yi shi tian xie

Chapter 96 Dream Journey

Tianling's eyes widened slightly, and a golden light appeared in front of him, which immediately lit up the whole house. Tianling slowly stood up. Cather still slept quietly on the ground and looked around. There were rows of benches here, and there was a passage left in the middle, and in front of Tianling. The last counter was exactly the same as the church of the Holy See of Light, and there was even a huge cross standing behind the counter. When Tianling looked up at the cross carefully, it seemed that a hymn appeared in his mind.

"Are you awake?" At this time, a vicissitudes of voice came into Tianling's mind. Tianling followed the sound and found that the sound came from the back of the counter. Behind the counter, Tianling thought there was a black cloth there, but after hearing the sound, he found that it was a person.

After all, I didn't find any breath in it before.

"You...what are you?" Tianling took a step back and his face was slightly shocked. Suddenly, there was a light here, and then a man appeared in front of Tianling. It was strange not to be surprised.

After a few steps back, his feet gently touched Kaiser, but Kaiser had fallen asleep and did not wake up. Tianling looked at the figure in front of him with pity and looked firmly again.

"Ky~! Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. If I want to kill you, why wait until now? Although this sounded very small, it was like a sound wave, and every word shook Tianling's heart.

Tianling just looked cautiously at the figure in front of him and took a few steps back, ready to pull the door to escape, but the door seemed to be locked and could not be pulled at all.

"Hehe~~! Don't waste your strength. I won't hurt you. When I finish talking, I will naturally let you go. This shadow still has its back to Tianling and is not angry at all in the face of Tianling's movements, as if it were joking.

Hearing this person's words, Tianling also stopped.

"Having waited for so many years, you still came after all. I believe you came here and naturally got that thing." With a bitter voice in his back, Tianling obviously felt that he was shaking his head, "Well, let's not talk about this, let's get down to business~! I have limited time. I hope you don't stop me."

"You are destined to come here, and you can't escape. Do you know the legend of this Valley of the Wind? The earliest origin of the legend of the Valley of the Wind is three million years ago. At that time, the mainland was not divided, and the major races were still fighting. However, together with the legend of the Valley of the Wind, there were continuous wars in the world, and various races began their ambitions and swept the Valley of the Wind one after another, so they fought a war and began a dozen races to fight in the Valley of Wind. Only the winners can get the treasure of the Valley of Wind, but the war is becoming more and more fierce, while the number of races is getting smaller and smaller, the small forces perish, and the big forces gradually weaken. At this time, everyone found that they were on the verge of extinction, so the dragons in the orcs came forward and proposed an agreement, that is, cooperation.

"Haha~! Cooperation is a good note. It has surged all the way and is invincible. Most of the difficulties have been overcome. At that time, the Valley of Wind was naturally much stronger than today. It was also the war at that time that abolished many powerful formations in the Valley of Wind. Now millions of years have passed, the formation is naturally weak, but So now there is no aggression in the whole Valley of Wind.

"Later, more than a dozen races invaded the Valley of Wind together and reached the bottom of the Valley of Wind, that is, the location of the treasure. At this time, everyone was melancholy about the ownership of the treasure. More than a dozen forces here are superior. If there is another war, say no It will all perish."

"But in the face of endless treasures, no one is willing to give in, so fight~! Only the victor is qualified to get the treasure. In the whole valley, there is a lot of war. In fact, that war is the most extinct war since the whole era. Just a legend of the Valley of Wind has extinct more than a dozen races, but after the war, it was not until the end of the war that the mainland had become empty. Xu Many races have perished and will no longer be as prosperous as before, and many civilizations have gradually disappeared. As the final victor, this is also an incomparable blow. Originally, as the first race of goblys on the mainland, they had to get out because of the weakening of numbers and the loss of civilization. On this stage, I thought the war was over and the treasure belonged to the Gobumps.

"However, the conspiracy has just begun. At that time, human beings were just inconspicuous. They had neither the profound magic of the elves, nor the wisdom of the goblins, nor the power of the orcs, nor the forced bodies of giants, dwarves and other clans. If their greatest advantage is fertility They are stronger than others, and other races don't pay attention to them at all. That time human beings showed their strength. Although other races are powerful, the gods are fair. They have both advantages and disadvantages. Other human beings are not very good, but there is no race to breed. At that time, goblin When the four races led by the clan, Elf, Orcs and Dwarves, were about to leave this devil's land, this inconspicuous race began to attack other races. Imagine that there were still one or two thousand other races, while humans were one or two million, and these races were still seriously injured, although they were all good. Strength, but in the face of hundreds or even tens of thousands of them, have you ever thought of this feeling?

"Yes~! It was a massacre. At that time, all the weaker races had perished. Now, although some slightly different races can be seen, they are much different from their ancestors, such as an ant compared with an elephant.

Tianling took a deep breath. Although he didn't know why this person knew this and why he told himself this, since every word he said was not as recorded in the book, the book recorded the five major ethnic wars on the mainland tens of thousands of years ago, and since he said that he had more than a dozen races, it seemed to be many The race has perished. Looking back on seeing those mummifieds in the dark desert, there are many of them that I have not seen. For example, the ten-meter-high mummified corpses are probably gone in the world, so the reason is that what this person said is all true?

"Hehe~! Presumably if you can come here, you will naturally pass through the battlefield~! How about it? Have you found many incredible things, such as the powerful giants, as well as the Nabimon people, the Qier people,... I'm afraid these ethnic groups have come out of the stage in today's world~! In fact, these races were the most powerful in history at that time, especially the wents. At that time, they had the unimaginable wisdom of our other races. If they had not joined the treasure war, there would have been only one owner of this continent. When he finished speaking here, the shadow sighed.

"I told you this is actually well-founded. Originally, for a descendant like you, talking about this is actually equivalent to nonsense. It's better to tell you the whereabouts of the treasure directly."

"Ah~! Didn't the human race get the treasure back then? Didn't you say that the human race won in the end? Tianling suddenly asked in shock.

"Are you talking about human beings? Haha~! It's ridiculous. Didn't you find that the later mainland was divided into five parts? Are you absolutely earthquake or automatic cracking? This man seemed to hear a joke.

"God? Is it a god? Tianling feels more and more interesting. Now it seems that this war has been connected with the gods.

"Hey~! Boy, you are smart, which really shocked the gods and triggered a war between the gods. Originally, the gods of human beings would be defeated and may die, but the gods of human beings used one of the treasures to defeat all the gods and divided the whole continent into five parts, that is, that is, today's Five copies.

" hiss~!" Tianling took a deep breath, "What's so powerful here? Since it can divide a continent into five parts."