Master of Flowers

Chapter 84 Mutual Benefit!

Giving the opportunity to take action to others is equivalent to missing the best opportunity to win. Chu Tianxing's eyes were filled with a trace of solemnity that had never been seen before. He will wave all his strength without reservation. Because standing in front of him is a very powerful opponent.

Fast as the wind and stable as Mount Tai. What he played was a set of military boxing that was similar to Chu Haoran. It just looks a little cumbersome, but the moves are even more fierce. His set is the most advanced military boxing in the army, which ordinary soldiers can't reach at all.

Obviously, his boxing is sharper and more mature. Some soldiers have been sunken and infatuated at this moment, and their blood is boiling.

Just the next moment. The person they called the little white face also moved, which made them feel that they only felt a phantom floating in front of them.

Qin Wu did not punch. He directly jumped high and kicked out his legs quickly, just like Shaolin's twelve-way bullet legs. Chu Tianxing felt the great power of this leg. He took back the original punch in an instant and changed it to the posture of blocking his arms.



Each leg kicks Chu Tianxing's arm. Even the defensive block made his arm painful.

It was not until Qin Wu turned back and fell to the ground that Chu Tianxing squeaked his teeth in pain that he had a chance to slow down and take a breath.

The people who originally laughed at Qin Wu changed their views in an instant. Will the person who can force the chief to such a point be a white face? Even if it is a little white face, it is still a powerful little white face.

People who can fight with the chief are really not simple characters. They stared closely, because the confrontation of masters may inspire them unprecedentedly.

After Qin Wu landed, he flew over quickly. The body is flexible to the extreme, just like a dragon coming out of the water. The kicked leg cut through the surrounding air, like a mantis blade hidden in the dark. As soon as you seize the opportunity, give the other party a fatal blow! Chu Tianxing secretly said that he was not good and did not dare to take it. He quickly rolled on the ground.

But Qin Wu would not let him escape easily, with a contemptuous smile at the corners of his mouth. The unfallen leg stepped down on Chu Tianxing's body from top to bottom. This leg has been instilled with internal strength, and the strength has evaporated to the extreme. However, the speed is obviously slower. Chu Tianxing couldn't dodge and immediately rolled several times to the side. At this moment, his whole body is dirty and looks a little embarrassed.


Feds rise and fall. This moment is like the shaking of the sky. The cement floor had several deep cracks.

It's frightening that people can't see it. Chu Tianxing widened his eyes and wiped his cold sweat. Didn't you say that your men would show mercy? This is what you call mercy!

Gre mercy!

In fact, Qin Wu has just slowed down his speed more than twice, otherwise it will be difficult to fly with Chu Tianxing's strength. Becoming a corpse is the inevitable result.

When Chu Tianxing stood up, his clothes were messy and his hair was mixed with dirt. No one expected the chief to be so embarrassed.

He stared at Qin Wu angrily, as if there was an impulse to tear the other party into pieces.

Qin Wu didn't mean to retreat. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Shou Chu, you asked me to show mercy, but I didn't take action."

Hearing this, Chu Tianxing was stunned. Indeed, Qin Wu did not take action, but his feet.

This son of a bitch! He cursed in his heart. He was fooled like this for the first time in a high position.

"I not only show mercy, but also show mercy under my feet. Otherwise, do you think there is still a chance to survive at your speed? Qin Wu said coldly.

Chu Tianxing was shocked. After thinking about it, his expression suddenly changed greatly. He suddenly concluded that this was not his real strength! How powerful is this boy?

You can shake your son out if you don't make a move. This time, he completely believed it.

However, when you hear this, it is undoubtedly arrogant! They all looked at Qin Wu with some disdain, but under discipline, they could only curse a few words in their hearts.

"If it is a life-and-death struggle, not a competition. I have indeed become a dead person." Chu Tianxing said loudly. Although the voice was not very loud, everyone heard it clearly at this time.

If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to complain about. He was convinced that he lost this battle. I can't help reassessing Qin Wu in my heart!

His words vented the anger in the hearts of all the soldiers. Some people began to speculate about who Qin Wu was and what his identity was.

Father will lose, which has long been a fore. Chu Haoran didn't have much accident.

Everything continues.

crossed several floors and corridors to a room similar to an office. There is a red five-star red flag hanging at the highest point opposite the main gate. This is the national flag that symbolizes China.

"Mr. Qin, I think we can talk about a mutually beneficial deal." Only with real power can he be relieved. Chu Haoran sat down on the big seat by himself. I made a casual gesture.

"Oh, what a mutually beneficial method." Qin Wu's heart moved and asked with great interest. Without hesitation, he also found a vacant seat and sat down. This is also what he hopes to cooperate with the military. Because it can add a layer of protection to yourself and your family.

"Ha ha, since it is mutually beneficial, it is naturally beneficial to both of us." Chu Tianxing turned into harmony. People who usually don't smile, their faces look a little stiff when they smile.

"I think your profit will be greater than mine." Qin Wu said angrily.

"Listen to me." Chu Tianxing interrupted.

Qin Wu nodded and motioned him to continue.

"It should not be a problem for me to train a strong soldier with your strength. I need to use your strength to help me train a strong soldier now! A really strong soldier!" At this time, Chu Tianxing's face has returned to the seriousness of the past, "And you can directly belong to our military. As long as you don't make too much trouble, I can help you with some of the things you do outside. Moreover, I can send someone to secretly protect your family.

"Sounds very good. So I made money?" Qin Wuruo nodded thoughtfully.

"How much strength you have to succeed. You have this strength." Chu Tianxing said solemnly.

"But are you sure this is protection, not surveillance?" Qin Wu narrowed his eyes. This is the problem he pays most attention to.

"I will give my son to you. If it's surveillance, you can kill him directly." Chu Tianxing pretended to be indifferent. In the meantime, he gave a look to Chu Haoran beside him.

Qin Wu is not a fool. The other party forced his son to give him, obviously to let himself point it out. But he doesn't care about such a small thing. Since he handed over his son to himself, he was also relieved.

Turning around, Qin Wu looked at Chu Haoran and asked like a knife in a smile, "He followed me. Does everything have to listen to me?"

"Yes." Chu Tianxing said decisively.

"Good. I promised." Qin Wu said refreshingly. However, you can't give me a soldier. Otherwise, wouldn't I have trained them to death and not be able to train strong soldiers?

"This is natural." Chu Tianxing affirmed, "I remember you two are classmates in the same school. Qin Wu, right? I'll call you Xiaowu in the future - you can also call me uncle. This doesn't seem too strange."

"Okay, Uncle Chu." Since he is a person who is beneficial to himself, Qin Wu will definitely not be stingy with a name.

Chu Tianxing still praised Qin Wu and nodded and said, "Xiaowu, do you want to see that team of soldiers first now?"

Qin Wu took out his mobile phone to look at the time and refused, "It's late. I have to go back now." If nothing happens tomorrow, I will come over."

"All right." Chu Tianxing did not mean to force him. After all, Qin Wu is a rare talent. For him and for the country, it is an immeasurable human resource.

Chu Tianxing directly sent a military vehicle to escort Qin Wu and Chu Haoran back. The driver is still the soldier with the big nose. But at this moment, his attitude towards Qin Wu has changed dramatically. Because he was also seeing the confrontation between the two just now.

"You have to listen to me now, right?" Qin Wu asked in the car.

"I will listen to you in everything." Chu Haoran said with a serious face.

"Then help me kill Lin Canghai."


The big-nosed driver shook his hand, and the jeep almost hit the telephone pole on the roadside.