Master of Flowers

Chapter 137 Playing with guns, I'm an ancestor!

Qin Wu never regrets what he promised others. I didn't see the figure of Fu Wanjin, and I guess I have been pestering Gu Qingcheng. At this time, as a stand-in boyfriend, he should play a role.

Qin Wu did not intend to kill these five masters at the peak of the day after tomorrow. Because what he cares most about now is how to restore his internal strength -- to reintegrate the two veins blocked by tobacco poison.

However, he would like to check the magic smoke that restrained his internal strength. Qin Wu knew that if he hadn't cultivated a strong body, he would have been more or less lucky today.

Qin Wu took the hands of the two women and wanted to get out of the encirclement. Those armed police stared at them coldly, and the muzzle was like a poisonous snake, locking them tightly, as if to give them a fatal blow.

"You are not allowed to leave." These two girls are the main targets, and Ma Shaoqi and You Dongyuan are not willing to let them go easily.

"Reason." Qin Wu did not look back, but stopped.

"Because I suspect that you are a member of a terrorist organization, trying to carry out large-scale destruction here." Seeing the eyes of the two princes, the captain immediately met and said righteously.

The responsibility to fight terrorists is managed by the armed police squadron of the small branch. So why don't the people of the National Security Bureau just go home and sleep? This inevitably feels a little ridiculous.

"Are you the armed police?" Qiao Huanyao asked coldly.

"Lishui District Bureau Armed Police Squadron." The captain replied.

"Jinghai Lishui District Bureau, right? What about these two?" Qiao Huanyao nodded and asked.

"My father is the secretary of the municipal party committee of Jinghai City."

"My father is the mayor of Jinghai City."

When asked about their identity, they answered without hesitation.

At this time, Ye Keke muttered a few words to the black 'watch' worn on her wrist. He raised his head and said with a smile, "Sister Yaoyao----I have written it down. Someone will deal with them soon.

Her words stunned Ma Shaoqi, You Dongyuan and the captain. Is someone coming to deal with themselves and others? Isn't this joking? This is Jinghai City.

"We are implementing it in accordance with the law, please be sure to cooperate. With so many guns pointed at you, you can't escape. The captain said coldly.

Ye Keke curled her little mouth and smiled, "Sister Yaoyao--he's dead."

"It will end badly." Qiao Huanyao nodded.

The two women sang and sang and completely regarded his words as farting. The captain's face was pale, and the wrinkles on his face were deeply sunken at this moment, as if he had been deliberately cut off a few times.

You Dongyuan had an idea and thought about it and suddenly shouted angrily: "How can these two young beautiful women be terrorists? You have been the captain for a long time, aren't you?

The captain felt a cold sweat in his heart and said weakly, "Yes. I apologize to the two ladies - why don't you let the way go?

immediately, the armed policemen leaned closer to both sides and slightly gave way.

However, no one has gone out at this time.

Let Qiao Huanyao and Ye Keke go out? Qin Wu sneered from the bottom of his heart --- I'm afraid he was looking at their delicate appearance and plotting against them.

Ma Shaoqi and You Dongyuan looked at the eyes of the two women, and their eyes were full of a little greed and lust. Even if it is well covered up, it made Qin Wu notice this clue.

"Do you still regard me as a friend now?" Qin Wu asked the sky.

"Of course." The sky does not deny it.

"That's good----- we want to go out and blow up a bloody road for us." Qin Wu said lightly.


The armed police looked at each other and seemed to be a little anxious. After all, they are just armed police, not elites of special forces. Hearing the saying 'Blow up a bloody road', who can guarantee that it will not be blown up.

If they shoot, Qin Wu can guarantee that he will not be harmed, but he can't guarantee the safety of the two women.

"Okay. I'll count five, if you don't get out of the way. I'm going to pull the buckle." The sky gave them a chance.

"If you pull the buckle, you will definitely die." The captain is in a hurry.

There is no doubt that the power of

* is huge. If it's not good enough to flatten this large entertainment venue.

For a while among the armed police. Looking forward and backward, they seemed to be panicked.

"Five, four, three, two-" At this time, the sky has begun to count.

"Looking for death." In a hurry, You Dongyuan directly aimed at the eyebrow button plate in the sky and fired.

The bullet 'Peng' quickly crossed a straight motion trajectory.

"Ding-----rumbling-" The sky pulled down the buckle of '*', and there was a sound similar to an explosion.

Most people who heard the sound jumped directly to the ground. The sky took this opportunity to grab a rifle in the hand of an armed policeman and looked at the bullet fired unmoved. Suddenly, he aimed at the bullet that locked it and fired several shots in a row. There was the sound of 'dang' metal bullets. He grinned and said, "Playing with guns - I'm an ancestor."

Three consecutive bullets bounced back the original bullet in the opposite direction.

Forming four bullets in a straight line shuttle side by side.



The friction with the air sometimes makes a small sound.

Everyone reacted now. *Explosion? Why didn't it explode? After taking a look at the ground on the side, I found that it was just an imitation. After pulling off the buckle, it only emitted a slight wisp of smoke, which would not explode at all. What's more, no one will foolishly think that this * may be due to water immersion and damp.

You Dongyuan's eyes widened, because he could clearly see that the bullet was gradually approaching him.

Actually, there are four. However, due to the neat side by side, only one can be seen from a positive perspective.

When the bullet was fired at himself, he deeply felt the fear of death. You Dongyuan has always regarded killing others with a gun as a pleasure. However, he will never have this opportunity again.

God is fair. He will reward every good person and punish every bad person.

However, coincidentally, the armed policeman who had been thrown down happened to stand up and stood in front of him. Suddenly, several consecutive bullets shot into his eyebrows. The armed policeman's eyes widened, obviously he couldn't close his eyes. The blood hole carried out of the eyebrows continued to bleed, and the bright red blood couldn't stop flowing down and spreading to the cheeks and neck.

Blood red, blood red.

The two women have hidden behind Qin Wu and closed their eyes.

You Dongyuan, who originally thought he was bound to die, saw someone help him block him, but he didn't. Suddenly, I was overjoyed. However, he seems to be a little happy too early.


The back of the head of the armed police member was directly penetrated, and the remaining force of the last bullet directly hit the eyebrows of You Dongyuan.

"No-----" When he said the last word, his pupils had gradually begun to spread.

The two bodies of Peng fell to the ground almost at the same time.

Ma Shaoqi and the captain standing beside You Dongyuan were directly stunned by the sudden scene.