Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 22 The Princess Missing

Chapter 22: The Princess Missing

Make sure that Fengmei was captured by the people in the demon world, and Yinlong frowned and worried. What made him more confused was that he couldn't sense where Fengmei was now?

Under everyone's discussion, Yinlong had to report the disappearance of Fengmei to King Hull. King Hull immediately summoned the ministers to organize an army to save Fengmei from the demon world.

The palace of the Immortal Empire was once again full of ministers. Everyone's face was embarrassed, and they sighed endlessly.

"Go back to your father, regarding the matter of saving the princess, in my opinion, it is better not to motivate too many immortal diseases. Now our country is not ready to prepare for the war, and I'm afraid that acting rashly will lead to uncontrollable consequences." When everyone was immersed in panic and could not come up with a countermeasure, the eldest prince Yan looked at the elders on the left and right. His eyes flashed and stepped forward. His tone was sincere and reasonable, which aroused the resonance of many ministers.

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of the old minister, what the Flame Prince said is that now the war is on the verge of a critical moment. Don't send troops rashly, or it's a long-term plan." The elder bowed his body and stepped forward and said in an old voice.

King Hull was not locked up more and more tightly because of the words of the Flame Prince and the Elder.

Dear ministers, you said a word, and the first two of what King Hull said. The last few hours have passed, and no unanimous conclusion has been reached. Most of the people are against sending troops to save the princess. King Hull has no choice but to announce his retreat and discuss it tomorrow.

After everyone retreated, the silver dragon found the king. The king looked at the silver dragon and waved his hand tiredly and said, "Dragon, my father knows that you are worried about the princess, but after all, this is related to the safety of the country. The father may think carefully with the ministers. You might as well wait. Your princess must be saved."

"Father, I didn't ask for troops to save Fengmei." Silver Dragon said calmly.

King Hull asked doubtfully, "Then why are you?"

Yinlong said, "Father, I want to take a few powerful people to the demon world to find out what's going on. If the time is ripe, I will bring Fengmei back from the demon world. I hope my father's permission."

"So good, so good, Long'er." King Hull said repeatedly, "Do as you say."

"Thank you, father. I'm leaving to gather people." After saying that, the silver dragon hurried away in the king's admiration.

In the demon world, Fengmei woke up from a gloomy white bone**. She moved her heavy head, frowned sadly, and moaned in a low voice.

"Spider Girl, she's awake. I'll hurry up and inform the master." A sudden strange exclamation made Feng Mei's eyes suddenly open. She saw a woman with braids. The woman was frowning at her. Who is she?

"Little green, little red..." Fengmei shouted in panic and sat up. When her hand touched a hard thing, she picked it up strangely and looked at it. Oh, my God, she held a white skull in her hand: "Ah..." Fengmei's heart beat violently, threw away the white bone in her hand in fear, and looked at the spider in a hurry. Spider girl, where are you now? Why is everything she seen white bones, not brilliant crystals?

The Demon Lord frowned and looked at the out-of-control Fengmei. Hahaha, she laughed loudly. Her smile made Fengmei even more aggrieved: "You send me back to the fairyland. I don't want to stay in such a gloomy place."

The Demon Lord laughed again: "What do you think this place is? This is a place where you can only come and can't go. You'd better stay here. I will treat you well.

"Well, I will never believe your nonsense again." Feng Mei's eyes stared at the demon master coldly, and her beautiful eyes flashed with resentment. She squatted on the ground and cried helplessly, making the demon master at a loss. She could only watch the magical Fengmei cry.