yi shi tian xie

Chapter 149 Analysis

"Hehe, you can rest assured~! You humans won't attack~! Unless they break the agreement and suffer the chasm, they will not leave the mainland without permission. Qingbi smiled and said, "Many years ago, our elf continent and other continents signed this agreement."

Tianling turned his head and looked at Qingbi and smiled. He didn't think it was strange, because he knew the legend of the Valley of Wind, but the human gods married elf gods, orcs and dwarf gods as wives. Naturally, he would not let his descendants attack their agreement.

"Okay, I believe you, let's talk about how to solve the current problem~!" Tianling sat on the chair again, picked up a pen and played gently. "Now that the battle has not been fought, the family is in chaos, and the enemy will automatically surrender as soon as it comes. I suspect that those broken cities are all ghosts caused by internal people. Those tribes who are afraid of death must have surrendered the dark elves before. After all, your so-called gods The prophecy has come true."

"Hmm~! I must teach these traitors a good lesson. I don't know whether Qingbi is joking or really angry, and the case actually came up.

"Ok, don't just talk and practice. What you lack most now is the army. How can you teach them a lesson without an army, and you have to stand up in front of your men and let them automatically hand over the army to you, then you have the capital to fight with the dark elves. Well, to be precise, you must unify the inside and make those loose The lost heart is re-enerve. Tianling sneered.

"How many tribal leaders do you want me to kill?" Qingbi clenched her fist and looked like a murderer at any time. A piece of death appeared in his eyes.

"If you kill naturally, you have to kill. While killing, you should use a little religious color, such as the order of the gods."

"Hey, you're still cunning as a little bastard." Qingbi sat on Tianling's lap, pinched his chin, and smiled badly.

"Please, a girl, don't laugh so much, okay? It's like a pervert."

"Isn't that how bad people laugh?" Qingbi pouted.

"Ah~! I was really defeated by you. We are good people~! We are the ones to deal with the bad guys."

"Oh, I know." Qingbi nodded and stood up, "I haven't killed her for many years, but I didn't expect to kill my compatriots this time."

"Qingbi, don't you have a thousand guards? You can call them here, and your other sisters will call them here. Let's start from Xia Yancheng and march all the way to recover the lost land. Tianling sneered and said, "As long as we gather the most powerful elves in the whole elf continent, why don't you take back the rights as usual? You elves were originally believed in it very much. As long as you get some religious means, what are the dark elves? Why don't you go back to their old nest as usual?"

"Well, don't worry about this. As soon as I came back, I gave an order to a thousand guards. They will arrive the slowest tomorrow. As for my sisters, I really don't know where they went. That time we ran out of energy to save the tree of life. At the last moment, ten blacks appeared. The dark elves attacked us. If we were not afraid in their heyday, but there was no energy at that time, so we fled. I even ordered them to flee in all directions of the world. Now I don't know how they are. From Qingbi's eyes, she must have a good relationship with the other sisters. When she spoke, her mouth began to move again as if she was about to cry.

Tianling walked to Qingbi and gently put his arms around her shoulder, "Okay, they will be fine."

Qingbi nodded, "Thank you."

Tianling took Qingbi directly to the side of the table, and then took out a map, which is a map of the elf continent, and the description on it is very clear.

"Come on, let's study the distribution of power~!" Tianling called Qingbi to look at the map. The power of the elf continent is scattered at all like human beings. Here, the elves are divided into many tribes. Each tribe has a leader or is called a patriarch. These tribes have large and small tribes. The land area is large, but small is the same as small villages, among which they are the most The big advantage is that everything can be autonomous. Only when fighting or encountering certain things can they be responsible like the central government. In simple words, these forces are warlords.

Of course, these tribes dare not rebel or break away from the elf alliance. The reason is also ridiculous. It turned out to be faith. In their hearts, the word faith has long been portrayed in their hearts. As long as they betray, other elves will not kill him, and their own tribes will kill them, such as this time~! Although some tribes have defected to the dark elves, this is not contrary to faith, because it is clear in the prophecy that as soon as the tree of life withers, it faces the destruction of the elves, and it can even be said that these rebellious elves are still fanatics.

The patriarchs in these tribes are distributed according to their forces, and the largest title is directly awarded to the prince level, and this prince-level tribe is one of the best forces in the elf continent, but there are only three princes in the whole elf continent. In an unpleasant way, they are the other nine elders among the ten elders. Standing in front of these princes still has to laugh. Of course, if Qingbi comes forward, it will be different.

As for this war of the dark elves, these three forces actually maintained a motionless attitude. They did not help the dark elves or the central government. Instead, they watched from the sidelines. Their attitude made many forces not explain.

Although these superpowers make Tianling and Qingbi a little afraid, the most fearful of them are the ten deputy. In Qingbi's words, to be precise, she has not been in power for 1,500 years, but this power has been directly given to her deputy. No wonder many positions in the alliance are better than the position of senior deputy. It is big, but the ** power of this position is the largest, and the competitive force is wide.

Zhao Qingbi said that her current deputy has been in power for nearly 300 years. Needless to say, her network has already penetrated into all parts of the elf continent, and even used a bad word. What this deputy said is not weaker than that of her, the elder.

For these Tianling, there is no doubt about the sentence circulating in the elf continent, 'I have someone on it.'

A country that has become rotten to this situation is not just as simple as killing people and seizing power.

Even if Qingbi wants to take power from her deputy, maybe her deputy will say, 'This guy is not an elder at all. She is a fake.' After all, the whole elves continent understand that the closest to the elder is his deputy. As for the elders, it is rare to meet, and many elves do not know each other.

And now, the biggest problem in the seizure of power is that Qingbi's subordinate. I'm afraid that her deputy has also made an absolute grasp of this turmoil. It can even be said that today's Qingbi's deputy in the elf continent is only equivalent to an emperor, and the power behind her It is not weak, and it is also one of the three prince tribes. Only she wants to move, then the prince tribe behind her will naturally help, and if it hadn't been for the existence of the other two prince tribes, it would have been reversed by now.

If it hadn't met Tianling, a guy who rolled in the political arena, I wouldn't have known that Qingbi, the elder, had been sold. After all, O'Brien had encountered too many situations like this, leaving a lot of events in his mind.

"So...what should we do now?" Qingbi is a little scared now. She didn't expect that her loyal and kind deputy would still be such a terrible guy.

Speaking of this, Qingbi's eyes turned to Tianling's face. "The affiliated tribes of the three princes tribes in the alliance are all over the whole elf continent, and maybe a tribe around Xia Yancheng is their subordinate."

Tianling smiled and said, "I hope that from the current situation, we are destined to tear our faces, but now tearing our faces just creates an opportunity."

After all, Qingbi is not stupid, and she is even very smart. As soon as she heard Tianling's words, her eyes lit up, "You mean..."

"Let them fight with the dark elves." Tianling added, "It's okay if you don't come back. As soon as you come back, some ambitious forces begin to be nervous. They are eager for you to die. The news of your return will soon spread all over the elf continent, but I still feel lucky that our first site is General Swayton's territory. If it is other territories, it will be numb. I'm tired of it. I'm afraid it's a trap waiting for us.