Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 01 Sudden Metamorphosis

Chapter 01: Sudden Metamorphosis

Billions of years ago, there was an alien kingdom called the Immortal Empire on the eastern continent, which continued to exist and develop in a thick smoke.

There are many small countries wandering around the Immortal Empire, and demons and monsters can be seen everywhere. In this alien world, the only thing that can be compared with the Immortal Empire is the Demon Empire in the north. The Demon Empire is a kingdom composed of thousands of ghosts.

In the face of the threat brought by the increasingly powerful Demon Empire, King Hull of the Demon Empire thought day and night, hoping to find a countermeasure that could inhibit the rapid strengthening of the Demon Empire. Therefore, King Hull had to summon his ministers to brainstorm and discuss together, so Feng Mei was about to become him. The core points of our discussion.

A palace comparable to the Forbidden City appeared in layers of fog, looming. The golden palace was decorated with crystal stone, which looked crystal clear and brilliant. In this magnificent crystal palace, there are full of ministers of King Hull. Standing in the front of the hall are the five guardian elders of the Immortal Empire: gold, wood, water, fire, earth. Like other ministers, they bowed their bodies and listened devoutly to the instructions of King Hull.

However, their noble king sat on the crystal throne, holding his eyebrows in one hand, with a sad face and looking tired. The long silver-white hair was simply tied in the golden crown, and in a pair of vicissitudes of blue eyes, there was obvious anxiety and uneasiness. After thinking for a long time and being silent for a long time, King Hull finally opened his mouth.

"Dear love, what good measures do you have for the increasing strength of the Demon Empire and the repeated invadings of the enemy country?" As soon as King Hull's words fell, the ministers began to sigh in a low voice and talk a lot, but they could not get a consensus. Finally, under the condition that no one dared to speak forward, Elder Jin, who was over 10,000 years old, brushed his long golden eyebrows, took a step forward, made a salute, and used his pair of The worried eyes looked at their king, who was also worried on the throne, and replied heavily.

"Your Majesty, from ancient times to the present, this demon empire has been fighting with our country, repeatedly invading our country, but there is no victory or defeat. The demon empire is now growing at a rapid pace, which not only poses a threat to our country, but also a threat to the whole three worlds. Therefore, the final battle with the demon empire is imminent. Eyelashes. I thought it was time for the third prince Yinlong to contribute.

As soon as Elder Jin said this, everyone seemed to understand what he meant. Some people discussed each other, some thought quietly, and some frowned and speculated. However, Elder Mu and Elder Huo looked at each other and did not seem to agree with Elder Jin's proposal. Elder Huo took a step forward and went against Elder Jin.

"I think that this matter must be done by the great prince's flame and the second prince's Chishui. The eldest prince and the second prince have rich experience in battlefield battle, and the two princes are super powerful and fight against the Demon Empire. I think the two princes are the most suitable."

As soon as Elder Huo finished speaking, Elder Jin glanced at Elder Huo and frowned deeper. He said, "Your Majesty, I think the third prince is more suitable. Although the third prince has no rich combat experience, the magic and wisdom of the third prince are above that of several princes. Moreover, I don't know if your majesty still remembers the prophecy of the high priest when the prince was born?"

After listening to it, King Hull frowned and began to think. Suddenly, King Hull seemed to remember something, and his eyes burst into blue, looking at Elder Jin.

"Aiqing means that the third queen who is still in the world?"

After hearing this, the ministers were in an uproar, some understood and some doubted, but Fengmei was involved in their world because of King Hull's words. Elder Jin nodded with relief and continued to state his ideas to their king.

"Exactly, Your Majesty, when the third prince was born, the smoke that guarded our country for generations suddenly became thick at that moment, and even the fog master was difficult to do so. The high priest said that this indicates that the third prince is God who can unify the three worlds in the future and the savior who can maintain the peace of the three worlds, and that The woman who is still in the world and reincarnated by Jinfeng will help the third prince to complete the great cause of unifying the three worlds.

Hearing this, King Hull finally relaxed his frown. Without the anxiety and uneasiness just now, his voice became light. Before other ministers could put forward their opinions, King Hull announced his retreat, left the palace, and hurried to the Silver Dragon Pavilion to give his order.

On that day, in addition to feeling inexplicably uneasy early in the morning, Fengmei was still as usual. After class, she tidied up her schoolbag and walked in the corridor with her best friend Xiaoyan. As soon as she went downstairs and went out, Xiaoyan pulled up her arm in surprise and saw the bracelet she wore on it. The dazzling light even overshadows the golden yellow of the sun.

Xiaoyan exclaimed, "Fengmei, your hand, your bracelet?" Fengmei hurriedly looked at her bracelet. Dear readers, she couldn't even believe it, because the dazzling golden yellow had illuminated the whole campus, and even the sunset that was about to fall was swallowed up by the dazzling light. The students looked at her in shock, and she was also shocked by this spectacle.

She was nervous and wanted to hold down the gold bracelet, but she couldn't do it. She couldn't stop the scattering of the golden light. She panicked. She was anxious. She was at a loss. She didn't know what was going on? A kind of fear for no reason made her lose her strength in an instant.

So, Fengmei asked Xiaoyan, who was still shocked beside her, for an answer at a loss. She asked Xiaoyan anxiously, "Xiaoyan, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with my hand? What's going on?"

As soon as she finished asking, before Xiaoyan's answer, she felt like she had suddenly grown wings, slowly floating in the direction of the sky, and then slowly spinning in the golden halo, followed by a pain from head to toe all over her body, making her almost unable to load. Just when she thought she was about to die of that pain, a miracle happened.

Her original beautiful short black hair was replaced by a long pink hair up to the knee. There are three more peacocks on the head. As it rotated, the long pink hair turned round like a dancer's skirt. Her black school uniform turned into a long pink skirt and was decorated with a little hibiscus petals. Her charming big eyes somehow appeared with lavender eye shadow. Xiaoyan said that she was like a hibiscus blooming in the golden light. It's gorgeous and clear. With the hibiscus petals all over the sky, she also fell to the ground gently like hibiscus petals.

Xiaoyan hurried to her side, took her hand worriedly, looked at her strange clothes, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Fengmei, what's wrong with you? Why did it suddenly become like this? It's like the kind of fairy that can only be seen in the online game world.

Xiaoyan looked up and down at Fengmei in surprise, as if Fengmei was no longer the Fengmei she knew.

"I don't know what's going on. I really don't understand." Fengmei was at a loss and didn't know what to say. I think all this is like a dream.

Feng Mei said as she fiddled with her strange clothes, confused.

"However, you are really beautiful like this." Xiaoyan said a little foolishly.

As soon as Xiaoyan's words fell, she heard another exclaim from her classmates. Fengmei followed their line of sight and saw the sky. On the outer edge of the golden light, a man with long silver-white hair, dressed in white and stepping on the clouds gradually approached. Feng Mei's quiet eyes looked at the man who was getting closer and closer to her, with an inexplicable heartbeat. These pictures that can only be seen on TV actually appeared in front of her.

"It's so handsome." The girls were a little surprised. Just now, the strange man fell lightly in front of Fengmei. His long narrow eyes stared at Fengmei with silver light, and his face was as angular as a knife carving. It was indescribably beautiful. Fengmei saw herself in his eyes. There was only herself there, as if other classmates around her no longer existed.

Time is condensed at this moment. Being stared at by him without blinking, Fengmei was very uneasy. She didn't even have the courage to stare at his bottomless but easily fascinating eyes. Although there was no fluctuation there, it was deep and scary.

I don't know how long it took, the handsome strange man standing in front of Fengmei asked, "Are you Fengmei?"

Fengmei was silent for a moment and nodded again. She didn't know how such a strange and strange man knew her name, and why such a strange thing happened?

"Come with me." The man said indifferently, regardless of whether Fengmei agreed or not, he took Fengmei away from the ground. With a wave of his hand, a silver light flashed, and a cloud fell steadily at Fengmei's feet. Fengmei stood on the clouds, as stable as standing on the ground. Fengmei looked at the ground in panic and heard Xiaoyan's anxious shouting.

"Fengmei, where are you going?"

Feng Mei looked at the man around her in fear and looked at Xiaoyan, who was getting farther and farther away from her. She couldn't answer Xiaoyan, and she didn't know where he was going to take her. At this moment, she forgot to struggle. She shouted to Xiaoyan in her loudest voice, "Xiaoyan, I will come back. Tell my parents that I will come back, and I will definitely come back." Don't let them worry about me."

The golden light in the sky gradually dissipated with the departure of Feng Mei. The calm and tranquility of the past has been restored on the campus. Fengmei's transformation is like a dream, which will also leave a short surprise in the mind of every witness, but it will eventually be forgotten. I feel that it is getting farther and farther away from the world where she has lived for 18 years. Fengmei's heart hurt so much that she shed tears. I don't know whether it's because of reluctance or because of the unknown world she was about to face. At that moment, she seemed to think a lot, but she didn't seem to think about anything.

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