Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 132 Wrong Fengmei Poisoned

Chapter 132: Fengmei's poisoning

Feng Yun walked into the room with the tea just cooked. She saw Yinlong sitting in front of the window and looking out. With a thoughtful look, Feng Yun couldn't help sighing. She poured a cup of tea alone and walked to Yinlong and shouted gently, "Brother Long, would you like a cup of tea?"

The blue peony crawled on the window and looked in. She couldn't help hanging her heart on her throat. She looked at the silver dragon anxiously.

Fengmei, who just came in from the outside, tilted her head and looked at the blue peony in panic. What was she looking at? Why don't you go in? Instead, hide outside and peep? What's she doing? Feng Mei deliberately lightened her footsteps and approached the blue peony step by step.

The blue peony's heart was on the silver dragon in the room. She didn't notice Fengmei's approach until Fengmei stood behind her and gently patted the blue peony's shoulder. The blue peony went and shook her shoulders indifferently, still looking inside.

Fengmei thinks this is very strange. What on earth is she looking at? Are you so nervous? So Fengmei also looked along the blue peony's sight and only saw a cup of tea in Yinlong's hand. I don't know what He Fengyun was talking about?

Feng Mei stared at the blue peony and deliberately asked in the blue peony's ear, "Peony fairy, what are you peeping outside?"

When the blue peony heard the voice, she came to her senses in surprise, but her face was full of panic and her eyes were at a loss. Feng Mei looked at the blue peony doubtfully. What was she panicking about?

The blue peony had a pale face, and his eyes were flustered and pointless. He stammered, "No, I... I just saw the speculation between Brother Long and Miss Feng, so... so I didn't dare to go in and disturb?"

"Is that right?" Feng Mei still doesn't believe the words of Blue Peony. Judging from the expression of Blue Peony's face, things don't seem to be so simple. If that's all, since she is embarrassed to go in and disturb her, why should she hide outside the door and peek? This seems to be logical, right?

The blue peony was a little embarrassed by Feng Mei's inquiring eyes. He hurriedly said, "Since Miss Feng, you are back, then... I'll come back to Brother Long the next day. Peony will leave first."

After saying that, without waiting for Feng Mei's reply, she left in a hurry. Feng Mei looked at the panicked appearance of the blue peony and became more confused. What was she panicked about? What are you afraid of? What's the hurry?

Fengmei turned around and walked into the room and asked doubtfully, "What are you talking about? I just saw the blue peony looking at you in a panic at the door. Did you see her?

The charm said strangely, "No, I just chatted with Brother Long. What is she doing at the door?"

Yinlong looked at Fengmei and was also very puzzled. Since he was standing at the door, why didn't he come in?

Feng Mei sighed helplessly, took a sip of the tea in Yinlong's hand, and kept saying, "I'm so thirsty, I'm so thirsty." I couldn't help taking another sip.

Silver Dragon and Charm were laughed at by Feng Mei's lovely action.

It was not until Fengmei drank all the cup of tea that Fengmei accidentally felt a little tired. Two silver dragons and two charms appeared in front of her eyes. Fengmei frowned vigorously and opened her eyes to see the silver dragon and charm, but she was helpless. No matter how hard she tried to see clearly, she couldn't see clearly.

Feng Mei said doubtfully, "Brother Long, Feng Yun, why are you two? Can't you split up?"

Fengmei's words made Fengyun and Yinlong find that something was wrong with Fengmei. The teacup in Fengmei's hand fell to the ground without warning. Fengyun exclaimed, "Sister Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Silver Dragon hugged Feng Mei's body, who was about to fall to the ground, and said anxiously, "What's wrong with you? But what's wrong with your health?

Fengmei struggled to open her eyes, and her voice was so low that she couldn't even hear herself: "I'm so dizzy. I really want to sleep. Brother Long, what's wrong with me?"

Feng Yun also looked at Feng Mei very puzzled. Why did Sister Feng, who was still alive just now, suddenly become like this? Feng Yun couldn't help looking at the broken teacups on the ground. Is it because of those teas? Feng Yun looked at Yinlong in panic and shouted, "Brother Long, is it because Sister Feng drank that tea?"

"Tea?" Yinlong also looked at the broken teacup on the ground in surprise, hurriedly put Fengmei on the bed, picked up Fengmei's wrist and began to pick up the pulse. Before long, Yinlong frowned and let go of Fengmei's wrist.

"How's it going? Brother Long? Sister Feng and she..." Feng Yun looked at Yinlong in panic and asked.

Silver Dragon did not immediately answer the question of charm, but went to the teapot on the table, poured the tea out of the teapot, reached out and pulled out the silver needle inserted in the hair crown and put it into the teacup. Soon the silver needle turned dark black.

"Ah..." When Feng Yun saw the silver needle turn black, she couldn't help shouting in horror, "The poison is really in the tea."

Yinlong pondered for a moment and said, "Fengmei, spider venom and snake venom are combined to become strange poison, and there is no surprise at all with the poison in the tea."

The charm widened her eyes in surprise, and her lips moved for a long time before squeezing out a word: "Poison?"

"Yes." Silver Dragon is also very strange. How can this tea gift be poisonous? The silver dragon looked at the charm doubtfully.

Feng Yun quickly waved his hand anxiously and said, "It's not me, it's not me, Brother Long, it's not my poison. I won't harm Sister Feng."

Yinlong nodded and said, "I also believe you won't do this, but why did she get poisoned?"

Feng Yun also looked at the Fengmei lying in ** with regret and said, "How is Sister Feng now? There is no life threat, right?

Yinlong said, "Fortunately, there is not much poison in the tea, and there is no life threat for the time being. If she can't find the antidote within three days, I'm afraid that the magic power she has just recovered will gradually fade away, and finally wither and die like a flower."

"What?" Feng Yun was shocked and couldn't believe it: "This poison has such an effect? If Sister Feng hadn't drunk that cup of tea, I'm afraid the poisoned person would have been Brother Long.

Yinlong nodded in agreement: "Whether intentional or unintentional, Fengmei has always blocked a lot of unexpected disasters for me. Now we have to find the antidote as soon as possible. Where is Lan Yu? Don't you see anyone?"

"I'm here, third brother." It was said that Cao Cao Cao arrived. As soon as Yinlong's words fell, before the charm could speak, Lan Yu's excited voice came in.

Feng Yun walked to Lan Yu, grabbed Lan Yu and stared fiercely and said, "Sister Feng is poisoned. You accompany Brother Long to find an antidote."

"Poisoned?" Only then did Lan Yu see Fengmei lying in ** and said, "When did this happen?"

Feng Yun said, "I just made a pot of tea for Brother Long, but I didn't expect that the tea was poisonous, and it was the poison of the demon world."

"Three brothers, is that really the case? Who is going to poison the third sister-in-law? Is it the blue peony again? Lan Yu couldn't help saying it. Unexpectedly, Lan Yu's words reminded Feng Yun something.

Feng Yun looked at Yinlong and said, "Brother Long, I don't know if I should tell you something?"

Yinlong said patiently, "Then say it quickly. We're going to find the antidote."

Feng Yun said, "Not long ago, Lan Yu and I saw two spider girls, Blue Peony and Demon. The snake demon met in the peach forest behind the yard. It seemed that they had some kind of deal."

Lan Yu nodded when he heard this and said, "Yes, third brother, we saw it with our own eyes. It can't be wrong."

"Is there such a thing?" Silver Dragon couldn't believe it: "Why did Lan Er do this? She obviously wanted to hurt me with this poison. Why did she do that? What kind of agreement did she reach with the Demon Lord?

Lan Yu and Feng Yun shook their heads, and they didn't hear this clearly.

Yinlong pondered for a long time and said, "Feng Yun, I won't investigate the reason now. The most important thing is to find the antidote. Feng Yun stayed to take good care of Fengmei. Lan Yu and I went to find the antidote."

"Okay." Feng Yun and Lan Yu agreed at the same time. After saying that, Lan Yu followed the silver dragon out. When he was about to get to the gate, he saw the blue peony sitting by the lotus pond, looking at the lotus pond and wondering what he was thinking.

Yinlong and Lan Yu took a look and nodded almost tacitly. Since the poison was made by the blue peony, she may have an antidote.

"Lan'er." Walking behind the blue peony, the silver dragon shouted with a blank face, "Do you have an antidote?"

Blue Peony's surprised heart suddenly beat wildly, but she pretended to be indifferent and said, "Brother Long, what else do you say? What antidote?"

Lan Yu said angrily, "Are you still pretending to be garlic? Don't you know what the antidote is? Why don't you hand it over quickly?"

"Blue Rain." The silver dragon grabbed the excited Lan Yu and stopped it in a low voice.

The blue peony immediately pretended to have a pitiful expression and looked at the silver dragon and said, "Brother Long, what on earth did I do? Why are you so silent and ask me for an antidote? I don't have any antidote.

Lan Yu wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Yinlong. He only heard Yinlong say, "Well, Fengmei was poisoned by a combination of spider venom and snake venom. Now she urgently needs an antidote."

"What?" Blue peony pretended to be shocked and said, "Miss Feng is poisoned? I just saw that Miss Feng was so good. How could she suddenly..."

"There is someone poisoned in the tea." Yinlong interrupted eagerly without waiting for the blue peony to finish speaking, "Now we urgently need the antidote, so..."

The blue peony looked at the silver dragon in horror. Unexpectedly, Brother Long didn't drink the tea, but let Fengmei drink it? Now it's a big trouble. Lan Peony was annoyed and pretended to look at Yinlong aggrievedly and said, "So, Brother Long thinks it's me who poisoned it? Is that right? Does Brother Long think so?

Lan Yu said, "This doesn't need the third brother to think at all. That's the truth. That day, you met with the spider girl and the snake demon in the peach forest. Feng Yun and I can see it clearly with our own eyes. Do you still deny it so much?"

Hearing Lan Yu say this, Lan Peony suddenly shivered all over and looked at Lan Yu in disbelif. That day... Did they see it? If so, I'm afraid she will be exposed before she finishes the work for the demon. The panic between the blue peony's eyebrows has long been seen in the eyes of the blue rain and the silver dragon. The silver dragon is very distressed and disappointed. Why does the blue peony become so unscrupulous today? Why did you get him and hurt anyone? He really can't forgive this time.