A different world painting god

Chapter 27 Refining the Undead Body

Lu Shuo only felt that something had penetrated into his body. Then, with the rise of the black inflammation, the blood flowing in his body seemed to be burning, and the black flame outside his body overflowed from Lu Shuo's body. That is to say, Lu Shuo's body had turned into a sea of fire, even his heart. Dirty is also suffering from the flames.

Lu Shuo's whole body emitted bursts of **. At this moment, he could not even feel the sound of his heartbeat. Only the black flame was beating, leaving only pain in his mind. Time seemed to stop at this moment, but Lu Shuo's pain was getting heavier and heavier. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, persisted, and persisted.

Gradually, gradually, the night has come quietly, and stars have begun to appear in the sky. The faint starlight drove away a little darkness, and then came for a while, and the bright moonlight sprinkled from the sky, shining the quiet grassland white.

At this time, Lu Shuo was still insisting on the process of awakening the immortal bloodline. Hei Yan was still beating, and his mind was still suffering. He was numb and painful and could no longer feel the five senses, while Lu Shuo was still insisting, nothing else, just because he wanted to become the dream of the soul shadow, just because he wanted to protect the sky. Therefore, he persisted.

Lu Shuo knows that in fact, he has already awakened the immortal bloodline, but this immortal bloodline has purity quality. The longer it can persist, the higher the purity quality of the undead bloodline you have will be, which means that your immortal soul skill will be more powerful. Lu Shuo's goal is obviously to have a higher purity of the immortal bloodline.

Ye Daoyuan stood nearly 50 meters away from Lu Shuo. If he did not awaken the star soul, even if the powerful soul shadow stood next to Lu Shuo, he would not be able to withstand the heat of the black flame. At this time, within nearly 100 meters around Lu Shuo, the burned grass was gone.

"Alas! This boy was still insisting. In the afternoon, he had already awakened, but he was still insisting. Lu Shuo, the master has to admire. Not only does your talent surprise me, but even your belief makes me feel worse. I really have more and more confidence in you. Ye Daoyuan sighed.


Lu Shuo doesn't know how long it has passed. This kind of pain has never been experienced in his previous life or this life. That kind of pain seems to have burned for a century.

But it is this pain that makes the immortal bloodline in Lu Shuo's body almost 80% pure, which is the result of Lu Shuo's persistence, and at the same time, it is also the key to Lu Shuo's future life.

Gradually, gradually, the black flame on his body began to extinguish, the pain gradually disappeared, the heartbeat began to rhythm as it should be, and the five senses began to return.

Lu Shuo slowly opened his eyes, and there was still a sky prairie in front of him, but within 100 meters, it had all turned into desolation. The breeze blew, and Lu Shuo felt a trace of coolness. How refreshing it was.

"Kid you finally wake up?" At this time, Ye Daoyuan came from afar.

"Hmm!" Lu Shuo nodded.

Ye Daoyuan looked at Lu Shuo angrily and said in a concerned tone, "You are really, can you just wake up? You have to stick to the end. Do you think you are a god? It has been a day and a night. If you persist, it is very likely to go crazy.

Lu Shuo smiled. Of course, he also heard that Ye Daoyuan was caring about him, and then immediately stood up, moved his muscles and bones, and said happily, "Master, don't you think I'm fine?"

Awakening the immortal bloodline is just a pain in the process. As long as you awaken the immortal bloodline, no matter how much damage you suffer, your body will still be like a new life, and it will be stronger and more flexible. This is the benefit of the immortal bloodline.

Lu Shuo also felt that his body seemed to be reborn. The blood in his body changed from bright red to dark red. Compared with before, it flowed more smoothly, and the flow of its blood could also be seen by Lu Shuo himself. His body also looked a little stronger, as if he had grown a few centimeters tall in this night. His ordinary face added a little heroic and handsomeness, and even his purple eyes became much more fascinated.

Moreover, with the awakening of the immortal bloodline, the first ability of immortality is also awakened, and the name is: repair. As the name implies, repair can quickly repair the damage to the body, which can be both passive and active. When the ability to repair is actively released, the damage it receives can accelerate the repair by 20%. Its ability increases with the increase of soul power, and those who cultivate to the peak can quickly repair even the dying fatal damage.

Ye Daoyuan's eyebrows flashed with surprise, and then said calmly, "Well, it's been a day and a night. It's time for us to go back and eat something."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Shuo's stomach began to grunt, "I'm really hungry."

"Then let's go." After saying that, Ye Daoyuan has strode forward.

Lu Shuo took a look, then quickly caught up with him, turned his eyes, and then said, "Master, why didn't you take me to fly with you? It was not like this when we came, and there were a lot of flying pieces, and we would arrive in a few minutes.

Ye Daoyuan stopped, his eyes stared, and two clusters of flames beat up, and then shouted, "Don't you hear what I'm saying? I won't help you run away in the future. You can only go by yourself. Do you hear me?

Lu Shuo nodded helplessly.

"If I hadn't wanted to ask you some questions, I would have left alone and wanted me to take you back and be lazy! No way." After saying this, Ye Daoyuan continued to stride forward.

Lu Shuo quickly caught up with him and admitted his mistake with a smile. "Master, I know it's wrong. Don't be angry."

As the saying goes, he is a teacher for a day and a father for life. Since he has been Ye Daoyuan's apprentice, he should listen to the master's words. Moreover, the master is also for his own good. He let himself walk back in order to exercise his physical strength. Lu Shuo thought to himself.

"Bright, didn't you ask me if you had any questions, Master? Please ask quickly."

At this time, Ye Daoyuan barely returned to normal. Lu Shuo stared again, and then said lightly, "I don't think that immortal body should be a day's thing, right?"

Lu Shuo nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, yes, the quenching of the immortal body is the content that must be practiced throughout the whole immortality. The quenching of the immortal body in the first chapter is just the beginning, so from tomorrow, you can teach me new content."

Ye Daoyuan showed an indifferent expression and said as he walked, "Refining the immortal body? How to refine it?"

Seeing that Ye Daoyuan was no longer angry, Lu Shuo also smiled and quickly replied, "The most direct and fastest way is to fight to the death!"

"So that's it!" Ye Daoyuan whispered.

"Then, the awakening of immortal blood must also bring you new abilities!"

Lu Shuo nodded again and then told Ye Daoyuan all about his ability to "repair".

After hearing this, Ye Daoyuan thought for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and then returned to normal. He took a look at Lu Shuo and suddenly turned his mind. There seemed to be one more person in his eyes and asked, "Yes, Lu Shuo, there is another very important thing to ask you."

Lu Shuo frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know Tian'er? And the relationship is not shallow?" Ye Daoyuan asked tentatively.

Lu Shuo never thought that Ye Daoyuan would suddenly mention Ye Tianer. After all, he should not know that he and Ye Tianer lived together, let alone knew Ye Tianer.

Lu Shuo nodded and prepared to tell the truth, "Yes, I know Tianer and live together!"

When Ye Daoyuan heard that the two were still living together, he immediately became angry, stopped abruptly, and shouted, "What are you talking about? She is only 16 years old now. How can you live with her?

At this time, Lu Shuo realized that he had said something wrong and quickly explained, "Master, you are wrong. We are not what you think."

"What's not what I thought? Even **, you should think about those things when you grow up. Now you still live together. When you and I dominated the world, you only started to do that kind of thing at the age of 18. How old are you? You're really not ashamed."

Ye Daoyuan said a lot, and it was not Lu Shuo who interrupted at all. However, Lu Shuo didn't expect that Ye Daoyuan would tell him all his private affairs.

After saying that, Ye Daoyuan also realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said and immediately shut up.

At this time, Lu Shuo quickly explained again, "Master, don't be angry. Here's the thing."

(What will happen to Lu Shuo and Ye Tianer, who are about to return to the apartment? Please look forward to the next chapter and go back to the apartment!)