yi shi tian xie

Chapter 41 At the foot of the mountain

There is a scorching sun hanging high in the sky, and there is rustling green smoke on the yellow land. A small river has also stopped their operation. The green leaves also reveal their haggard side. They are listless as if they have withered immediately. An inch of thirsty seedlings have become burnt yellow at this moment.

At this time, it is summer. There is famine and heat everywhere outside the forest, but the forest is cold and shooting people. Three tigers are walking slowly.

It has been separated from the magic forest, but because it is still on the edge of the forest, the trees around it are green.

"Ma Xiu? How long will it take to arrive? Didn't you say three days ago? I've been walking for nearly four days now. Tianling glanced bitterly at Ma Xiu. For four consecutive days, Tianling and the survivors encountered some warcraft attacks such as scorpions, but fortunately, the strength of these warcrafts was not very strong, so they were easily solved.

Ma Xiu shrank, afraid that the evil star in front of him would kill him, "Your Excellency! Well, we have lost a lot of time on the road, so..."

"Okay!" Tianling waved his hand, "You always say this sentence all the way, can't you change your words?"

"Your excellency! What a injustice!" Ma Xiu looked at Tianling with a sad face.

"Come on, you have a few days left!" In the rush of these days, Tian Lingxin has long been impatient.

"Lord! It will be there in about half a day. Matthew replied with a smile.

"Half a day?" Tianling was surprised and said, "Don't you mean you can arrive tonight?"

"Well, my lord, now we have reached the foot of the mountain. As long as we go further, it will be Chiyan Peak." Ma Xiu looked at Tianling awkwardly and lowered immediately after seeing that Tianling's face was not good.

"Ah~! I'm convinced. You bastard, why didn't you say it earlier and want to kill us? Tianling's face looked anxious. If there are a few poisonous monsters at Chiyan Peak at night, won't he be finished? It's okay to prepare in advance, but there is nothing prepared now.

"Your excellency! Didn't you ask?" Matthew looked at Tianling innocently. Tianling asked everything all the way, and Matthew answered anything. He didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Tianling was about to get angry, and the survivor interrupted him, "Well, these can't be blamed on him. You'd better save some saliva!"

"Thank you." Matthew immediately arched his hand, as if he had seen a bosom friend.

"Hmm~!" The survivor just snorted coldly, "Keep up!" Reach the foot of Chiyan Peak Mountain in the evening as soon as possible.

"Hey! Are you crazy! You know that the other party already knows that we are coming. If you don't prepare well, you will go to die. Tianling immediately roared at her as soon as she saw the survivor stepping forward.

In the forest, it is easy to be attacked at night, and you don't even know if you are attacked.

"Idiot~!" The survivor replied coldly, and of course she knew this with her many years of life and death experience, "If you don't want to die, you can follow me and you will never be fine."

Since the enemy is sneaking on themselves, why can't they sneak up on them?

It's one thing to come to Chiyanfeng to save people, but it's another thing to destroy wizards. These surviving people already have plans. Every time they meet the enemy, the enemy will deal with themselves.

was about to refute a few words, but it could be seen that after Huhu and Ma Xiu followed, Tianling could only follow up depressedly.

Until it was almost dark, Tianling and others had come to the edge of a lake. They heard from Ma Xiu that the lake was called Blue Water Lake, which was a very beautiful and clear lake. People on Chiyan Peak all depended on this lake.

On the other side of the lake, a tall and magnificent mountain appeared in front of Tianling. According to Tianling's calculation, this peak is about 500 meters. Although it is not very high, it is very large, about tens of thousands of square meters.

I learned from Ma Xiu's mouth that the reason why the caravan chose Chiyanfeng as the base in the past is that the environment here is good and on the edge of the magic forest. The most important thing is that it can evade taxes. In the four empires, taxes often pressure merchants to breathe.

With its own force, after the territory, Chiyanfeng's caravan is full of the whole human continent, and some things that can't be bought everywhere can often be bought here.

"Okay! We have arrived. What do you think we should do? Looking at the magnificent peaks on the other side of the lake, Tianling smiled.

The survivor slowly squatted down, then found a clean place to sit down and whispered, "Go to camp!" Get some food by the way. I'm tired and want to take a break.

"......." Tianling.

"What kind of medicine is sold in your gourd? Why don't we take advantage of the sky to attack Chiyan Peak before it's completely dark? Do you really want to rest? Do you want to wait until the enemy comes? Tianling said angrily.

The survivor lay down comfortably, with his hands on his head, looking at the green forest with tired eyes, and said faintly, "You're right. It's true that we will go to Chiyan Peak after they come. Think about it carefully. Since they know our purpose, didn't they prepare in advance? Knowing that there is a tiger on the mountain, why do you have to go forward and destroy it without leading the tiger down?

As soon as he heard the explanation of the survivor, Tianling's eyes paused, with a happy smile on his face, and looked at the survivor with an apologetic face, "Hey hey! I'm sorry for the survivor! I was a little mean to you just now, and I apologize to you now, but you have to make it clear next time, otherwise it will be easy to misunderstand.

"Hmm~!" The survivor immediately turned his head and ignored Tianling.

Tianling smiled bitterly and ordered Ma Xiu to cook and camp quickly, while he lay down against the survivor.

"Wow~!" Tianling also learned from the survivor to put his hands on his head, exhaling, and with a smile on his face.

"Have you ever encountered such a battle before?" Tianling narrowed his eyes and asked carefully.

The survivor didn't open his eyes, and didn't care that Tianling leaned against her and said, "I have met, and it's not once. I remember that it was the first time I met a battle like this when I was 16 years old. That time my father, mother, brother and other relatives died."

"I'm sorry!" Tianling opened his eyes and said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. Those that have become history are just a dream in my heart." The survivor smiled stupidly, but Tianling saw a crystal tear flowing from the corners of her eyes.

Tianling paused, "You killed those senior officials of the Lacey Empire just to avenge your parents?"

The survivor didn't say anything, and she didn't want to say that although she was very familiar with Tianling, she still had some grudges about this mysterious man.

Seeing that the survivor did not answer himself, Tianling did not ask much. The two lay silently on the soft dead leaves until dark.

Not far from them, Ma Xiu was roasting food, and Huhu looked at it with drooling.

From time to time, you can hear the urgent roar of tigers.