A different world painting god

About the classification of this book

Star Soul Master Level Division

Soul (one star - ten stars)

Soul Scholar (Eleven Stars - Twenty Stars)

Soul Master (21 stars - 30 stars)

The Great Soul Master (31 stars - 40 stars)

Soul Sect (41 stars - 50 stars)

Soul Master (51 stars - 60 stars)

Soul King (61 stars - 70 stars)

Soul Emperor (Seventy-80 stars)

Soul Saint (89 stars - 90 stars)

Soul Shadow (91 stars - 99 stars)

(To be continued)......

Star Soul Beast Level Division

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple

Red and Orange Star (Low-level Soul Beast) - (Soul Master)

Yellow and Green Star (Middle-level Soul Beast) - (Great Soul Master - Soul Master)

Blue and Blue Star (High-level Soul Beast) - (Soul Emperor - Soul Saint)

Purple Star (Holy Beast) - (Soul Shadow)

(To be continued)......

Star soul: low-level star soul, intermediate star soul, advanced star soul, top star soul... (to be continued)

Soul art: ordinary soul art, advanced soul art, top soul art (inheriting soul art)... (to be continued)

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