Exotic God

Chapter 279 Strike East and West

A faint helplessness and lament overflowed from the corners of the middle-aged man's mouth. At this time, with a gentle feeling, everything was constantly pouring out in the sky with a sad feeling. At this time, the book boy looked at all these situations in his eyes. , the lamenting feeling in my heart said slowly with a trace of sadness in my heart at this time:

"Why are you here again"

With a gentle smell, the feeling of looking at the decline in the sky at this time kept spreading. At this time, she endured a trace of helplessness and let them enter the cabin with very thoughtful etiquette. Looking at everything around this time with a faint feeling, when Qinger was ready to enter the house at this time Suddenly, a faint hand shadow slowly pulled her at this time, and looked back with a slight fluctuation. At this time, a helpless expression in her father's eyes continued to spread at this time. That kind of heartfelt feeling had an indescribable helpless breath passed in the sky with a whole smell. Dao and a faint sad breath, everything is so speechless and that helpless breath is constantly spreading a whole gentle smell in the sky.

Qing'er looked at the expression on her father's face and looked at the book boy with a hint of apology at this time:

"I'm not aware, I have something to do. I'll go out first and come back immediately."

The bookboy's head was slightly, and then he looked at everything like this at this with a faint smile on his face and said:

"What else? I'm afraid it's an amazing secret"

With a faint smile in the heart of the bookboy's heart, there was a whole thing and that light smile slowly flowed out with a smile. A faint sigh overflowed from his mouth and looked at the sky at this time, while looking up and entering. At this time, the monkey looked at the book boy at this time unexpectedly With such a sigh and a trace of doubt, he said:

"Brother, don't you think they have a sense of crisis?"

The bookboy looked at them with a faint smile and said:

"Don't think too much. That's it. There's nothing. Do you know that you stay outside the door? Let me see what's going on with your lord?"

When the book boy walked inside at this time, the small door closed like this. At this time, the book boy put down the water and said slowly with a faint smile:

"Get up, there's no one left"


A full smile on Shang Shui's face constantly spread a faint breath in the sky, pouring out a whole taste and a faint feeling that everything is so helpless. With a trace of smile on his face, Shang Shui looked at the scholar's mouth at this time with a trace of sour taste. At this time, he kept saying:

"Ye Chen, you are really a horny monster,

Ye Chen's face with a smile constantly spread with a faint smile at this time, turning around and looking at Shang Shui at this time and slowly said:

"Next, it's up to you. This woman will be handed over to you, do you understand?"

With a trace of helpless expression on Shangshui's eyebrows, he said slowly at this time:

"What do you mean?"

When such a trace of words kept passing out at this time, Ye Chen looked at Shang Shui at this time with a shallow smile and said:

"You know"

Such plain words spread a faint fluctuation in the heart of Shangshui at this time. He didn't know why Ye Chen said this at this time, but he knew that there must be a secret in it. Thinking that Ye Chen's method in other places was really a shocking behavior, which made him feel a little uneasy, and there was a trace of confusion in Shang Shui's eyes. The feeling of confusion slowly said at this time:

"I know, so what should I do now?"

The bookboy's white face is just looking at this seemingly simple hall, and there is an indescribable feeling in his heart that is constantly spreading at this time. Such a situation also needs to be completed by the Shangshui at this time to see what kind of light tycoia is constantly spreading at this time. Fluctuation, everything is so helpless and sad. There is a right taste and a faint sadness in the sky. Time is constantly passing in front of him at this time, and the two of them are passing by question in such a room. Ye Chen's eyes flashed with a faint smile and said slowly at this time:

"They are coming"

Shangshui suddenly went down and looked at everything at this time with a faint feeling. There was a trace of meaningless breath in his eyes at this time, and a drop of tears slowly flashed out of Ye Chen's eyes from then on, and that kind of uneasy breath slowly floated at this time. What a taste. Everything is so sad. At this time, there is a sad atmosphere spreading in the sky, with a sense of pastime. Suddenly, the door "c clicked" at this time, and Qinger walked to Shangshui with a slight smile on her face and said slowly at this time with a faint smile:

"Your Excellency, are you feeling better?"

The feeling of everything is so gentle that everything is spreading with a sense of speechlessness in the house at this time. Everything is so sad and helpless. The bookboy smiled, pointing his fingers to the Shangshui at this time with a trace of sad feelings, and the cyan feeling on his face is constantly spreading at this time. All kinds of taste and shallow feelings, everything is so sad and helpless, constantly pouring a kind of taste and shallow feeling in the sky. When such a feeling kept passing out in the sky at this time, Qinger looked at the book boy at this time with a sad expression and said:

"Your Excellency, what can I do for the Lord now?"

With a helpless expression on the bookboy's face, a sigh kept passing at this time. The corners of his mouth slowly poured out from the mouth of the bookboy at this time:

"Lord's and needs a woman born in a gloomy year to complete it with a virgin to suppress the yang in his body"

The feeling of sadness kept passing out with a trace of regret at this time. Everything was so sad and sad feelings kept spreading in the room at this time. When such words of the bookboy at this time spread out at this time, Qing'er's whole body was shocked; the bookboy's eyes were here. Shi slowly shrank, and Ye Chen said slowly with a gloomy smile in his heart:

"Sure enough"

"It's a pity that there is no extreme yin daughter in the world now. Hey, it seems that our adults have gone like this."

At this time, a faint smell was constantly spreading in Qing'er's ears. The feeling of sobbing in the sky passed with a bleak smell at this time. Qing'er's face became iron blue and stood there for a moment, using a At this time, a shallow smile is constantly passing away with a sense of the right taste and silk. At this time, there is a whole taste and helplessness in the sky. Everything is so sad and helpless. At this time, the faint breath looks at everything at this time, and it is helpless. Feeling more sad, everything was so helpless floating in the sky. Qinger, with a trace of worry on her face, said an apology to the book boy at this time and went out at this time. Everything was so sad that it continued to spread out at this time.


At this moment, the door closed with the bleak taste and a trace of helplessness, which made Qinger's heart feel a delicate sympathy at this time. Is such a help or not?

First, if I help adults, what should my father do?

Second, did I lose my body like this?


Countless reasons kept flowing out in Qinger's mind at this time with a bleak smell. At this time, a decent smell spread in the sky with a trace of pastime, and everything was so ordinary. At this time, the book boy said with a slight smile:

"You should also wake up, or you will be exposed"

Shang Shui's face looked at Ye Chen at this time with a trace of innocence. His heart must have scolded his whole family for thousands of changes. There is nothing he can do. Shang Shui is such a person. As a super god-level existence, he now knows what life is when he is with Ye Chen. Now he also likes such a life very much. I don't know why he has learned a lot from such content. Something, that kind of thing he didn't learn before. Suddenly, a shallow smile on his face looked at the worried Ye Chen at this time and said slowly:

"You boy, I've lived for so long, and I'm not so cunning. I don't know how your parents gave birth to you?"

Ye Chen slowly reincarnated with a slight smile and looked at Shangshui at this time with an evil smile, and the corners of his mouth slowly came out:

"Your excellency. My lord, what on earth are you doing? Don't leave us like this"

When such a shallow words slowly poured out at this time, the sad feeling continued to spread in the sky at this time. When Shang Shui's men heard such a trace of content, they immediately rushed into the house and looked at Shang at this time. The face of the water is very pale and the dryness of the palms. Such a situation does not explain a problem, that is, everything like them is really a faint sadness that keeps spreading at this time. Everything is so speechless. Such everything is the beginning of the death of the human world, but at this time Is Shangshui a mortal?

The answer is obviously not. The monkey looked at the big man lying at this time with a faint smell of sobbing, and the vitality slowly disappeared at this time. Suddenly, they felt shocked. They frowned at the face of the book boy at this time, and the sobbing notes kept flowing in the room at this time. The smell and sad breath all felt so sad and helplessly that the sad feeling spread in the sky. At this time, the monkey suddenly turned around and grabbed the foot of the bookboy's trousers at this time with a trace of sobbing and said slowly at this time:

"Lord Ye Chen, please be our lord"

When such a trace of words came out crying at this time, other loyal men also knelt down and stared at Ye Chen at this time with a trace of pity. Now Ye Chen wants such an effect, looking at them slowly at this time with a faint smile:

"I've tried my best. Is there nothing I can do?"

Looking at everything around at this time with a faint helpless expression, I helplessly felt that it was constantly spreading in the sky at this time. Everything was so sad and helpless in the sad feelings at this time. What kind of feeling in my heart was the right taste at this time? The breath of feeling sobbed with a bottom breath, and suddenly a big note touched their hearts again.

"Your Excellency, Lord Ye Chen, do you still have a prescription?"

At this time, Ye Chen's eyebrows were slightly village, and he thought for a moment and slowly said with a faint smile at this time:

"It's not that there are no, but there are no resources now? Is there a little trouble with this question?

With a trace of low crying, they kept spreading out at this time. I don't know what all this is like, but at this time, they seem to have grasped such a trace of straw. The life-saving straw has a trace of shallow fluctuations, and countless emotions of pleading continue to spread out at this time, a trace of Sad and sincere words continue to spread out at this time.

"What can we do? We can definitely do it?"

Ye Chen seemed to have a trace of tears on the faces of some big men like them, and he slowly said with a helpless tone at this time:

"There's nothing big of a big deal. It's such a situation that requires 200 virgins to volunteer to force your lord."

When such a trace of words flowed out, the people below suddenly went out and did what they should do. With a faint smile, they looked at everything at this time and slowly poured out a sense of sadness. Everything was so helpless and sad in the sky at this time. It continued to spread in the sky. At this time, Ye Chen looked at Shangshui with a smile and said:

"You really have some good subordinates that are really enviable. You guys take good care of the lord. I'm going to have tea."

After saying that, Ye Chen slowly came out at this time, with a faint and gentle feeling that it continued to spread out at this time. A faint feeling looked at everything around this time and slowly said with a shallow fluctuation:

"The good show has begun"

Ye Chen walked out slowly at this time with a faint smile. At this time, they felt that they continued to spread out at this time with a faint and gentle feeling. At this time, a sad feeling was pouring on what kind of taste and shallow fluctuations spread in the sky at this time. What a sad story and a faint feeling.

There was a faint smile on the corners of Ye Chen's mouth sitting in the yard. At this time, he now understood that Shang Shui's heart was looking at everything around him curiously. What made him more curious at this time was why Ye Chen have so many women, and there was a feeling of sadness in his heart constantly at this time. Spread out, everything is so sad and spread a shallow taste in the sky at this time. Time is constantly passing in the space. A cup of tea has passed. Ye Chen looked curiously around at this time. He is also very curious about what the world of cultivation is like. Things?

Why are there so many foreigners staying here? Is all this really a secret, or is it that kind of situation? What should I do next? Countless thoughts kept spreading in Ye Chen's mind at this time, slowly pouring a whole taste and faint feeling in the sky with a sad breath at this time. Everything was so sad, and the sky was filled with that sad smell. Suddenly, a loud voice interrupted Ye Chen at this time.

I saw an old man walking with a mother-in-law's pace. He slowly walked to Ye Chen at this time and looked at Ye Chen with a faint smile and said slowly:

Welcome to our small yard. I specially prepared a little dish for you. I don't know if you will like it?

The amiable words kept drifting out at this time, looking at everything around at this time with a faint feeling and slowly saying:

"Old man, I know you seem to have a little bit of preconstity with us, but we are really wandering"

Ye Chen looked at the old man at this time with a slight smile. Ye Chen could see from such a trace of words that the old man was not an ordinary person, and a gentle feeling slowly poured out with a faint sadness at this time. The ordinary taste and that faint feeling sobbed a whole thing at this time. There was only a faint smile on the old man's face, and the smile on his face passed out at this time and said slowly:

"Good boy, it's really good. Didn't you see the wrong person?"


The cheerful laughter slowly spread out at this time, and with a faint feeling in the sky, a whole taste and a faint feeling kept spreading in the sky at this time. Suddenly, countless broken winds sounded. The old man's mouth had a trace of sour taste and muttered:

"Is it finally here?"