Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 125 Relatively envised

Chapter 125: The rival is relatively red-eyed

Fengmei looked at the silver dragon with clear and flowing eyes. Under the moonlight, the silver dragon's angular and resolute and handsome face was deeply painful and sad. So sad that Fengmei made Fengmei's heart a little reluctant.

Fengmei held her pink fist tightly and forced herself to stick to the last moment. Don't fall into the gentleness set by the silver dragon so easily. Thinking about the immoral things he and the blue peony did, Fengmei seemed to find the motivation to hate the silver dragon again.

Just when Yinlong thought that Fengmei was going to forgive him, Fengmei looked at Yinlong with unusually cold and ruthless eyes and said, "I will never forgive you. Don't come to me again unless I think about it myself, I won't have anything to do with you again. Say goodbye."

After saying that, Fengmei soared up in the air, but met the blue peony that flew back in the air. The blue peony was really curious to see Fengmei who suddenly appeared here. Isn't she in the hands of the demon? Why is it here?

Fengmei nodded slightly to the blue peony and was ready to leave, but behind her came a gentle and anxious cry: "Miss Feng, please stay, please let the peony say a few words?"

Fengmei stopped and was about to fly forward. She turned around and floated face to face with the blue peony in the air. Fengmei said indifferently, "Peony fairy, please say it." Fengmei's voice was neither disgusted nor enthusiastic. It was surprisingly calm, which made the blue peony look at with new eyes.

The blue peony nodded faintly and said, "Then let's go down and talk. This air is not a place to talk."

Feng Mei did not answer, but directly shook her sleeves. She fell to the ground gently and elegantly like a word. She looked at the doubtful frowning silver dragon standing aside, turned around and fell down staring at the blue peony.

Blue Peony didn't expect that the silver dragon was also present. Suddenly, he was a little at a loss. The blue peony smiled and said to the silver dragon, "Brother Long, I have a few words to say with Miss Feng, and please avoid it for a moment."

Yinlong looked at Fengmei worriedly, but Fengmei proudly turned her back on him and did not find the deep worry and reluctance in his eyes.

The silver dragon sighed helplessly, turned around and walked to the courtyard. Fengmei heard the footsteps of the silver dragon getting smaller and smaller. She knew that the silver dragon had left. She just turned around and looked at the blue peony and asked, "What can you say as soon as possible? I have other things to do."

The blue peony smiled and said, "You must be wondering why Brother Long is gentle and why he suddenly did that kind of thing. Today, I will tell you all the things."

Fengmei looked at the calm face of the blue peony on guard, full of puzzlement. Did even the blue peony become so incredible? Doesn't she always take what she does for granted?

Feng Mei nodded indifferently and stood quietly waiting for the next word of the blue peony.

Blue Peony walked to Fengmei and said, "That night was indeed all this led by the fairy himself. The purpose of this fairy is not to let you leave Brother Long, but to test how deep the love is between you and Brother Long. It actually makes Brother Long miss you so much. Fengmei, I have to envy you in Longda. The position in my brother's heart. In the past three years in the sky, although I have been with Brother Long, there is no fairy in Brother Long's eyes. He always asks, how are you doing, Fengmei, you don't know how humble I have become since you appeared in Brother Long's life. As Lan Peony said, his face turned pale involuntarily, and his heart became painful. Even looking at Feng Mei, there was a strong jealousy in her eyes.

Fengmei's lips moved, but she couldn't speak. She knew that it was not wrong to love someone, but it was wrong to fall in love with someone she should not love. Now the blue peony is trapped in the whirlpool of love and has lost her mind. She would rather destroy her innocence for the silver dragon.

Fengmei sighed in her heart and said, "It's not Fengmei's intention to make the peony fairy so painful. It's just that this marriage is doomed. Why are you struggling so hard?"

Fengmei's words attracted Lan Peony's self-deprecating smile. Lan Peony stopped laughing and stared at Fengmei angrily and said, "You have become Brother Long's treasure. It can be said so light that you are full of people who are hungry. You will never understand the pain in my fairy's heart."

Fengmei no longer planned to say anything to this woman who was trapped in love. She said directly, "If the peony fairy has nothing else to do, please forgive Fengmei for saying goodbye."

"Wait a minute." Before Fengmei could turn around, she was stopped by the blue peony. The blue peony said, "Forgive Brother Long. Although this is not my intention, I don't want Brother Long to be sad about you all day long. Please forgive him. I have told you that all this was planned by the fairy. I want to complain. You should hate that all the fairies bear it alone, but don't blame Brother Long.

Fengmei sneered and said, "Since you can beg me so low for him, won't it be better for me to leave? You can get the moon first and get Brother Long. Why do you still have to persuade me to stay?

The blue peony, which was poked in pain, suddenly looked at Fengmei with a bad face and said, "Yes, you're gone. Brother Long belongs to me alone, but I don't want Brother Long's pain, but Brother Long can be happy with me. I believe that one day I will get Brother Long, no matter His people are still his heart. They are all fairies. If you don't believe it, let's wait and see.

This woman changed her face faster than turning over the book. She begged her pitifully just now, but now she is arrogant. Fengmei said helplessly, "I will come back to him, but not now. You can take care of yourself. If you can get Brother Long's heart before I come back, I will be willing to give up. If I come back. You haven't got Brother Long before, so don't blame me for not giving you a chance. The time is half a month. You can take care of yourself.

After saying that, Fengmei turned around, straightened her waist, and left righteously under the gaze of the blue peony. The blue peony fell on her sleeve fiercely, snorted coldly, and whispered to Fengmei's back, "I will not give up Brother Long easily to you. Today, I'm here to persuade you. It's already the limit of my fairy. If you still don't know what's good or what's good, then don't blame me for not giving you mercy.

Feng Yun and Lan Yu waited anxiously in the room, waiting for Yinlong to bring Fengmei back, but they had been waiting for an hour. They had not seen Fengmei, and even Yinlong didn't know where she had gone.

Lan Yu finally couldn't sit still. He patted the table and stood up and said, "No, I'm afraid the third brother and the third sister-in-law are in a fight. Let's go out and have a look."

Feng Yun shook his head and said, "They will definitely not fight. At most, it's just a language disparity and a few quarrels."

Lan Yu said, "Let's go out and have a look, so that something unexpected will happen."

After saying that, Lan Yu went out first. When Feng Yun saw that Lan Yu went out, she also lamented and went out. However, as soon as they stepped out of the yard, they saw Yinlong sitting alone by the lotus pond. They didn't know what they were thinking, and they didn't see any shadow of Feng Mei.

Lan Yu and Feng Yun exchanged a wink and walked to Yinlong. Feng Yun carefully asked, "Brother Long, why didn't Sister Feng come back with you?"

Silver Dragon came to his senses from meditation. He looked at Feng Yun and Lan Yu and sighed helplessly. He was about to open his mouth, but the blue peony's voice inserted: "Miss Feng, she's gone."

"Are you leaving?" Silver Dragon, Charm, and Lan Yu looked at the blue peony that came by in surprise. Why did Sister Feng leave without saying a word?

Feng Yun and Lan Yu looked at the silver dragon. The silver dragon looked at the sky with no expression on his face, and did not look at the blue peony. It was not until the blue peony came to them that Feng Yun said angrily, "It's all because of you. Why do you come back? If it hadn't been for your sister Feng, you wouldn't have had such a big misunderstanding about Brother Long. Blue Peony, what kind of heart do you have? Can't you see Sister Feng and Brother Long happy like this?

The charming words made the blue peony very unhappy. He only heard the blue peony say, "Do you think it's all my fault? Charm, you should also talk about your conscience, okay? Isn't it a woman who loses the most in this kind of thing?

With that, the blue peony's face turned red. The blue peony looked at the silver dragon in a cowardly voice and said aggrievedly, "Brother Long, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If it hadn't been for me, you and Miss Feng would not have such a big misunderstanding. I just explained to Miss Feng for a long time and persuaded her to stay, but she had made up her mind to go. You won't listen to me, Brother Long, I'm sorry.

Lan Yu, who stood aside, couldn't help admiring the acting skills of Blue Peony. At this time, he still pretended to be innocent in front of Brother Long? Is Brother Long really so easy to cheat?

Yinlong looked at the blue peony tiredly and said weakly, "Now it's not the question of who is wrong and who is right. The key is that I must find Fengmei back."

After saying that, Yinlong turned around and walked towards the room. Feng Yun stared at the blue peony fiercely and said, "Please don't attack the front of Brother Long in the future, okay? Brother Long indulges you so much because you still think about the old feelings. If Brother Long is not such a kind and righteous person, you have died more than 800 times. Do you think you know nothing about what Sister Feng has done? In fact, Brother Long knows better than anyone else.

"You..." The blue peony was constantly changing by the charming face, sometimes white and sometimes red. She pointed to the charm and said, "Do you think you are the fourth princess, and I won't do anything to you? If you dare to shout so loudly in front of me again, I will never be kind to you.

The blue peony roared in anger, snorted coldly, stared at the charm and blue rain, and walked into the yard angrily. In order to steal the dragon ball, she suffered all these hardships.

Looking at the back of the blue peony leaving contemptuously, he shook his head helplessly and said, "I didn't know that the blue peony was such an unreasonable woman before."