A different world painting god

Chapter 123 White Soul The Most Powerful Soul

In less than half an hour, something happened that shocked everyone. Lu Shuo's body began to have waves of **, and a trace of blood began to slowly overflow from his pores. After a while, his whole body had been penetrated by blood. Everyone stood beside Lu Shuo, and everyone else sweated for him. Lan Yinger covered her mouth directly and dared not look at Lu Shuo. That miserable look.

Qiye asked Yitian eagerly, "Yitian, what's going on with Lu Shuo? Why is the whole body overflowing with blood? He won't go crazy, will he?

Yitian frowned and shook his head. "No, the meridians in his body are still normal, indicating that Lu Shuo is still absorbing the energy of the gray soul element. We can clearly feel this, but the energy contained in the gray soul element is too huge to cause the current situation."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian sighed, "However, in the face of such a huge energy, Lu Shuo can still persist. I really admire him. If it were me or someone else, I think it would be difficult to achieve Lu Shuo to this level. I think he is a real man!"

Qiye nodded vigorously. After the first two battles, the relationship between Qiye and Lu Shuo also became deeper, especially when Lu Shuo blocked the flame bombs for Qiye and the big bear, Qiye's heart was full of emotion. After the battle with the black tiger and explosive bear, in the heart of Qiye, Lu Shuo has gradually become his most Important partner.

Then, Qiye took a deep breath and seemed to be a little proud. "Of course, Lu Shuo is a man. I believe he can definitely absorb this gray soul."

At this time, the big bear suddenly opened his mouth, and his expression seemed extremely serious. "Qiye is right. Boss Lu Shuo will definitely absorb this gray soul. He is the one who defeated the black tiger and the bear, and I also believe him."

After listening to it, Qi Ye looked at the big bear with some depression and said in his heart, "When did you become the boss of Lu Shuo? Hasn't he always been Boss Ling?" Thinking of this, Qiye secretly looked at Ling Siyu next to him.

Ling Siyu's expression seemed to be a little nervous, as if she was very worried about Lu Shuo's appearance. She clenched her fists and stared at Lu Shuo's changes, afraid that something would happen to him.

"It seems that Boss Ling is really interested in Lu Shuo. It seems that when he must give them two opportunities." Seven nights thought to myself.

Ling Siyu looked at the blood on Lu Shuo's body in a daze, and his heart was not only touched, but also slightly painful. She didn't know what kind of belief Lu Shuo adhered to, so she endured the severe pain and persisted until now. A trace of blood overflowed from her pores. Just looking at it, Ling Siyu couldn't stand it, let alone her own body. She asked herself that if she had come to absorb this gray soul, she would not be able to do this, and she had cut off contact with the energy of the gray soul long ago. At this time, Ling Siyu couldn't help thinking, is this the persistence and perseverance that a real strong man has?

At this moment, the energy contained in the gray soul is still multiplying. The cyan soul element just now has changed again, which is completely beyond everyone's imagination. Even if they stand next to them, they can feel the increasing energy of the cyan soul element. Lu Shuo is like a catharsis, and the energy in the soul element is used Unimaginable speed poured into Lu Shuo's huge vent, and then kept hitting his body.

Ten minutes later, everyone's heartstrings were not relaxed at all, but tightened, because at this time, the cyan soul element directly crossed the purple soul element and became a white soul element; you know, according to the division of the seven colors of the rainbow, beyond the seven colors will reach white. The star holy beast level is equivalent to the soul shadow in the star soul master. The soul element of the holy beast is obviously white, and in front of you, in less than an hour, the gray soul element has turned into a white soul element. In such a short time, it is equivalent to the improvement of the soul power of one star to the soul power of 90 stars, from the soul master to the soul shadow. The level has been upgraded from a low-level soul beast to the level of a holy beast. Such a terrible change, let alone a few people standing here, may not know even if Han Qianyu and Tianyu come.

At this moment, looking at the milky soul floating on the fox, it was not only surprised, but also the word terrible. Everyone could clearly see that Lu Shuo's body was constantly deformed by the impact of energy, as if there was a possibility of explosion at any time, and his body overflowed The red blood also turned into black blood, and the whole person was like a black demon.

Seeing this, everyone finally couldn't calm down. Ling Siyu was the first to say eagerly to Lu Shuo, "Lu Shuo, are you crazy? Stop it quickly! Stop absorbing it quickly!"

However, Lu Shuo didn't seem to hear her words and didn't stop at all. However, at this time, it can be seen that the immortality is strong. Whenever Lu Shuo's body is about to bear it, the immortal blood will protect Lu Shuo's heart and suppress the strong energy of the white soul element so that it cannot explode.

It can be said rudely that if there was no such taboo soul art as immortality, I'm afraid Lu Shuo would have persisted until now. But even so, Lu Shuo also suffered unimaginable pain. The white soul, the energy of the holy beast, can be seen from Lu Shuo's deformed body and the overflowing black blood.

At this moment, Ling Siyu did not expect that the gray soul element could rise to the level of the white soul element. You know, it is equivalent to the energy of the holy beast. For the great soul master with only 36 stars to absorb the soul element of the holy beast, there is almost only one result, and the body explodes and dies. On the Star Continent, this is an indisputable fact, because according to historical records, no soul master below the soul emperor can absorb the soul of the holy beast.

Qiye and Daxiong also predicted Lu Shuo's danger, but Qiye knew that it had no effect on talking to Lu Shuo at this time, because he knew that Lu Shuo's five senses had all disappeared.

Lan Yinger cried directly. Whether she was afraid or distressed, she could not accept Lu Shuo's appearance at this time.

Qiye hurriedly asked Yitian for help, "Yitian, think of a way quickly. If it goes on like this, Lu Shuo will really die!"

Yitian frowned, but he was obviously much calmer than others. He looked at Lu Shuo, who was covered in black blood, and shook his head with difficulty. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. If I guess correctly, Lu Shuo's five senses have disappeared, and at this moment, he can't stop wanting to stop absorbing souls. Maybe all we can do is wait.


Speaking here, Ling Siyu has released his own star soul Tyrannosaurus Rex. With the soul power of 38 stars, the huge dragon power was released in an instant. Then, I only heard her shout, "Dragon arm, start!"

In an instant, Ling Siyu's arms were covered by dragon scales, and dark blue thick dragon scales covered the whole arm, and the huge dragon claws also appeared, and the huge murderous spirit emanated from his pair of dragon claws.

This is Ling Siyu's second soul skill, Dragon Arm!

The next moment, Ling Siyu waved his dragon arm, stretched out his claws, and waved directly to the white soul transmitted in mid-air.

However, it is the white soul element that only the holy beast can have. How can it be easily cut off?

There was no warning or sound. At the moment Ling Siyu touched the white soul, he was directly blown to more than ten meters, fell to the ground fiercely, and then couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood and a faint pain in his chest.

Ling Siyu still doesn't give up. At this moment, there is only one belief in her heart to protect Lu Shuo! She didn't know why she burst into such a belief in her heart. All she knew was that she didn't want to lose Lu Shuo.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned when they looked at Ling Siyu's behavior.

Then, Ling Siyu immediately stood up and waved his dragon arm to continue to attack the white soul.

(Will Lu Shuo absorb this gray soul? What will happen next? Looking forward to the next chapter, one in 100,000 chance, the second soul skill!)