Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 156 Farewell to the Fairyland

Chapter 156: Farewell to the Fairyland

King Hull and the Queen's feast for Silver Dragon and others slowly came to an end in a lively atmosphere of singing and dancing. Fengmei had already drunk and became unconscious. King Hull and Queen looked at Fengmei, who was gently held in the arms of the Silver Dragon, and shook their heads helplessly.

King Hull said, "Longer, you can take your princess to the Dragon Palace to rest first. Maybe the princess has been away from the fairyland for a few years and returned here again today. She was very happy to drink so much."

The queen also looked at Feng Mei, who was sleeping in a mess and said, "Yes, this child must have suffered a lot in the past three years. Today, when I first saw this child, I always felt a lot of changes. Although he was lively and active, I always felt that something had changed."

King Hull patted the queen gently on the shoulder and said, "Well, when you talk to the children in the future, let Longer and them go back to rest today."

The queen quickly smiled and said, "Look at me. As soon as I see the children, I talk a lot. So, Long'er, Yu'er, go back to your own palaces and have a rest."

The silver dragon held the phoenix sister in his arms, and Lan Yu took the charm's hand and said respectfully to King and Queen Hull, "My son is leaving, father and queen are also holy."

King Hull and Queen nodded with satisfaction and watched Yinlong and others walk out of their sight. The queen couldn't help sighing, "If you think about it carefully, I always feel a little guilty about Feng'er's child."

King Hull took the queen's hand and looked at the queen's melancholy and beautiful face and comforted him, "Don't be so guilty. This is the child's disaster. There is no need to feel guilty about yourself."

The queen smiled gently and sighed, "Let's go back to the palace to rest. We are really a little tired today."

Yinlong put Fengmei on the bed and asked Xiaolu Xiaohong to bring a basin of hot water. Yinlong personally wiped Fengmei's body and moved very gently, as if Fengmei was a porcelain treasure, which would break when she touched it. She took good care of her. Xiaolu and Xiaohong were envious and happy for Fengmei to get their princes. Wholehearted love, how many generations can it be cultivated?

Fengmei was still sleepy and unconscious, and kept muttering vaguely that Yinlong couldn't understand. In this way, Yinlong didn't sleep all night and took good care of Fengmei all night. It was not until early in the morning that Yinlong climbed to ** and hugged Fengmei and fell asleep.

After sleeping for about half an hour, the silver dragon was awakened by a golden light. The silver dragon opened his eyes while blocking the strong golden light with his hand. When he got used to the golden light, the silver dragon saw that the Bodhisattva had appeared in his dragon palace at some time. The Bodhisattva was smiling and looking at him and the still sleeping Fengmei.

The silver dragon did not dare to walk down from ** at all. He knelt on the ground devoutly and looked at the Bodhisattva and said, "It's not only the Bodhisattva coming, but also the disciples who missed the distance."

The Bodhisattva smiled faintly and said softly, "It doesn't matter. I know that you have just returned to the fairyland, and you are tired all over. I don't blame you."

Silver Dragon quickly said gratefully, "Disciple, thank you for your magnanimosity." After saying that, Yinlong took a look at Fengmei lying in ** and said shyly, "Fengmei, she..."

Feng Mei sighed long and said, "Well, that's all I can do now. Brother Long, when will we leave?"

As soon as Fengmei's words fell, Lan Yu and Feng Yun hurried in. Feng Yun asked eagerly, "We just saw the Bodhisattva leave with the golden light. Is there any task for us to complete?"

Silver Dragon said, "According to the instructions of the Bodhisattva, we need to immediately go down to help the owner of Jinling City solve several injustices, so that we can get real merit."

"So that's it. It seems that we have something to do." Lan Yu nodded and said with some joy, "Then when shall we leave?"

"It's not too late. We can set out with a little preparation." After saying that, Yinlong called Xiaolu Xiaohong, who was guarding outside the Dragon Palace, in and ordered, "Hurry up and dress up for the princess. We will say goodbye to your parents later."

Bye-bye? Can the prince and princess leave again as soon as they come back? Xiao Lv Xiaohong hesitated for a long time before she hurried to the dressing mirror and dressed for Feng Mei.

Several times, Xiaolu Xiaohong wanted to ask the doubts in their hearts, but whenever they looked at the melancholy eyes of the silver dragon, they suppressed the doubts in their hearts. It was not until Fengmei was finished dressing up that Xiaolu Xiaohong suddenly knelt in front of Fengmei. Fengmei looked at them in surprise.

Xiaolu said anxiously, "Prince, princess, I know that you are leaving again, but I want to ask the prince that the princess can take me with me, and I want to serve the prince and princess all the time."

Fengmei was very moved by the center of Xiaolu Xiaohong. She quickly helped Xiaolu Xiaohong and said, "You want to follow us and let you follow. Why do you have such a big gift? Don't do this again."

Little Green Xiaohong looked at Fengmei happily and said, "The princess agreed to take us there."

Fengmei nodded and said, "Of course, since you are not afraid to suffer in the world with us, then follow."

Little Green Xiaohong quickly took Fengmei's hand excitedly and said, "Thank you, princess. Thank you, princess. We will always be with the princess and vow to protect the safety of the prince and the princess."

Fengmei nodded movedly and said, "Now that we are ready, it's time for us to see our father and mother."

So, Silver Dragon and others went to pay homage to King Hull and Queen. When Silver Dragon and others arrived at King Hull's bedroom, they found that the flames and red water had already been there. They didn't know what they were discussing, and the atmosphere looked a little solemn.

Seeing the Silver Dragon and the others appear, King Hull's frowned slightly stretched a little. The Silver Dragon first saluted the King and Queen of Hull.

Silver Dragon looked at the high King and Queen Hull and said, "I came here today to say goodbye to my father and mother."

"Bye-bye? Long'er, why did you say that? Obviously, King Hull did not expect that they would leave again when they had just returned, and the queen sitting next to King Hull couldn't help frowning.

Yinlong said, "I just received the instructions from the Bodhisattva to let Erchen and others go to the world to complete the final task."

"So that's it." King Hull sighed helplessly, "How long will it take for you to go?"

Silver Dragon and others shook their heads and said, "We don't know that as long as the task is completed, we will return to the fairyland immediately. I hope our father and mother will take care of ourselves."

The queen reluctantly walked to the silver dragon, and her eyes were full of tears.