yi shi tian xie

Chapter 100 Variation

Cather's eyes suddenly bulged, and his little mouth gently stirred his little index finger, "Brother Tian~! Do you mean that these creatures are left behind by the ancient wars of gods?

Tianling took a cool breath, "This place has been an ancient battlefield before, and everyone has also fought here. Naturally, there is nowhere to survive. You have also seen not only the valley of wind outside, but also inside. It seems that we have only seen three kinds of creatures, one is naturally ants, the other is a big earthworm, the other is a bat, and the only big one. The earthworm and the ant look very strange. The ant and the earthworm are originally a cowardly creatures. As long as you gently pinch their fingers, you can kill them. The vitality of the bat is slightly stronger, but the bat seems very normal and is no different from the outside world. Compared with the two, think about the gap? On the contrary? Let alone bats. After all, bats like to live in dark places, and the space here is suitable for them. As long as there is a little space, they can fly in.

"And what about these earthworms and ants? They are all cowardly creatures, right~! But in this case, since it has become very tenacious, no, it should be said that it has become very powerful. Have you ever seen a man-eating ant? Maybe I've seen it~! It's just rare, and those ants are all big, about two or three finger-sized. I met a wizard before and he attacked me with this kind of ant, and these hair-sized ants in front of me, an unlimited number of ants, and they eat anything. Have you ever seen it? And the adult-sized earthworm that you have seen in the outside world? These are very strange in the outside world, and if we connect them from ancient wars, it will be easy to explain.

Tianling smiled coldly. After seeing these ant eggs, he recalled everything in the past, which was not a coincidence at all. Tianling even began to doubt whether this was the consequence of the nuclear explosion. After all, an explosion will produce great radiation to the surroundings. Some will either die, or some will become very strong. After the United States dropped two * in Japan, it was the best confirmation.

"Mutation?" Cather took a breath and looked at Tianling quietly, "Brother Tian~! You mean mutation? Are these ants and earthworms all mutant products left over from ancient times? During the god war, he inadvertently absorbed the power of the gods and finally mutated like this?

Tianling also shook his head and said, "Although there are gods in this world that can make everything and absorb their power to become very powerful, have you ever thought that other powerful creatures have not absorbed the power of the gods, but let these two weakest creatures absorb them? Do you believe that ants and earthworms are lucky?

"Brother Tian~! So what do you mean?"

"There is something here that can stop the destructive power of the gods, and the ants and earthworms inadvertently hid in it to escape the disaster of the god war, but they happened to absorb the divine power and mutated into what they are today." Tianling curled his lips, and there was a chill in his eyes.

"The power of avoiding gods?" Kaiser said in surprise, "Brother Tian~! What the hell is that?"

Tianling spread out his hands and smiled, "I'm sorry~! I don't know. Maybe the only person who knows is the shadow~!" Since you can tell these to Tianling, you will naturally know the rest.

In fact, Tianling's guess is calculated according to *, but it can't guess what this thing is.

After coming out of the ant egg hole, Tianling also looked bored, and he was not a good person. It was also harmful for the ants to stay here. It was better to mix them all up. At first, he seemed to smash his hands very tired. Tianling was a little bitter, but at Kaiser's suggestion, Tianling's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Since this ant can mutate, it can also mutate in another environment~! Why don't you take out some experiments and put them in a place with light to survive? Maybe it can also domesticate them like warcraft. After all, creatures without wisdom have a characteristic, that is, the people it sees at first sight after birth will be very close, and didn't you say that? You are a wizard. It is said that the wizard's wizard tower is a bottomless hole that can put down any monsters and creatures.

After listening to Cather's advice, Tianling was a little happy, but after a moment, he couldn't get excited. The reason is that it seems to be a bloody witch that can domesticate countless weak monsters~! And he is a sacrifice~!

But after Kaiser slapped his head heavily, it was much quieter. Cather's explanation was: "Can't a blood witch sacrifice what can do? In any case, sacrifice is the king of wizards, that is, the king of wizards. Besides, don't you mention it? Are you still a beast sacrifice?

However, when he said this, Cather showed a laughing eye, because the real king of the wizard is not a sacrifice, but a beast sacrifice, but this beast sacrifice is a rare one for a thousand years, and there is no sacrifice of warcraft around Tianling.

However, Tianling didn't care about her eyes and quickly took back those ant eggs that had not been smashed. After all, these things will still be his own capital in the future. In the future, he will have to go back to the Lacey Empire to reintegrate O'Brien. What can he do without any strength.

Out of the second cave, Tianling and Kaiser went directly to the third cave, which was different from the previous one. The first two were inseparable from the ants, and the third cave could not be directly connected with the ants. Before they entered the cave, they emitted golden light.

Tianling and Cater have seen gold and silver for the first time since they were born. They have never even seen so much money in O'Brien's memory. Although the royal family is the most authoritative, it is also the poorest, because the royal money is not their own, but the world's.

Tianling and Cather stood at the door and were stunned. Under the light of the witch tower in their hands, a pile of golden things piled up into hills.

There are white pearl necklaces and palm-sized gold bricks. Since these gold bricks are piled up into hills, the light emitted under the light is so comfortable.

At this time, Tianling found that there was such a way to be a tomb robber.

A casual collision, since it hit Jinshan Library.

After seeing these things, Kaiser and Tianling were stunned at first. After all, this seemed a little unrealistic, but after confirming that it was all true, they didn't care about anything else, and even forgot to be hungry. Without saying a word, they moved around towards the space ring.

Girls like beauty. Cather doesn't even look at gold. In her eyes, she only cares about those beautiful pearl necklaces and various jewelry, and even chooses a few to wear on her body. As for Tianling, he doesn't care so much, regardless of whether it's gold or jewelry to get a space ring. Fortunately, the space of the space ring is large, and it can hold a few tons of things at will. There is still no problem with this gold.

The two have been busy for about half a day. Generally speaking, this place is empty, but both of them are a little tired. They haven't eaten or drink water for a few days~! If it counts, it's the ones who were choked when I first came here.

It's nothing. After practicing the Blood God, it's okay not to say that you don't eat for a few days.

After resting in this cave for a while, Tianling and Cather also knew that it was time to go on the road. They were tired. Going out was the right way, and they could only supplement it after going out.

After the two got up from the ground, they walked along the fourth cave. The ant cave is the way to the outside, and the other three are blocked, so the last one is the way to the palace~!

Unconsciously, the two helped each other and walked towards the last cave. Under the light of the witch tower in Tianling's hand, they could clearly see the situation in the cave. This is indeed a passage, about seven or eight meters wide, and the left and right are bare. Needless to say, they are all ants crawling out, but there are some on the ground. It's not easy to walk, and it gradually takes shape. Tianling and Cather walked for two or three miles without seeing a blocked place, even climbing a mountain.

Now she is hungry and tired, and she is about to climb the mountain. Tianling has given up several times, but as for Cather, she has already given up. When she walked almost a whole miles, her eyes were black and she fell into a coma.

I don't know if it was God's poor Tianling or something. When he walked about ten miles on the mountain road with Kaiser on his back, the light finally appeared in front of him and gradually became empty.

But when he walked over happily with Kaiser in his arms, there was almost no way back.