Master of Flowers

Chapter 122 Threat!

Seeing the man's anxious appearance, Qin Hong comforted, "Don't worry, whether it's Qin Feng's feed problem or not, we will compensate these eight million."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was extremely surprised!

The death of aquatic fish is not a problem of Qin Feng's feed, and he is also willing to compensate eight million yuan - the company thinks that there is too much money, or there is something wrong with the chairman's head. Everyone guessed so.

The man seemed to be at ease when he heard the news.

"Can you take us to see the fish ponds that feed Qin Feng's feed residues and large areas of dead fish?" Qin Hong smiled and asked.

"Okay." The woman immediately nodded. Turn around and walk to a fish pond.

Qin Hong and others followed closely, and the group of farmers gathered began to follow and leave tomorrow night.

Soon, everyone came to a fish pond. From the surface, there is no abnormality except for the fish turning over and helping up.

Qin Hong squatted down and picked up some residual pellets that had been blown by the wind and soaked for a long time in the fish pond. Spreading the particles in the palm of his hand, he lowered his head and turned his nose sideways and smelled the smell. Then he frowned slightly and came to a conclusion for a long time, saying, "There is nothing change except that the smell has faded. In my opinion, the smell faded because it has been soaked in water for a long time.

"So that's not a problem with Qin Feng's feed?" The thin man stood up and asked.

"It shouldn't be a feed problem." Qin Hong said righteously.

"What's the problem - our fish died on a large scale after eating Qin Feng's feed." Some people hold their own opinion, "There is no problem with the Hengxing feed eaten by the families in the east and the Haibei feed eaten by the western households. The production of fish caught last time was double that of last year.

"Agen, we no longer eat Qin Feng's feed now---- isn't there a large-scale death today?" The woman named Afang retorted.

For a while, the thin man was speechless.

What the problem is, in fact, they don't know.

At first, it was unanimously determined that it was Qin Feng's feed problem, but now they were not sure.

If you don't eat fish feed, the fish will still die---- that only shows that the death of fish is unlikely to be the problem of Qin Feng's feed.

Qin Wu watched this scene quietly from beginning to end without saying anything.

The Wang Dashan who had followed him exchanged a tacit look with each other. Signal-----start to do it!

It's easier to get it in chaos. Several people began to attack in several different directions. Wang Dashan's speed is quite fast. It can be said that the sword is not old, and he shuttles through the crowd. He is taking out a three- or five centimeter knife from his waist. People who did not react suddenly were stunned, and then Qin Hong had been clasped by him. The silver knife waved in his hand, suddenly, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark at any time to give a fatal blow.

Qi Xian blocked Chen Qiang's way, and Ke Yunxia and Li Shengsheng also caught Qin Wu's way on both sides.

"Qin Dong!" Chen Qiang shouted urgently, but it was too late.

"Haha-----Qin Hong, aren't you the chairman of Qinfeng Group? It's amazing, isn't it? It also withdrew our position. Now your life is in my hands." Wang Dashan, who took Qin Hong as a hostage, suddenly laughed.

Everyone was scared by this sudden scene, and those people involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

To put it bluntly, they are just ordinary people, and they have never seen the scene of kidnapping. What's more, the other party still has a knife in his hand.

"Xiaowu!" Qin Hong couldn't help shouting anxiously as his son was hung around his neck with two knives. He is more worried about his son than himself.

"Dad, I'm fine." Qin Wu gave his father a peace of mind. Even if he was held by a knife, he still looked at home. Because it's easy to break free with his strength.

However, he is not in a hurry to do so. Qin Wu wanted to see what they had in mind. Maybe everything will come to light soon.

With Qin Hong's strength, he can't resist Wang Dashan. It can be imagined that the other party has enough strength and confidence.

"Everything before you did was acting?" Qin Hong was not a fool and soon noticed a clue.

"You just found out that it's too stupid." Wang Dashan said disdainfully, "Yes, everything we did before was acting. How about it? Our acting skills are not bad, right? Do you want to hold a press conference to let me take on everything and restore the company's reputation? Unless we are stupid--the policemen can't get out of the prison. If we listen to you stupidly, won't we be ruined for the rest of our lives?

"What the hell do you want to do?" From the words, everyone can know who is right and who is wrong. The 'Afang' woman immediately shouted.

"Bad March 8th, it's not your business - get out of here!" Wang Dashan cursed.

This is not the right person to say that the quality of the Chinese people is low.

"What did you say?" A strong man said angrily.

"Roll or not, my knife doesn't have long eyes!" Wang Dashan stared, and the knife shook in front of everyone.

The strong man immediately lost his voice.

"Tight be honest with you. I poisoned all your fish. Wang Dashan said, and all of them laughed.

"Take out all the cash and car keys." Then, he threatened Qin Hong.

Money--I'm afraid the money embezzled over the years will be an astronomical figure. So there is no shortage at all. However, if you sit still and wait for death, you will only have money and no life in the end. And the money will also be collected again.

It's better to start first. As long as you can escape, everything will be a bright beginning.

Hearing this, all the farmers looked angry. Someone roared, "So it's you - why did you kill our fish!"

"Why? If we don't harm your fish----how can we profit from it and embezzle profits? Wang Dashan snorted coldly.

"You wicked people, it turns out that all the masterminds are you, and they also blame Qin Feng's feed. You will die!" Afang roared heartbreakingly.

"Qin Feng's feed is the feed we believe in - Chairman Qin, we will save him." Someone shouted.

"Save it----Save it----!" Then most of them agreed.

At this time, they are united and united against the enemy. Instead of retreating, but moving forward.

When Wang Dashan and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but be anxious and threatened, "If you dare to come over, I will kill him!"

Son of a moment, they stopped and stood up for a leading representative. He suddenly said, "If you dare to hurt Qin Dong and one of them, I promise that none of you can leave. Because we will stop you and then call the police.

If the police come--they will really be finished.

There are not many people with knives. The only life charm now is the hostage at hand.

"You----- hand over the car keys!" Li Shengsheng put his knife on Qin Wu's neck and said harshly.

Later, he found that the voice and body trembled slightly - yes, he was afraid.

"Are you afraid?" At this moment, Qin Wu just smiled. Because this result is what he wants to see most.

They thought they had a secret plan, but in fact, they had already seen through it than Qin Wu. The reason why I don't do it is to wait for the best opportunity.

Now that he has waited, why does he still need to pretend to be hijacked?

"Less talk! Hurry up and turn the key!" Li Shengsheng was told the truth and couldn't help but be anxious. Because he doesn't want to die, he is eager to escape.