yi shi tian xie

Chapter 38 Hunting and Killing

As soon as God's will dawned, Sir Drew's restaurant was full of people, quietly looking at the restaurant one by one.

When the townspeople left the street, Tianling only took about two hours to completely dispose of all the corpses on the street. After Tianling's strength reached level 7, the time to absorb sperm and blood was more than doubled. Although the quantity was large, it may not be large, and the absorption speed was still very fast.

As for waiting for all the people of Dalmu Town to go to the street, there is no bloodied body on the street, leaving only a pool of black powder. Although I am confused, I don't care so much after that. After all, the biggest thing now is not where the body is gone, but the future of the town. Fate.

Open the curtains, and the silky light shines into the room of the survivor. The survivor's room is very small and dim. It's as simple as putting only a wooden bed and a chair in it. The survivor likes to rest in a quiet and dark environment. Only in a quiet place can the heart calm down faster, which is good for practice. Shortcut, at her insistence, Sir Drew gave him the lowest room in the restaurant.

wiped his hazy sleepy eyes, and the scene downstairs fell into his eyes. Looking at the expected townspeople below, the survivor smiled faintly. Although his face was covered with a layer of tulle, the elegant smile was still so clear.

"Can only 50 horse thieves prove the strength of wizards? It seems a little whimsical. The wizard industry is far ahead of the four major professions. So far, no beast sacrifice has led other professions among the four major professions. A blatant blood witch came to the Eastern Expedition Empire to practice. Without the ability, he will be stupid enough to practice alone in the Eastern Expedition Empire? The surviving people sneered, laughing at Tianling's ignorance and the blind worship of the townspeople below.

A wizard who dares to blatantly come to the Eastern Expedition Empire to practice, which violates the convention of the mainland. If it is inquired, war will be inevitable, which will lead to the harmony of the empire and even the four major professions.

The four empires and the four major professions have their own laws. All professions in the four empires can walk at will, but there is one that they are not allowed to make trouble in other countries. They are hunted down by the next country, and those who are hunted down by the world. After all, there are too many professions in the world. If you don't restrain them, some powerful masters Just one spell can destroy a city.

After closing the curtains, the darkness returned to the room again. The undead water snake-like waist turned slightly, inserted two machetes into their waists, opened the door and walked to Tianling's room.

This matter is nosy, and now he also deals with it.

Tianling and Huhu slept in the same room. As soon as the survivor came to the door, he heard a big and small snoring inside, frowned, raised his feet and kicked up fiercely, and the door was naturally kicked open.

As soon as Tianling and Huhu heard a loud noise in their sleep, they suddenly bounced up from ** and looked at the door cautiously. Last night, they were busy until almost dawn. Soon after sleeping, they heard that the door was suddenly opened. Tianling shivered and thought it was the enemy who attacked him. He didn't care about the rest, so he put on one. Attacking posture.

"Ah~! Ruffy!"

The survivor suddenly screamed, walked to Tianling and slapped him directly, turned around and ran away.

And Huhu and Tianling were so stupid that they didn't know what was going on. They touched their hot faces and looked at the survivor who were angry and fled. Tianling had a big mind, but when they were ready to get out of bed, Tianling naturally smiled bitterly. Men generally like to sleep on their upper bodies, put on a pair of thongs, and get up in the morning. When you come, you can't help but have a pillar. After all, normal men have this habit.

But after Tianling bounced up from **, he happened to show this face in front of the survivor.

The survivor is still a young and pure girl. She has heard a lot of this kind of thing before, but she has never experienced it in person. Besides, she still saw other men. As soon as she saw Tianling's appearance, the deer's heart jumped actively and slapped Tianling without saying a word.

"What a injustice! Obviously, you broke into other people's room alone, but now they are still hooligans, really, ouch! This woman is so cruel that her mask was almost broken. Rubbing his painful face, Tianling looked at the figure of the dead man jokingly, "I will deal with you sooner or later."

In the street!

has been full of people, and Tianling is standing on the stage awkwardly, looking at the residents below with a wry smile.

"Your Excellency, we still have dozens of poor relatives who fell into the hands of horse thieves. Your Excellency, you must save them!" I don't know which resident said this.

"Don't worry! I will definitely be halfway there for what I promised you." Tianling smiled bitterly. I don't know how many times this sentence has been said since I came out of the house.

"Thank you! Your Excellency, that's very kind of you. An old woman picked up a pot of hot steamed buns and handed them up.

Tianling looked at the survivor awkwardly and really didn't want to refuse the old man in his heart, "Old man! Thank you." After saying that, put away the food. After all, food is also needed on the road.

"You all go back! It's getting late, and it's time for us to go." Tianling waved to the residents, turned around and left. The dead and tigers also followed.

"Good journey, adults! I hope you will come back soon and have a good drink with the adults. Sir Drew offered his hand.

"Haha! Definitely!" Tianling smiled and said, "Okay, Sir Drew, where's the thief? I have to rely on him to lead the way.

"Over there, my lord." With that, pointing to the big tree at the entrance of the town, the injured horse thief has been tied to the tree at this moment. Last night, Sir Drew had imprisoned the horse thief.

"Ye! All right! This horse thief has been handed over to me. Tianling looked at the thief and turned around and smiled at Sir Drew.

Yes! My lord." Sir Drew also smiled.

After chatting with Sir Drew for a few words, he slowly walked to the horse thief tied to the tree with the survivor. Tianling walked in front of him without saying a word and broke the rope.

"Okay! It's time for us to go, man! This time you are the guide. Tianling smiled, regardless of whether the horse thief would escape or not, turned around and left.

Seeing the half-faced expression, he looked at the large group of people behind him and followed the injured horse thief.

"Thank you!" Although the horse thief was injured, he could still walk.

"Don't thank me, you are also innocent, okay! Let's go! Killing that wizard is good for everyone, isn't it? Tianling sneered and stepped forward.

The injured horse thief was stunned for a moment, and then looked anxiously at Tianling and quickly followed, "Sir! Do you really want to kill that wizard?

"That's right! I really want to kill him. He has done so many bad things that it will be tolerated if he doesn't kill him. Tianling turned around and smiled. Although he didn't believe this, judging from his conscience, the witch must die.

"Your leader is a bloody wizard, isn't he?" The survivor also came over and talked all the way, and the town was gradually left behind.

"Ye! The adult guessed correctly. It's indeed a blood witch, and it's also a very powerful blood witch. I still advise you not to go. You can't beat him. The horse thief said timidly, and his neck consciously shrank.

"Oh? Then why didn't you tell us last night? Tianling frowned. Although he dared to be interested in this matter, it did not mean that he was not afraid of death.

"I'm sorry, sir! Do you think I'm qualified to speak in that kind of scene? The horse thief is about to cry.

"Oh? What do you mean? The survivor's eyes lit up, "Are there any other hidden things in it?"

"Yes, beautiful lady!" The horse thief nodded.

"I said don't call me Madam. Next time there is such a mistake, I will kill you." The survivor stared at the horse thief angrily.

The thief shrank. He didn't question the woman's means at all and immediately shut up.

Yes! My lord!"