A different world painting god

Chapter 18 The Mysterious Man in Black

Walking in the bustling crowd, Lu Shuo suddenly felt extremely lonely and unable to awaken the feeling of the star soul. Who can understand Lu Shuo, the waste material in other people's eyes, Lu Shuo is under what kind of pressure Lu Shuo is under? However, even so, he still faces every day with a smile, just because he believes that he does not want to give up. . However, when this belief and this kind of unwillingness to give up are denied one by one, perhaps only he knows how much vulnerability is hidden under Lu Shuo's optimistic appearance.

After a short stay of more than ten minutes, Lu Shuo threw out the unpleasantness in his mind and prepared to sell paintings on Tianshi Street. Perhaps only by doing things related to painting can Lu Shuo regain his true optimism and self-confidence in his previous life.

In six months, Lu Shuo has drawn more than 20 works. He has long wanted to sell them, but he didn't do it because he has been practicing.

Lu Shuo found a spacious place, took out thirteen paintings from Mo Huang, and then put them away one by one, and began to do business with a smile.

"Sell the painting, sell the painting, sell the painting•••••" Lu Shuo smiled and shouted loudly.

In a short time, he was surrounded by many people. Obviously, it was Lu Shuo's painting, and everyone who looked at the painting and enjoyed the painting was full of a satisfied smile.

"Good drawing! What a good painting! The old man has never seen such a divine work!" What admires is an old man in his fifties. He is gorgeously dressed and looks like a rich businessman.

"How much is it?"

"One hundred silver star coins!"


Hearing a hundred silver star coins, the old man's face was suddenly surprised.

"Little brother, I'm not talking about you. Every painting here is worth a hundred gold coins anyway, and if you only need a hundred silver star coins, I'm afraid it's a little too little."

Lu Shuo smiled and said indifferently, "Art is priceless, and I need this little money now. Thank you!"

After a brief pause for a minute, the old man suddenly laughed, "What an art is priceless, what an art is priceless, I want this painting."

With that, the old man left a hundred silver star coins and disappeared into the distance.

About half an hour later, there were only three of Lu Shuo's thirteen paintings left, and he was naturally very happy.

However, at this moment, a man in black suddenly appeared, almost in the blink of an eye, and Lu Shuo did not have time to react at all. The man in black had taken away Lu Shuo's last three paintings and quickly ran forward.

For Lu Shuo, every painting he painted is alive, injecting his feelings, just like his own children. At this moment, his three children were robbed, and Lu Shuo of course chased the man in black for the first time.

"Don't run! Don't run! Don't run! ••••" Lu Shuo shouted as he chased.

However, the speed of the man in black is extremely fast, which can't be done by Lu Shuo at all. Otherwise, the man in black can't easily grab the three paintings from Lu Shuo's eyes.

Lu Shuo tried his best and still chased after him.

At this moment, a blue figure suddenly appeared on his face, which was Ye Tianer.

"Lu Shuo, what are you chasing?" Ye Tianer asked puzzledly when she saw Lu Shuo for the first time.

Tianer was preparing for class at the college, but accidentally received a note saying that Lu Shuo was in danger on Tianshi Street and almost didn't think much about it. Ye Tianer immediately rushed here.

"Tian'er, the man in black in front of me stole my painting. Chase it!" Lu Shuo pointed to the black figure in front of him and said hurriedly.

At this time, the black figure is nearly 500 meters away from Lu Shuo. Lu Shuo alone can't catch up with him at all.

"Star Soul, Ice and Fire Demon Fox, release!"

Suddenly, Ye Tianer has released her advanced star soul, Ice and Fire Demon Fox.

The next moment, Ye Tianer has pulled Lu Shuo to chase the man in black.

"Don't run away, you painter!"

After releasing the star soul, Ye Tianer finally got closer to the man in black, but it was still difficult to catch up with him.

About ten minutes later, the man in black ran to the border of Sky City, and in front of him was the place where the soul beasts were haunted, the Scorpio Forest.

With a swomp, the man in black has rushed into the Scorpio Forest.

Lu Shuo and Ye Tianer followed closely and also rushed into the Scorpio Forest.

After a few minutes, Ye Tianer and Lu Shuo stopped.

"What about people? It disappeared, and the breath disappeared in an instant. Ye Tianer glanced around.

However, at this time, a rustling sound attracted Lu Shuo and Ye Tianer.

"God, have you heard any sound?" Lu Shuo said.

Ye Tianer nodded and said carefully, "It should be a soul beast, and it seems to be coming in our direction."

"It seems that the man in black has other intentions to lead us here." Lu Shuo thought for a long time.

"Lu Shuo, my strength is still very weak. I think we'd better leave quickly, otherwise, I can't protect you when I encounter a powerful soul beast." Ye Tianer said.

Hearing Ye Tianer's words, Lu Shuo suddenly lowered his head sadly. He had vowed to protect Tian'er, but now, he could not awaken the star soul, but he could only rely on Tian'er to protect him. A strong sense of self-blame instantly met Lu Shuo's heart.

"Tian'er, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Lu Shuo lowered his head, as if a child had done something wrong.

Seeing Lu Shuo's appearance, Ye Tianer was a little puzzled, "What are you doing?" What are you sorry for?"

But he smiled and said, "Oh, I know. I must regret what I did this morning. I knew you deliberately peeked at me to take a shower. Well, let's go as an example."

With that, Ye Tianer was about to pull Lu Shuo to the outside of the Scorpio Forest.

"Sand, sand, sand••••••"

Here, the rustling sound is clearer and faster.

"No, Lu Shuo, run!"

Ye Tianer was shocked and immediately pulled Lu Shuo out.

After running for nearly 100 meters, Ye Tianer and Lu Shuo stopped abruptly. They swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time and stared at what suddenly appeared in front of them.

Yes, what suddenly appeared in front of them was a long black snake with orange light. Obviously, it was an orange star low-level soul beast, which is equivalent to the strength of a human soul master.

And when Lu Shuo saw this soul beast, he was completely dumbfounded. Suddenly, various titles about it began to come to his mind. Black killer, hidden assassin, nightmare of low-level soul beasts. All this describes the long black snake in front of us: the king of the Orange Star low-level soul beast, the black mandala snake.

Lu Shuo knows about the black mandala snake. In the past six months, Lu Shuo has basically had a general understanding of all the soul beasts on the continent, so naturally also includes the black mandala snake in front of him.

Black mandala snake, snake-shaped soul beast. Even on the star continent, there are only dozens of such soul beasts. Its body is about ten meters long, as thick as bamboo, and its body is covered with thick scales. It is extremely flexible and generally attacks the enemy with speed and toxins.

"Lu Shuo, you stand behind me. This black mandala snake is not easy to deal with." Obviously, Tianer also knows the prestige of the black mandala snake.

In this case, Ye Tianer also wants to protect himself. Lu Shuo suddenly felt hot, and then stepped forward and said seriously and confidently, "Tianer, I want you to know that even if my star soul has not awakened, I have the ability to protect you. I will not let you suffer any harm, so I, Lu Shuo, will not retreat. Of."

Ye Tianer didn't expect that Lu Shuo would say such a thing at this time, although she knew it was for her. However, after all, Lu Shuo did not awaken his star soul. No matter how good his physical skills are, it is impossible to compete with the king of the orange star low-level soul beast in front of him.

(Can Lu Shuo, who has not awakened the star soul, compete with the black mandala snake? Will his star soul wake up? Please look forward to the next chapter, the battle against the black mandala snake)