Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 193 Decide to leave the fairyland

Chapter 193: Decide to leave the fairyland

In the fairyland palace, King Hull was stroking his forehead melancholy and looked at the courtiers standing in the hall anxiously. He was very entangled. He had been discussing all morning, but he couldn't find a way to fight. Seeing that the people in the demon world were about to approach the fairyland.

Every minister in the hall sighed and whispered, but they never found a good way. When several elders saw that the king was so melancholy, their feelings were extremely heavy.

However, just as the ministers were helpless, Yinlong and Fengmei walked hand in hand in the royal garden of the palace, recalling the little things they had experienced in the past few years, which also attracted countless emotions.

Fengmei sat down by the lotus pond and looked at the unchanging lotus pond. Fengmei said leisurely, "We seem to have changed a lot in the past few years, but the lotus flower has not changed at all. It is still full of vitality in the place where they should stay."

Silver Dragon sighed, sat next to Feng Mei, took Feng Mei's hand, and said with a smile, "No matter how they change, everything between us will never change."

Fengmei was moved to the arms of the silver dragon: "Brother Long, since I came to the fairyland and became your princess, you have become the only man in my life. No matter what happens, please remember that the person I love most is you."

Yinlong held Fengmei's hand tightly and said, "I know, I know, I know, even if you don't tell me."

Fengmei seemed to be dissatisfied and continued, "Don't worry about me being there, you have to believe me, and my heart will always be with you."

Fengmei's words made Yinlong very shocked. He slowly let go of Fengmei, seriously looked at Fengmei's slightly sad eyes and said, "Why did you suddenly say these inexplicable words? It makes me feel that you are going to leave me.

Feng Mei falsely patted Yinlong on the shoulder and said with a delicate smile, "How can I be willing to leave you?" You are everything to me. As long as I leave you, I can't do anything.

Silver Dragon pretended to be angry and said, "That's what you said. You can't leave me anyway."

Feng Mei nodded solemnly, rushed into the arms of the silver dragon, and flashed the flashing light of her eyes into the broad chest of the silver dragon. She hugged the silver dragon tightly and said infinitely sorry in her heart. She thought about it. Now there is only a line of hope that can not be carried out, that is, she went to the demon world to lobby with the devil and asked him to give up attacking the immortals. Jie, whether she succeeds or not, this is the last effort she can make.

Hiding in the flowers and looking at their affectionate blue peony, she bit her lips tightly and clenched her fists. She even hated why she was so unpromptuous and risked heartbreak to come here to find the silver dragon. Isn't she beating herself in the mouth? Blue peony, how can you be humble to such a position?

Thinking of this, the blue peony stared fiercely at the silver dragon, a man who had fascinated her for hundreds of years. From then on, they would no longer have any relationship. From then on, the name silver dragon would not appear in the blue peony's mind again. The blue peony made a great determination and quietly disappeared in the garden.

Silver Dragon let go of Fengmei, and Fengmei suddenly said, "Brother Long, I'm tired. I want to go back and have a rest. Do you have a lot of things to do? Don't accompany me anymore. Now that the magic fairy war has begun, we can't relax.

Yinlong also nodded in agreement and said, "I'm going to discuss with my father about taking the army. You can go back to the palace and wait for me first."

"Go ahead. Don't worry about me. I'll wait for you." Feng Mei smiled gently and nodded to the silver dragon. She watched the silver dragon stand up. Feng sister smiled faintly and watched the silver dragon leave her sight.

After Yinlong left, Fengmei also stood up, but instead of returning to the Dragon Palace, she went to the Queen's bedroom.

Seeing Fengmei coming in, the queen's face was filled with a loving smile. She raised her hand and greeted Fengmei and said, "Son, you're here. Come here, don't salute. Come and sit on your mother's side."

Fengmei did not salute, so she sat down in front of the queen. Before Fengmei could speak, the queen took Fengmei's hand and said happily, "Son, you can come to see the mother. The queen is very happy."

Fengmei was also moved to look at the queen and said, "Mother, you are still as beautiful as ever, your love, your gentleness, and your warmth make me feel deep maternal love. I really thank you for taking care of me."

Fengmei's words made the queen smile gently. The queen said, "You child, why did you say these words to the queen now? Since Long'er brought you back here, the mother has regarded you as the mother's most beloved daughter. Don't say such polite words in the future.

Feng Mei nodded and got into the queen's arms and said, "Mother, I hope you can always be so young, so happy, so happy, always so gentle, and love your son so much."

The queen smiled and patted Feng Mei on the back and said, "Why did your child become so strange? Did something happen?"

Fengmei smiled and said, "There was nothing wrong. I was just moved by your love, which made my mother laugh."

The queen smiled and said, "There is nothing strange about it. The more you talk, the more polite you become."

Fengmei looked at the queen awkwardly and smiled at each other. The queen looked at her helplessly at Fengmei's smiling face and liked it very much.

After coming out of the queen, Fengmei went to Pattaya again. When she stepped into the palace in Pattaya, she found that the flames were also there, and Pattaya looked very sad. It seemed that there was a fierce dispute between the two of them. The flame's face was red, which was similar to his hair color.

Seeing Fengmei coming in, Pattaya said awkwardly to Fengmei, "The third sister, you're here. If you need anything, come in and tell me."

Feng Mei looked at the flame at a loss. She stared at Pattaya with the flame warning, brushed her sleeves angrily, and watched the flame leave. Fengmei walked to Pattaya with some embarrassment and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong with you?" Did you quarrel?"

Pattaya sighed helplessly and said, "It's not to persuade him to give up the plan and protect the fairyland wholeheartedly. I didn't expect him to be so stubborn that he couldn't listen to a word, and said some paradoxical truths. Third sister, I'm really in a dilemma now. As the prince of the fairyland, for How can you openly betray the fairyland? Betray your father?"

Feng Mei also sighed with Pattaya: "This is a man's ambition. We women can't figure it out. Sister-in-law, don't worry so much. It's all life. If the eldest brother still doesn't repent in the end, there is nothing we can do."

"No, no, no." Pattaya said anxiously, "He can't die in the flames, third sister-in-law, you must save him, save him."

"Okay, okay." Fengmei agreed at a loss: "I have asked my father for instructions. Anyway, my father will leave a way for the eldest brother. Don't worry, it will be fine."

Pattaya looked at Fengmei with some peace of mind and said, "Thank you, third sister-in-law. Flame, he has done so many wrong things that you can help him like this."

Fengmei said, "Sister-in-law, don't say that. I do everything because we are a family, and I should help my eldest brother."

Fengmei continued, "I'm here today to ask my sister-in-law to help me with something. Only you know this matter."

Pattaya nodded and said, "As long as the third sister-in-law says it, I will definitely help you do it."

Fengmei thought for a while and said, "I want to leave the fairyland for a period of time. Please help me take care of my father and mother, and take good care of Brother Long. Please promise me."

Pattaya frowned and looked at Feng Mei in surprise and asked, "This magic fairy war has begun. Where are you going?"

Fengmei didn't say much: "You just need to promise me. I'm going to stop this war."

What else did Pattaya want to ask, but was stopped by Fengmei: "Sister-in-law, don't ask more questions, and don't tell anyone about my departure, please."

Pattaya watched Fengmei struggle for a long time and finally nodded firmly. Only then did Fengmei smile gratefully.