Master of Flowers

Chapter 55 said! Where is Zhang Mao?

Beichen is a clothing design company run by Liu Xuefei. When Qin Wu arrived in a hurry, he inexplicably received a strange text message.

I've dealt with the matter for you. I'm in the western suburbs, and your aunt is fine. Is it time to owe me more now - a strange number without any signature. Qin Wu's mind turned around a little, and he had guessed who it was.

People who are smart generally think that others are fools. Anyway, Qin Wu didn't say that he owed her a favor. Fools do stupid things blindly, and Qin Wu is just a smart person.

The cold and warm world is very strange. Sometimes, favors can't be owed.

The western suburbs belong to a remote area. More than a dozen hoodlums were knocked unconscious and tied to every tree. Since someone is willing to help, Qin Wu is naturally happy. In fact, he was still slightly grateful, because without her help, maybe her aunt would have happened at this moment. I just dispelled this grateful thought when I thought that the other party might approach me with a purpose.

fainted and fainted. There are many ways to wake it up.

When he was in Wujin Continent, Qin Wu knew the method of acupuncture points. A few strokes on everyone's body like a phantom like a wind. Soon, everyone shook their heads and slowly woke up. However, I was a little active just now, but I didn't expect that my body was restricted. They only vaguely remember that they were planning to rush into Beichen Company at that time, and then a woman appeared and knocked them all unconscious. Now they are tied up, and no matter how stupid they are, they know what's going on. Dare to be subdued by others before carrying out the target task.

"Who are you?" The squir man asked with a wary face.

"I am your benefactor and your enemy." Qin Wu glanced at them, but did not find Zhang Mao's figure. Obviously, the cunning guy left his partner and didn't participate in it at all.

Hearing this, everyone was obviously stunned. They have no choice but to be bastards. After studying for several years, they have learned nothing. How can they understand profound words?

"Ky, if you have any bullshit, just say it directly. Don't make it like that peacock. If you are full of mouths, please give us a big circle." The fat-headed and tough man is obviously a quick-tempered man with a bad temper.

"You don't seem to have seen the situation yet. Believe it or not, I can pinch you to death with my fingers." Qin Wu looked at him contemptuously and made a gesture of squeezing his palm into a fist.

Several hoodlums looked at each other and seemed to face the truth. Although the other party is just a boy and is not enough to be afraid, the key problem is that he and others are still tied up. To put it bluntly, he is a prisoner. But the strong man didn't think so and shouted, "Arrogant boy, you have the guts to let your grandfather go. Grandpa, I have to beat you so much that you can't get up and kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Gone you? Are you an idiot? But even if I let you go, I can easily pinch you to death!" Qin Wu looked at him with a sarcastic face.

At this time, everyone expressed disbelief and thought that Qin Wu was talking big. Because the gap between the two is too big, little white face vs strong man? This seems to be the first time I have seen something new.

"Hahaha..." The strong man laughed loudly, "Kid, do you have the courage to let me go?"

Qin Wu ignored him, turned his back to them and said to himself, "You seem to have forgotten how you came here?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a moment, and the spleen man said calmly, "It's your people who knocked us unconscious and tied us here?"

"First of all, I am kind to you because I woke you up. Secondly, the reason why we are enemies is that you have made an irreparable mistake. At this point, Qin Wu's voice suddenly became colder and colder. The chilly eyes seemed to have a sense of death that made people fall into the ice cellar.

They can't imagine why the little man who was gentle and kind just now changed so quickly and brought them an invisible pressure. They are not ordinary gangsters, they are madmen and kidnappers. Everyone has at least one life on their back. They have been living the life of licking blood on the tip of the knife, and even death can survive. What else can scare them? The head fell off, and the big scar of the bowl was gone. But they are also human beings, and they all want to live.

"say! Where is Zhang Maoren?" Qin Wu suddenly roared, and everyone was stunned in an instant and even raised their hearts.

"Brother Mao?"

Everyone was stunned. Zhang Mao was their main brother, but now it was missed by everyone. They didn't react until Qin Wu mentioned it now.

"Bah, Brother Mao's name is also what your little white face can call?" The bearded man scolded.

"Well, you are really righteous. That bastard left you all and ran away by himself. I didn't expect you to defend him like this. Qin Wu looked at him and sneered.

"This is impossible! Brother Mao is not such a person. Someone decisively denied it.

Zhang Mao's prestige among their group is extremely high.

"So do you see him now?" Qin Wu asked as if nothing had happened, "If you think that Zhang Mao's mobile phone is turned on, then you can call him, and I can untie the rope of one of you."

They did not see Zhang Mao himself. However, Qin Wu's words at this moment brought them hope. Several people inadvertently exchanged a trace of expression. Then, the strong man said carelessly, "Okay, I'll fight."

This subtle and hard-to-find situation was seen by Qin Wu. He didn't say anything, and the pebble that played between his fingers turned around.


In the blink of an eye, the pebble turned into an invisible wind. It is fast and invisible, but penetrating.


The rope of the strong man was easily cut off in this way.

Hmm - what's going on? Did the rope break by itself? It's weird!

The relieved strong man scratched his forehead in a daze, as if he didn't know why. He only felt a huge impact on his two arms, and then the ropes tied to him broke.

When he reacted at the first time, he did not choose to call Zhang Mao, but rushed to the seemingly weak Qin Wu with everyone's sustenance.

Oh! Poo! Poo!"

Two looming pebbles flew out at the same time. When he suddenly touched the strong man's knee acupoint. His hundreds of kilograms of body fell straight down. It can be seen that his legs are trembling and can't help shaking. The bright red blood slowly dyed his knees, and the corners of the strong man's mouth squirmed slightly. It could be seen that this was a painful moan!

The original playful and smiling faces suddenly changed, and their pupils suddenly contracted, as if there was indescribable panic. This time, they saw clearly and carefully. Originally, from their perception, this person was just a little white face, but they never expected that he was an unrecognized master. In an instant, Qin Wu's image became tall in their eyes, which was unshakable. Yes, they saw the great difference in strength with it.

"I never tell lies, but you don't want to choose to believe it!" Qin Wu said as if he despised all sentient beings.

What is the saddest person - a person who blindly chooses to trust but is unwilling to accept the facts. Don't wake up immediately until you are betrayed. Do you think that the other party hasn't used himself enough? In fact, they are just small people and poor people in today's society.

And sometimes, these trivial people are often needed to change the overall turnover. It is stupid people who are used by others and do not immediately wake up, and those who know how to use others are really smart people.

After half axiang, someone asked in a deep voice, "If we say it, will you let us go?"

"He Zi, your mother dares to tell the whereabouts of Brother Mao. You are a son of a bitch." At this time, the strong man roared and cursed.

"Well, you don't seem to understand what I said. You made a big mistake, so I can't let you go. If you have the ability, you should think about how to get out of trouble instead of begging your enemies. This is like what a strong man said to a group of weak people.

ps: Well, the contract is finally OK. For the first time, I asked for collection and red tickets. Thank you!