A different world painting god

Chapter 25 Soul Art: Immortal

In Ye Daoyuan's burst of laughter, Lu Shuo and Ye Zheng also left his room, but from tomorrow, Lu Shuo will come here for class every day, taught by Ye Daoyuan himself.


With the slow passage of time, the day quietly receded, and the night began to cover the whole earth.

Lu Shuo stood next to Ye Tianer's room, looking a little disappointed.

"Lu Shuo, I'm sorry, in my heart, in my heart, I still like Lin alone." After saying this, Ye Tianer lowered her head. She didn't dare to look at Lu Shuo again, as if as long as she looked at him again, the decision would change.

In fact, Ye Tianer didn't know why. The moment she learned that she had been saved and that Lu Shuo had been saved, her heart suddenly fell to the ground and fell into Yu Wenlin's arms again.

From this, she came to a conclusion that her feeling for Lu Shuo was only a momentary impulse, and her love for Yu Wenlin was permanent. Even in her opinion, if it were someone else, she would still be impulsive and heartbroken, but it was just a moment of heartbeat.

So, Ye Tianer summoned up the courage to say this sentence.

Lu Shuo did not show any sad expression, but there was a trace of loss in the corners of his eyes and still smiled, "Tian'er, what are you talking about? What you like is Lin. What does it have to do with me? It has nothing to do with me."

Lu Shuo's tone became lower and lower, and in the end, there was almost no sound. Ye Tianer knew that although Lu Shuo didn't say anything, although he still showed that smile, his heart must be very painful. Ye Tianer knows the feeling of being rejected. Don't forget that she doesn't know how many times she has been rejected by Yu Wenlin.

Ye Tianer didn't say anything. She knew that talking too much would only make Lu Shuo more sad.

"I'm out. Have a good rest. Remember to call me if there is any inconvenience." After leaving this sentence, Lu Shuo walked out of Ye Tianer's room.

When he came outside, a cool breeze blew and brushed his face. Lu Shuo smiled slightly, as if this gust of wind had blown all the pain in Lu Shuo's body.

The stars are all over the night sky, and the full moon is in the sky, and the white is a little dazzling. It seems that the night sky of this world is always white and bright. Lu Shuo's eyes began to become lonely and lonely, and gradually, cold tears overflowed.


With the first dawn in the morning, the night began to fade and the sun began to shine on the earth again.

Ye Tianer rubbed her eyes and began to get rid of her dream, but her stomach grunted at the first time, as if waiting for Ye Tianer to wake up.

At this time, I saw a rich breakfast at the head of my bed, with eggs, milk, bread, and snacks. Next to it, a note lay there.

Ye Tianer picked up the note and knew that it was originally prepared by Lu Shuo.

"Oh, my God, I'm hungry. Breakfast is all ready. Be sure to eat it all. There are also snacks next to it. You can eat them in the morning. I'll go to class first and come to see you at noon.

Looking at this note, Ye Tianer's heart touched again, and Nannan said in her mouth, "I have said that I don't like you. Why are you still so good to me? Why are you still so good to me? What should I do if you are like this? What should I do?"


At the edge of the Sky City, two figures are standing in an empty space on the Sky Prairie.

A 50-year-old, with disheveled hair, black eyes, and a wine bottle in his hand, especially the black robe on his body added a few mysteries. It was the shadow of the soul, Ye Daoyuan.

A teenager, gray cloth, purple hair, purple eyes, obviously Lu Shuo.

In the morning, as soon as Lu Shuo arrived at Ye Daoyuan's place where he lived, he brought him here, Sky Prairie. He said that this is the best place to practice him.

"Master, will I come here to practice every day from now on?" Lu Shuo tried to ask.

"Of course, you must come here early in the future, and you must run and never rest. I won't help you. Moreover, if I come and you haven't come yet, then you have to accept my punishment. As for what to punish, it depends on my mood. Ye Daoyuan.

Do you decide the mood? It seems that there will be no good days in the future, and I have to leave an hour in advance. Anyway, it is also 5,000 meters away from the Sky Academy. However, it only took him a few minutes. Is this the strength of the soul shadow? Lu Shuo thought to himself.

"Because I heard that your physical skills and physical strength are quite superb, what I want to teach you today is soul art, something that must be cultivated as a strong man."

With that, Ye Daoyuan had an extra book in his hand and threw it in front of Lu Shuo.

Lu Shuo picked it up and saw that it said advanced soul art: gas refining.

"This is a high soul art. Few people have it on the mainland. If you weren't my disciple, I would be reluctant to give it to you. In the future, your soul art will be mainly to practice it."

At this time, Lu Shuo certainly remembered the immortality given to him by Huang Er, which was completely imprinted in his soul.

"Now, open the first page and I'll teach you how to practice qi." Ye Daoyuan.

"No! No! No! ......”

Lu Shuo suddenly refused, "Master, it's like this. In fact, I already have learned soul skills."

"What? Do you have the soul skills to learn?" Ye Daoyuan frowned. When he checked Lu Shuo's body yesterday, he clearly found that he had not practiced any soul skills. Does he have the secret of practicing soul skills?

Is that right? What kind of soul art do you have? Take it out and let me see." Ye Daoyuan didn't think that Lu Shuo's soul art would be more advanced than the qi refining technique given to him.

Lu Shuo is embarrassed again. How can he take the imprint in his soul?

"Master, I, I, I can't take it out." Lu Shuo said intermittently.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Ye Daoyuan's hot temper suddenly appeared.

Seeing Ye Daoyuan's suddenly pale face, Lu Shuo quickly explained, "No, no, Master, listen to me that my soul art has been branded in my soul. As long as my mind moves slightly, I can learn it."

Hearing this, Ye Daoyuan's face finally recovered and turned into amazing. He knew the soul magic. The real name is the soul brand. People with this ability are generally special families, and they are extremely powerful families. They are their descendants by branding their soul skills. , so that his family's soul art can be continued. Instead of awakening the blood to awaken the soul of the family like ordinary families.

However, families with this ability generally live in taboo villages on the mainland, and ordinary families are impossible.

After a brief surprise, Ye Daoyuan immediately asked Lu Shuo, "Kid, don't lie to me. I know the imprint of this soul art. I can see that you don't belong to any family on the mainland."

Lu Shuo smiled and said, "Master, I really don't belong to any family on the mainland, but it's a fact that I have the soul magic brand. If you don't believe it, you can explore it."

Explore? Humph, you think I don't want to. People with the soul magic brand can't be explored at all, otherwise, they would have been stolen long ago. Then tell me, who branded the soul art for you?" Ye Daoyuan.

Since he identified his master, Lu Shuo had nothing to hide. Then he told Ye Daoyuan about his encounter with Huanger in the Fengmo Mountains that day, but he did not say that he had come through time.

After hearing this, Ye Daoyuan was first stunned, then turned into a surprise on his face, and then laughed and said, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be Phoenix Village in the Forbidden Twelve Villages. No wonder! No wonder! Lu Shuo, you really picked up a big bargain!"

Taboo Twelve Villages? What village is that?" Lu Shuo asked.

Ye Daoyuan was still full of excitement and said, "I'll tell you about this later. First of all, tell me the name of your soul art.

"Undead!" Lu Shuo said lightly.

(Taboo Twelve Villages? Forbidden soul art? What the hell are these? Looking forward to the next chapter, awakening the immortal blood!)