Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 65 Things that make Fengmei sad

Chapter 65: Things that make Fengmei heartbroken

Silver Dragon and others gathered in the room of the blue peony, and the weak blue peony leaned against the arms of the silver dragon.

The spider girl and the snake demon knelt on the ground, stubbornly refused to take out the antidote, and they were so deadlocked.

It is said that Fengmei is alone in her room, thinking about it, thinking that she should still go and have a look. Even if she hates the blue peony, now that the blue peony is at a critical moment of life and death, she can't sit idly by.

Fengmei exhaled for a long time, turned around and walked out of her house and walked towards the blue peony room. The little green and Xiao Hong, who followed behind her, saw her walking in the direction of the blue peony room. With a smile, their kind princess finally figured it out.

When Fengmei arrived at the Blue Peony's room, she was scared by a room full of people. Jin Ling and Yinlong were all there. Seeing Fengmei's appearance, the gentle and happy face of the blue peony suddenly sank.

Fengmei stared at the blue peony leaning in the arms of the silver dragon, and then turned her eyes to the spider girl and the snake demon kneeling on the ground. The two of them had already been beaten and bruised. Fengmei squatted in front of the spider girl and the snake demon in the surprised eyes of everyone. Fengmei leisurely stretched out her hand and put it in front of the spider girl and the snake demon.

The snake demon said in horror, "What do you want to do?"

Fengmei smiled coldly and said, "Spider sister, snake demon, it's fate for me to meet you two. Now you two suffer so much for a few drops of antidote. Why do you have to do this? I can't bear to see it. If you hand over the antidote, I promise to let you leave here safely.

The spider girl and the snake demon said almost in unison: "Do you want an antidote? No way."

The spider girl and the snake demon's stubborn phoenix girl were not angry. She still had time to speak. She only listened to Lan Yu and said, "Don't talk nonsense with them. I killed them with a knife and used their blood to detoxify the blue peony and blue peony."

Fengmei clapped her hands as soon as she heard it: "Does their blood have the effect of detoxification? Yes, this is a good way. Lan Yu, bring a knife. I haven't talked about what spider blood looks like.

Spider Girl looked at Feng Mei in fear, opened her eyes in disbeliably, looked at the knife in Feng Mei's hand, and was even more afraid: "Feng, Feng Mei, what do you want to do? Don't mess around."

Fengmei shook the knife in front of the spider girl and the snake demon, "I don't know if I can cut the spider meat with such a sharp knife. I don't care. Let's try it first."

The spider girl and the snake demon were shocked and watched Fengmei slowly approach their bodies in disbelif.

Everyone held their mouths and laughed. Only the blue peony looked at Fengmei with no expression on his face, secretly cursed that Fengmei was nosy and did everything in front of Brother Long.

The feeling of the sharp blade touching the skin made the spider girl and the snake demon tremble all over.

Fengmei suddenly took back the knife, looked at the spider girl and the snake demon seriously and said, "I'll give you two a last chance. If you don't hand over the antidote, I'll count three times. If you two don't take out the antidote again, then I will... one..."

This time, the spider sister and the snake demon hesitated. Fengmei knew that her threat was working, and Fengmei continued to shout "two."

Fengmei's "three" still had time to shout out, so she listened to the snake demon and said, "You are cruel, Fengmei, we will call out the antidote, but you must ensure that we can get out of here safely."

When Feng Mei heard that the snake demon finally let go, she was secretly happy and hurriedly said, "Okay, hand it over quickly."

The snake demon touched the clothes for a long time before he took out a porcelain bottle. He put it in front of Fengmei and took the antidote and looked at it. Just like the antidote she stole last time, Fengmei assuredly handed over the antidote to Lan Yu. Fengmei turned her eyes to the spider sister again. The spider girl had a black face and took it out of her arms. Another small porcelain bottle was handed to Fengmei. Fengmei checked it and gave it to Lan Yu. Lan Yu, who got the antidote, immediately went to the silver dragon and the blue peony, handed the antidote to the silver dragon, and the silver dragon fed the blue peony to drink.

The spider girl asked the phoenix sister sternly, "Can you let us go now?"

Fengmei laughed and said, "Of course, I promise to let you go. Naturally, I won't go off. However, this is Jinling Villa. If I let you go or not, I'm afraid it depends on the meaning of the owner of Jinling City."

With that, Fengmei looked at the owner of Jinling City. Jin Ling smiled at Fengmei knowingly and said, "Come on, take these two little demons and put them in prison."

As soon as the spider girl and the snake demon panicked, the spider girl said harshly, "Sister Feng, you don't believe what you say. You really believe you wrong. One day, my spider sister will get the humiliation I received today from you."

As soon as the spider girl's words fell, a group of guards from Jinling Villa came in and escorted the spider girl and the snake demon. Fengmei clapped her hands and said, "Wow, it's really a tiring thing to fight with these little demons. Can I have a sip of tea?"

Jin Ling nodded with a smile, and Feng Mei rudely picked up Jin Ling's finished tea and drank it.

Yinlong frowned unhappily. How could she drink other men's tea? Just when Yinlong was very dissatisfied, a gentle and beautiful voice of blue peony came from his ear: "Brother Long, I want to sleep for a while."

Silver Dragon came to his senses and hurriedly said, "Okay." The silver dragon carefully put the blue peony in ** and gently covered the quilt for the blue peony. Fengmei saw it in her eyes and was angry in her heart. Well, the silver dragon actually showed her love with the blue peony in front of so many people. Fengmei patted her head in regret. What a pig's head. Unexpectedly, for the sake of that woman and the two A little demon fights back and forward.

Blue Peony looked at Fengmei and said in a gentle voice, "Thank you for saving me, Miss Feng. I really don't know how to thank you."

Fengmei looked at the hypocritical blue peony indifferently and said rudely, "Just leave your hypocrisy to cheating men. I don't want to eat you. I help you just for the city owner. I don't want people who don't want to do it to die in this villa and add bad luck to the villa."

The blue peony was even paler when Fengmei said. The blue peony looked at the silver dragon pitifully and said softly, "It seems that Miss Feng has a deep misunderstanding of me."

Yinlong straightened up and looked at Feng Mei and scolded her in a bad tone, "Isn't Lan Er only injured to find out the missing girl? Why are you so unreasonable and talking nonsense?

Fengmei snorted coldly to Yinlong, "I went to the magic palace to find out the situation. You said that I was nosy and bold to do anything regardless of the consequences. How could the blue peony go to investigate the missing girl, but you were grateful to her. Silver Dragon, I finally understand now that there was only this blue peony in your heart, and you didn't leave it for my Fengmei at all. A little bit of position, okay, let's stop here."

After saying that, Feng Mei walked out of the blue peony room sadly. The silver dragon sighed helplessly. When will she really understand?

Seeing Fengmei running out sadly, Jin Ling also quickly chased out. Feng Yun and others were also anxious. They hurriedly said goodbye to the silver dragon and the blue peony and chased them out.

Lan Peony said to Yinlong leisurely, "Miss Feng is really happy. There are so many people who care about her, protect her and love her. But, Brother Long, I only have you."

Yinlong was stunned and pretended to be confused and said, "You are my friend, and they will naturally treat you as a friend. Lan Er, you have just taken the medicine, and your physical injury has not yet healed. Don't think nonsense and have a good rest."

The blue peony looked at the silver dragon in frustration and said, "I'm fine. Why don't you go and see Miss Feng?" She must be very sad.

Silver Dragon pulled the quilt for the blue peony and said, "Then I'll go to see her first. Don't let her happen again. You go to bed first, and I'll come to see you later."

Blue Peony nodded understandingly and watched the silver dragon come out of her sight. Her heart was sad. She looked at the direction of the silver dragon's disappearance and whispered, "Brother Long, I don't just want friends. I don't need friends. What I want is you, your care and your love."

Fengmei ran to the peach forest behind the villa and cried loudly. Her crying shook many people. She stood behind her and looked at her charm and others. She looked at Fengmei crying loudly in surprise. They had never seen Fengmei have such a sad moment. Every day, she saw Fengmei crazy and didn't be afraid. Suddenly However, when they saw that she was so sad, their hearts also became sad.

Jin Ling stared at the crying Fengmei and wanted to comfort her several times, but when she looked at the charm, she suppressed the impulse in her heart. He looked at Fengmei, and her heart was full of doubts. What does Fengmei have to do with the silver dragon? Why does Fengmei care so much about the silver dragon? Smart as her, kind as her, and affectionate as her.