yi shi tian xie

Chapter 9 Tiger

The ground is cold. Tianling slowly woke up. I feel that my muscles are sore and tight, and my bones seem to be scattered. What's more, the head seems to be two or three times bigger than usual, rising and painful, and it will crack as soon as you touch it.

After being hit by the powerful blow of the big octopus, Tianling has further realized the danger of the inside of the magic forest. A water warcraft is so strong, not to mention on land. If he encounters a land warcraft similar to the strength of the big octopus, I'm afraid he will have finished playing it long ago.

Tianling wanted to open his eyes, but the strong sunlight made his eyes white. Tianling sucked his nose and found that there was a strong smell of blood around him.

Tianling lay down and rested for a while before slowly turning his head to the right. In the eyes is a colorful giant tiger fighting with a green python as thick as a bowl.

The python is constantly wrapped around the giant tiger, and the tight armor-like scales have been deeply immersed in the fur of the tiger, oozing blood. The tiger has been biting the head of the python, and its teeth have not moved at all.

Tianling looked at the blood wound on his arm and understood that the battle between the tiger and the python was to fight for the prey, and the prey was himself.

Tianling planned to escape during their fierce struggle, but it seemed that they did not belong to him. Tired and hungry, muscles and bones are like being torn apart. You can't move a finger like a ball of mud. Tianling couldn't help laughing, but his face twitched and his throat choked and couldn't make a sound. It was not long before I came to this world that I would be devoured by snakes or torn by hungry tigers.

The fight of the snake python has reached the last moment. Tianling could even hear the sound of the tiger's bone being crushed and broken by the python, and the python hissing in pain.

The snake's head wanted to twist and shake because of pain, but it was bitten by a tiger. After another quarter of an hour, Tianling suddenly heard a "kake", probably the sound of bone breaking and broken.

The fight stopped. The python and the tiger are still together. Just when Tianling secretly marveled that the beasts had died together. But the accident happened. But the originally curled body of the python gradually loosened, and the snake's head was blurred. A huge thing with beautiful fur slowly stood up. Tianling knew that he was going to be bad.

The tiger slowly stepped on the fine steps, and the soft footsteps in Tianling's ears were undoubtedly the heavy footsteps of death. What does the tiger seem to be afraid of?! Instead of biting Tianling's throat, he circled around Tianling and quietly stared at Tianling.

It's like talking about something. Tianling wondered why the tiger simply bit off his throat. The tiger let out a sad cry, put his head on the ground, pushed the dead Tianling's body to two raised stones, bowed his waist, and held Tianling up. Tianling smelled the blood of the tiger on the tiger's back and felt the warmth of the tiger's skin.

In this way, the tiger carried Tianling all the way slowly and fell down several times, but it survived. Many animals are avoiding in front of them.

Tianling also had some doubts in his heart. According to the tiger's instinct, he should bite his neck directly, but since the tiger carried himself up, he didn't know where to go?

While walking with the tiger with Tianling, Tianling also paid careful attention to the surrounding terrain. The place where the tiger and the python just fought was next to the stone cliff of the island, and now it is obviously exercising in the forest. Although the island is not big, it is still inside. There are many monsters living, and many monsters have avoided them along the way, as if they were afraid of this tiger.

"Does it want to carry me into its nest and enjoy it slowly?" Tianling's face is worse than crying, because the tigers seen on the earth have such a habit of dragging their prey back to their nests to enjoy with their companions.

About an hour later, the tiger took Tianling to a dangerous place and walked towards a mud hole by the mountain rock. As soon as he entered, Tianling smelled a strong fishy smell.

Tianling immediately understood the reason why the tiger brought him here, and his guess was very accurate. Tianling couldn't help thinking of the feeling of several tigers with small sharp teeth opening meat on his body.

"I'm so pitiful that I can't even leave bones." Tianling thought to himself, "So what? I can't even move my fingers now, let alone fighting with a group of unknown tigers, alas! I didn't expect Tianling to be reborn in this world and die again in less than two years ago. Although I'm not afraid of death, that kind of desolate feeling is really uncomfortable.

A cute little tiger with white fur lay in a warm nest like a bird's nest. When he saw the tiger mother, he staggered out and acted happily to the tiger mother.

The little tiger keeps jumping around the tiger's mother, touching the tiger's heel with his little head from time to time. The tiger mother made a weak cry. Suddenly, Tianling felt that his body sank and fell to the ground. It turned out that Mother Tiger could no longer stand lying on the ground. His eyes glowed faintly at Tianling.

Only then did Tianling notice that there was black and green poisonous blood in the front ankle of the tiger's mother. I'm afraid the wound was bitten while fighting with the green python.

Tianling looked into Tiger's mother's eyes and felt that her eyes were like her mother looked at him before she died. Sad eyes and a happy smile.

Tianling naturally knew that Tiger's mother did not eat him, but instead came here. I'm afraid that this kind of growing little tiger will starve to death in a few days without its mother. But when there is a human, the situation is different. Even become a slave to human beings.

As time dries, Mother Tiger gradually lost her breath. But the little tiger didn't notice it and gently licked the bleeding wound of the tiger's mother. Gently make a unique sound of tigers.

Tianling suddenly wanted to cover the tiger's mother's eyes with his hand, but the little tiger bit Tianling fiercely. Although the little tiger's teeth are small, they are also sharp. Tianling shrank back in pain. Looking at the innocent and proud eyes of the little tiger, Tianling smiled.

"Since they are two orphans, why can't they be together?"

Tianling suddenly felt like holding a little tiger in his arms. Just like brothers.

After a few days, Tianling's body recovered. The little tiger also recovered from the grief of losing his loved ones.

Tianling meditated and practiced, while the little tiger lay aside and looked at it, as if he was missing something.

Since being injured by the big octopus, Tianling's ribs have been broken several times, and the internal organs are all bad, and they are all in a mess. If it is not healed in time, it will not die or leave sequelae.

The sun was already shining, and Tianling also woke up from the meditation. He looked at the high sun outside, took a breath, stood up from the ground, and looked back at the little tiger lying beside him. The little tiger tiger's eyes were dull, and he looked stupidly in front of him. Tianling got up and the little tiger tiger did not notice anything.

"Huhu! My brother went out hunting, don't run around, you know?" Little Tiger did not pay attention to Tianling and continued to keep silent. Tianling smiled bitterly and turned around and left.

"Wow~!" At the moment when Tianling turned around, the little tiger suddenly got up from the ground and shouted at Tianling. A pair of round tiger eyes looked at Tianling who was about to go out.

As soon as Tianling heard the cry of the little tiger, he stopped, slowly stepped in front of the little tiger, touched the little tiger's head, and smiled, "Huhu, do you also want to go hunting with your brother?"

Little Tiger didn't pay attention to Tianling. After shouting at Tianling twice, he ran to the cave, ran a few steps and motioned for Tianling to follow. Tianling was also curious for a moment.

This cave is actually not big, about hundreds of square meters, but because it is very dark, Tianling meditates and practices at the door of the cave these days without looking inside.

Little Tiger went to a dark corner and stopped, raised his little head and shouted twice at the dark wall, as if telling Tianling what was in it.