees."

After asking the refugees, I knew that this was actually the water curtain of time, that is, the territory of good times.

Looking around, there is no shadow of the past. Some of them are just desolate. I don't know when the former mountains will be destroyed, and a Gobi is displayed in front of Chen Feng and others.

"It seems that Luoyunfeng and my Temple of War no longer exist." Mu Su looked at the scene in front of him and had no hope for his own power and Yun Shang's power.

"Brother Chen Feng, let's hurry to Nanze. My Yanshang City and two sisters-in-law are there."

Chen Feng originally planned to turn around to see what the mainland had become, but he was splashed with cold water by Xiao Qianshang.

"Yes, let's go to Nanze first. I don't know what you plan to do, Lord Mu?"

"I'll take a look at Luoyunfeng and the Temple of War first. There should be someone else to save it."

"Let's say goodbye and talk about it when we have time."

"Then we will talk about it in the fairyland, right?"

"Ha ha ha, that's right, it seems that Mu City Lord also felt it."



After saying that, Musu stepped out one step and floated far away.