Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 19 I'm coming to pick up my princess

Chapter 19: I'm here to pick up my princess

The secret holy place of the silver dragon is full of singing and dancing. The light dance of the blue peony rises in the air, and the sound of the silver dragon's flute is more melodious and pleasant, just like the sound of heaven.

Suddenly, there were bursts of wild jumps from the silver dragon's chest. He pressed his chest, and the sound of the flute stopped abruptly. The blue peony stopped worryingly and gently fell to the side of the silver dragon. He asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Brother Long? What's wrong with you?"

Silver Dragon shook his head, looked at Lan Peony apologetically and said, "I'm afraid something happened to Feng Mei. Lan Er, I have to save her."

The happy and cheerful heart of the blue peony suddenly fell. She stood up, disguised as a charming smile, comforted the silver dragon and said, "Go quickly, Fengmei sister can't be all right."

The silver dragon looked at the blue peony gratefully, turned into a silver-white smoke, and immediately disappeared in front of the blue peony's eyes. The blue peony sat desperately in the place where the silver dragon sat just now, which seemed to remain the temperature of the silver dragon. Now he can sense the phoenix sister, which means that the phoenix sister slowly produced in the bottom of the silver dragon's heart. No, the blue peony stood up in panic, and the beautiful eyebrows gently wrinkled. It can't be like this: "Brother Long can only be mine, only mine. I can't lose Brother Long." The blue peony muttered alone.

It is said that Yinlong walked to Meilin with the feeling in his heart, but he did not see Fengmei, which made Yinlong even more worried. When the figure of Xiaolu and Xiaohong entered his sight, he couldn't wait to walk to Xiaolu and Xiaohong. Before Xiaolu and Xiaohong salute him, he hurriedly asked, "Where is the princess?" What happened?

Xiao Lv and Xiao Hong looked at the silver dragon in surprise. His little face turned white. He immediately knelt on the ground and said in panic, "Prince, please forgive our sister's negligence and failure to take good care of the princess, so that she was almost hurt by the monster."

Silver Dragon's eyebrows frowned tighter with the little green's words: "How is the princess now? Can you be hurt?"

"When you go back to the prince, the princess is fine. Thanks to the help of Miss Meixian, I defeated the group of unknown monsters." Xiao Hong lowered his head and answered. After listening to Xiao Hong's words, Yinlong was relieved. He turned around, ignored Xiao Lv and Xiao Hong, and walked towards Mei Xian's residence.

In Meixian's residence, Fengmei is smiling, charming and touching, and chatting happily with Meixian.

"Fairy sister, I never thought that you were made of a plum blossom." Fengmei looked at Mei Xian in surprise and said with a smile.

"Yes, Miss Fengmei, I'm already 3,000 years old." Mei Xian did not shy out telling Feng Mei her age. At this time, Mei Xian had regarded Feng Mei as a confidant and said nothing.

"Three thousand years old? Oh, my God, why are you all so old? Three thousand years old, it's incredible. Feng Mei's eyes widened in amazed and looked at Mei Xian's beautiful face, and she couldn't believe it.

Mei Xian covered her mouth and smiled. She was amused by Fengmei's simple and cute expression, but before she could open her mouth, she saw her boy come in and report: "Plum Fairy, the third prince of Silver Dragon is asking for a meeting outside the door."

"Why did he come?" Before Mei Xian opened her mouth, Feng Mei chirted: "Sister Fairy, you can't let him in. If he catches me and play with you, I will definitely blame me again."