yi shi tian xie

Chapter 142 Real Elf Continent

Walking out of the gate of the tent, it was very spacious outside and full of tents, but those tents were very small. When I looked around, I found that the tent was the largest. There was also a team of elves patrol around, usually led by a female elf, followed by more than a dozen male elves.

Tianling also knows more or less about the civilization of some elves, and is not curious about this kind of female and male contemptuous elves. After all, this is a custom. Which race has no custom.

General Swayton and Tianling, a shabby human, walked together. Although they attracted the curiosity of many elf officers around them, they retreated one by one under General Swayton's anger.

After the two walked out of the barracks, there was a forest in front of them. According to General Swayton's introduction, the barracks was close to the left city of Xiayan City, because there was a war in Finlay City on the left side of Xiayan City. If the dark elves started a war, they must attack the left city, so General Swayton set up the barracks on the left. The direction of the city.

Of course, General Swayton is also a shrewd man and has set up a lot of hidden defenses at other gates.

Tianling and General Swayton walked to the edge of the forest and stopped. It is already close to the ocean. It is on a cliff near the ocean. Standing here, you can see the rough sea below, and you can also find the left and right beaches along the side.

"Heavenly evil~! May I ask, how do you know our elder? Sweddon is very curious about this, not to mention that elves and humans do not interact with each other, but with the noble status of the elder, how can he go out with a human?

Tianling also seemed a little embarrassed. You can't say that he went to flirt with your elders and was beaten by her, right?

"Ha ha, this is a long story." Tianling smiled and said, "I was originally studying as a teacher on a small island, but one day it suddenly rained heavily. I saw that the weather was not natural at all. I heard from the master that there was a sea monster in the sea that often came out to disturb the people, so I was furious and went to sea with a sailboat to destroy the sea monster."

"Ah~! So... you destroyed the sea monster alone? Mr. Tianxie, you are so awesome." Swayton's eyes showed a hot light.

Tianling scratched his head awkwardly and said, "The sea monster is really powerful. I was swallowed by it twice."

"What?" General Swayton's expression was extremely strange.

"Ha, don't get me wrong. After I was swallowed by it, I fell into a coma, but when I woke up, I found that I was just in a coma and didn't die, and then I saw you elders."

"It seems that the big elder destroyed the sea monster. The strength of the big elder is famous in the whole elf continent, and a small sea monster does not pay attention to her." Swayton looked at Tianling proudly and was still looking forward to the following content.

Tianling looked at Swayton with contempt, "That's awesome~! It's not the same grade compared with the old guy.

Thinking of the old guy's game with Qingbi that day, Tianling's heart trembled. Originally, Tianling was unwilling to combine the power in his body to produce a new energy, but after seeing the old guy's hand, he found that the real master, Cork was very powerful, right? This is Tianling's absolute confidence in ordinary people. As long as the old guy wants to, he will never leave a bone with just one move.

For example~! A man suspended half of the sea water in mid-air so that they would not fall down, and even made the sea water form huge giants to fight against the enemy. What's more miraculous is that the sea water around the place where the sea was taken out was not immediately filled, just like digging a big mud pit there, and the surrounding water is The mud did not fall into the big pit, and after fighting, the used seawater continued to be loaded into the big pit.

If Tianling hadn't seen such a miracle with his own eyes, he would not have believed that there was such a powerful force in the world all his life, but control space? Yes, that's indeed space. The old guy said this to Tianling after playing with Qingbi.

He used the space method that day. As for Qingbi, it was a pity that he lost in an ordinary way. He was defeated without two moves in the hands of the old guy.

"General Swayton, do you elf continent elders have great rights? I think why do you, a great general, are afraid of Qingbi to be like this? Tianling did not treat Qingbi as a grown-age or respected person at all. Others thought how arrogant and cold this girl was, but after being alone with Tianling, she was only more scoundrel than herself.

Although she is small, her mouth is not weaker than Tianling, and she even often likes to grab things with Tianling, and what is more rare is that her strength is stronger than Tianling.

General Swayton smiled bitterly, "Our elf continent is not like you human beings. We don't have emperors and leaders here, only the elders. The elders can appoint everything, which is equivalent to the center of your human rights. As for the great elders are the leaders of the elders, which is almost the prime ministers of you human beings. Not much~!"

"It seems that you are very familiar with us human beings~!" Tianling smiled, and in a short conversation with General Swayton, she heard from her mouth that she was definitely a knowledgeable person.

"Sir, I'm flattered. I was lucky enough to go to the human continent once when I was young. Well, that time I stayed directly in the human continent for 30 years and learned a lot about human civilization." Swayton sighed, and Tianling faintly heard the vicissitudes of the years from her sigh.

Tianling is not curious. General Beswayton is only 30 years old, but he is at least 100 years old.

"You must be an excellent general? At least you are very good at marching. Tianling did not mean to praise her. When she introduced the surrounding defense measures, Tianling, a modern person, had to admire it, and there were even modern ways in many places.

General Swayton shook his head, "Sir, you can laugh. Is there more than a better general than me?" My methods are just the kind of way to deal with small wars, but I'm afraid the big war will only fail. General Swayton said, directly found a clean place and sat down, looking into the sea.

"War is always ruthless. I don't know how many elves will die in this war. We are originally very few elves. I don't know how many years it will take to recover after this war."

Tianling gently slapped General Swayton's shoulder, "General, don't worry~! There is no way out, and there must be a way."

General Swayton turned his head, looked at Tianling gratefully, and then smiled, "Thank you, sir." Then he shook his head, "Sir, I'm afraid you don't know what our elves look like~~! There is often a saying among you human beings that comfort will only make people perish. A country and a race enjoy life every day without asking about current events and interacting with the outside world. You don't know the strength outside. The army has been abolished, weapons have been abolished, and the war has suddenly come. How can this war be fought? The policy of shutting the country has made the elves The clan is completely corrupt."

Hearing these words, Tianling felt that General Swayton was not a person in this world at all, but a person like his original world.

However, she must only dare to say this to herself and talk to other elves, and she may be accused of betraying the race.

Withaning Tianling's words, General Swayton continued: "Now, although the elders still hold the elves alliance and rely on the strength to oppress them, the paper can never put out the fire. How many people are there in the elders? Ten people, plus a thousand knights in their hands is no more than 1,000? Although they respect the people of the elders on the surface, do the elders know about the secret things? For example, the recent war~!"

"Finley City has been surrounded by dark elves, exactly 300,000? And the leaders of those tribes not only did not help the garrison general resist the enemy, but also opened the gate to bring in the enemy. A battle ended with the loss of more than 30,000 elf warriors. Fortunately, they still defended the city. However, when the garrison general faced the traitor, what did you say about the leader of the tribe? He said It's very simple. I have someone on it. Do you dare to touch me? General Swayton smiled bitterly, but Tianling found that she was crying, "Isn't it funny~! If he betrayed the race, he could still scare others by relying on his *. If it hadn't been for the general's prestige, I'm afraid he would have mushed long ago.

Tianling was also stunned. It is said that the elves are all clean, arrogant and natural, kind and arbitrary. I didn't expect that they would be so corrupt when you really saw the elves, just like returning to those traitors who surrendered to foreign devils at the end of the Qing Dynasty? In people's eyes, you are an official, but secretly you are a scum who betrays the country.