yi shi tian xie

Chapter 11 Leaving

It continues like this every day. Tianling keeps practicing knives, but when he feels that it has improved, Tianling goes to the lake to compete with the big octopus.

After all, the set of knives that I am practicing now cannot be controlled by other methods at all. Martial arts are not like magic. Magic can rely on external forces to help. Martial arts must be understood by itself. Moreover, martial arts are not powerful by practicing energy. The strength of martial arts is control and cooperation.

At the beginning, Tianling almost lost his life several times. Once he fought with the octopus, he would be injured once, but the number of injuries later was less, and even faintly began to prevail.

However, the big octopus is worthy of being a high-level warcraft. Although Tianling's swordsmanship has been refined a lot, his defense is far from the opponent of the octopus.

In fact, these days, I also lost the big target of the big octopus. Without it, I don't know what Tianling's speed and knife method are. Of course, Tianling has also paid a huge price. Every time she suffers from an injury, she has to lie down for several days. Either she breaks her ribs or her arm, and she almost died of pain several times. .

However, these days, the little tiger and tiger followed Tianling. Tianling meditated, and the little tiger sat aside. As soon as Tianling fought with the big octopus, the little tiger went hunting. Similarly, the little tiger was not willing to lag behind and exercise their tiger nature.


On the calm blue lake, a huge water column rose from the sky, and a figure in the water column appeared as if it were hard.

Then a huge tentacle went straight up with the water column, and the target was the figure in the water column. At the same time, the surrounding horizontal surface shook, and countless huge tentacles kept rolling on the water. As soon as the surrounding monsters saw it, they ran away, as if they were afraid that they would be involved in the battle.

"Drink~!" The figure in mid-air turned around and jumped out of the water column. The bloody sword in his hand shook and cut off the approaching tentacles with a slight red light.

"Peng!" The tentacles touched the knife closely and made a crisp sound. The big octopus found that there was a dull pain in contact with the tentacles with the knife and immediately shrank back. At the same time, the other three were once again thrown at the figure.

However, at this time, after the figure collided with the first tentacle, because of the huge rebound, the body rotated in midair and threw it towards the surrounding stone cliff.

The figure gently clicked on the stone cliff and rushed to the big octopus again.

"Big guy! Let's come again." With poor eyes, this figure has arrived in front of the big octopus, and the bloody sword in his hand has been split again.

There was a harsh impact sound from several touches.

However, after the impact, the big octopus made a miserable cry in its mouth.

In fact, half a year ago, Tianling had thoroughly studied that set of knives. With the spirit of blood killing, it was extremely powerful, and the big octopus has long been no longer Tianling's opponent. However, in the past six months, Tianling has been practicing the knife method every day, and the speed has not made great progress. In order to improve the speed as soon as possible and reach the third level. In the past six months, Tianling completely gave up blood killing and fought against the big octopus at the brute force of his whole body every day.

However, in the hard work in the second half of the year, Tianling's speed has made great progress. Just yesterday, Tianling broke through the "Quick into the Wind" and reached the realm of "100 Refining into Steel".

On the contrary, Tianling's practice time is less than half a year than that of the first level. This is entirely due to the battle with the big octopus. Without the big octopus, Tianling doesn't know how much time he has to waste to find his opponent to practice.

Tianling calculated that after breaking through "Quick Wind", Tianling's speed can barely compare with the speed of Level 8 Warcraft, but with "Breaking the Sky Knife", his combat effectiveness is equivalent to Level 7 Warcraft, that is to say, Tianling's strength is still barely intermediate to high in this world. The strength of warriors.

After fighting with the big octopus for a while, the big octopus also knew that it was invincible. It shook its slender tentacles and fled into the water awkwardly. Tianling did not occupy the water and go into the big octopus's cave as before, but turned over and jumped towards the island.

At this time, Huhu had been waiting on the stone cliff for a long time. At first sight, Tianling jumped up and immediately stood up with his tail wagging, trotting towards Tianling. The white tiger's head gently touched Tianling's ankle.

A year later, the little tiger's body has not changed much. It has grown from a kitten-sized body to a puppy-sized body.

An ordinary tiger can become an adult within a year, but the little tiger still looks like a little tiger, even its deciduous teeth have not fallen off, and its body is still full of young hair, but its hunting skills are not as good as Tianling.

"Huhu! Let's go home." After standing still, Tianling inserted the bloody sword behind him and gently picked up the little tiger and walked towards the cave.

Tianling has become accustomed to such a life. After practicing, the little tiger went out to hunt. As expected, as soon as Tianling entered the cave, several dead objects lay in the cave. Needless to say, these were all written by the little tigers.

After returning to the cave, Tianling took out a knife and began to peel off the fur of the prey. After cleaning it several times, he set up a fire and began to smoke the prey.

The little tiger was beside him, shaking its little tail and looking forward to the barbecue on the fire rack with drooling eyes. Originally, the tiger did not eat cooked food, but under the influence of Tianling, the little tiger fell in love with cooked food.

"Huhu! We have been together for a year!" Tianling was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "Brother is going to leave here tomorrow. There will be no brother by your side in the future. Do you have to take good care of yourself?"

The little tiger raised his head, bent slightly, and cried twice in his mouth, as if he felt sad.

"Come on! Huhu, this may be your last barbecue for you. Tianling took the fragrant barbecue from the fire and handed it to the little tiger.

When the little tiger saw the barbecue handed over, he sniffed it, and then raised his head. The round little tiger's eyes flashed at Tianling.

From Huhu's eyes, Tianling saw a crystal splash gently falling down the corners of Huhu's eyes.

"Tiger!" Somehow, Tianling seemed to shake his heart. There was a feeling that he had lost his lover and rushed to Huhu and hugged the little tiger tightly, as if he didn't want to leave for a moment.

"Wow~!" The little tiger shouted thinly and hid comfortably in Tianling's arms.

"Huhu! Since you don't want to leave your brother! Why don't you wander with your brother?"

As soon as Xiao Huhu heard Tianling take him away, the little tiger's eyes immediately lit up and kept whining.

Early the next day, Tianling took the little tiger and finally embarked on a journey away from the magic forest and began to march towards the empire.

After spending a year in the cave with Tianling, Tianling hastily covered it up once, hoping that predestined people can come here to get "Breaking the Heavenly Sword".

After packing up everything, Tianling and Huhu took a deep look at the cave before slowly leaving.