Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 169 Fengmei's melancholy

Chapter 169: Fengmei's melancholy

At the moment when Fengmei and others solved the injustice in the world in accordance with the will of the Bodhisattva, the demon master actively practiced magic and practiced magic soldiers in the demon world. Such a careless demon made the spider sister and the snake demon a little surprised and a little curious why the demon suddenly changed like this. Since the silver dragon and others left the demon world, the devil Zun never mentioned Fengmei's name again. Did he really forget Fengmei?

The spider girl couldn't help asking the snake demon curiously, "Do you think the master really kicked Fengmei out of his world? We haven't heard the master mention that woman for a long time.

The snake demon shook his head and said, "If you want to say that the master forgets Fengmei, it can only deceive yourself. In any case, as long as the master can let go of Fengmei, we don't have to worry about the master anymore."

The spider girl nodded and said, "That's true." As soon as the spider girl and the voice fell, the voice of the demon came from the hall.

I only heard the demon master say, "Spider girl, snake demon, you two roll in for me."

The spider girl and the snake demon were shocked, looked at each other, quickly walked into the hall, stood in front of the demon master and said, "What's the master's order?"

The demon master meditated for a long time and looked coldly at the spider girl and the snake demon and said, "These Japanese are busy with cultivation and training magic soldiers. Can you pay attention to the movement of the silver dragon and the movement of the demon world for me?"

The spider girl lowered her head and said, "There is no big move in the fairyland, but Yinlong and others have gone to the world again for some reason."

The snake demon held his hand and said, "Yes, master, it is said that Silver Dragon and others took the will of the Bodhisattva to the world to hear the injustice. Master, what's the point of this? The magic fairy war is about to begin. Are Silver Dragon and others still in the mood to take care of the world's affairs? What is the purpose of this?

The Demon Lord pondered for a while and said, "Since it is the will of the Bodhisattva, the meaning must not be underestimated. You can find out again."

The spider girl and the snake demon said in one voice, "Yes, master, does the master have other instructions?"

The Demon Lord thought for a long time and said, "Let's see how Fengmei is doing today?"

As soon as the devil said this, the spider girl and the snake demon suddenly felt a little helpless. It turned out that he was still worried about the woman.

The spider girl and the snake demon took the order of the demon and set off for the world. The demon sat silently on the throne of the hall, holding his head in one hand. He didn't know what he was thinking about, and his eyebrows were tightly locked.

The blue peony raised her feet and stepped into the hall of the devil's palace. She saw such a scene. She had never seen the demon master so tired. In the eyes of the blue peony, the demon master is such an indestructible man, but now there is such a distressing moment? Everything will change. The always ruthless and loveless demon will change into infatuation, and the blue peony, the head of the always understanding flower fairy, can also become what it is now. The blue peony can't help laughing sarcastically when thinking of this. The blue peony is no longer the head of the flower fairy, but a woman in the demon world who is born of love and hate, in the hands of the demon master. A chess piece.

The blue peony stopped the sarcastic smile, raised his eyes and looked at the high demon master and said, "Master."

The Demon Lord then raised his head and hid all his fatigue. His deep eyes were full of indifference and ruthlessness. He looked at the blue peony coldly and said, "What's the matter?"

The blue peony smiled faintly and said, "I have conveyed your words to the flame and the pool water, and the two of them will come to visit the master tomorrow."

The Demon Lord pondered and looked at the blue peony and said, "Well done. As long as you work for me well, I will definitely help you get whatever you want."

The blue peony quickly thanked them and said, "The peony thanked the master first. I don't know if the master has any other instructions?"

The demon master thought for a moment and asked the blue peony, "Do you regret joining my demon world?"

Blue Peony said, "If you return to your master, Peony does not regret joining the demon world. In order to get the person I love, this is the price that peony must pay."

The Demon Lord pondered again and said, "It's so good. As long as you recognize your position, I will wish you strength, but once you have a rebellious heart, I will not spare you. You know, you are like an ant in front of me. It's easy to pinch you to death."

The blue peony lowered his head in horror and said, "The peony knows it. Please rest assured that the peony will never betray the master and do anything harmful to the master."

The Demon Lord nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's so good. Then you go. If anything happens, I will summon you again."

The blue peony respectfully saluted the demon and withdrew from the demon's hall.

At this time, Feng Yun and Feng Mei stayed in Mei Niang's room to take care of Mei Niang, while Yin Long and Lan Yu went to find Mei Niang's soul. Feng Mei looked at Mei Niang as if she were asleep and sighed: "Why does such a beautiful girl suffer such misfortune? Feng Yun, this is the hardship in the world. Everything is unpredictable. No one can predict it. Sometimes I really envy Mei Niang. Although she is dead, there are such a affectionate person as Mr. Zhang who thinks about her day and night. Even if she dies, she is extremely happy.

Feng Yun sighed and said, "Sister Feng, don't you sigh so much. Now you and Mr. Long should be a happy couple, right?"

Fengmei smiled and said, "I'm just a little afraid of the upcoming magic fairy war. I don't want to see Brother Long injured, and I don't want to see what's wrong with the demon master. I don't know why. Although I know that the demon master has done so many unreasonable things, I still think he is a poor person."

Feng Yun said: "Sister Feng, you are a kind person, and you will naturally have pity for the demon. I can understand these, but the two worlds of the demon immortals have been two opposite worlds since ancient times. This war is inevitable."

Feng Mei said, "If we can persuade the Demon Lord to give up attacking the fairyland, will this war stop without fighting?"

Feng Yun said helplessly, "Sister Feng, don't be naive. Don't bother about this matter anymore. When we complete the task, it is the time when the magic fairy war breaks out, and it's too late for anything."

Feng Mei sighed melancholy and said, "I really don't want to see these innocent human beings suffer from the suffering caused by war. If only I could avoid it."

Fen Yun said, "Now no matter what we want and do, it doesn't help. The only thing we can do is to do our best to complete the task assigned by the Bodhisattva, and then join the War of Immortals."

At this moment, Fengmei is extremely upset. She really wants to be a charming girl lying in the ice hockey. You don't have to think about it. As long as you close your eyes, everything will be fine. What a wonderful thing it should be?