yi shi tian xie

Chapter 164 1

Conference room on the fifth floor of the General's Work Building.

This is the highest floor of the work building, and it is also the center of power in Xia Yancheng today. The elder Qingbi, the guard general Swayton, as well as three officers, Jinna, Billin and Polly, are all in it, as well as Tianling, a human being.

Now Qingbi is still sitting at the head, Tianling sits at the bottom left, Swayton is at the bottom right, and the other three officers are sitting under Swayton.

Qingbi's face was very bright today. She looked at the generals below and then returned to the topic, "Generals, you did a good job. The first battle is very beautiful. Of course, these are all due to Switon and the generals. Without the wisdom of the generals and the brave decision of the generals, we may not have won this battle. So here, in order to reward everyone, the elder announced that all the officers would rest for three days and add military resources.

From the dock war, the biggest winner this time is undoubtedly Qingbi. Now I have to say that the four patriarchs have taken away a lot of money. After all, a tribe has been wandering for so many years. If there is no asset, can it be written off like this?

Originally, there was a shortage of money at this time, and this battle just made up for this.

Like the human kingdom, the elf continent uses gold coins, but this time a total of three million gold coins and various valuables have been seized. Three million gold coins sounded like a big number, but everyone knows that these three million gold coins can only sustain a 100,000 troops for five years and a million army for a month. Not enough, but for the current army of only 20,000, it can directly last for more than ten years. Don't think this number is scary. If there is a real war, the loss of money will be a little scary.

Hearing Qingbi's praise, Switon and other elves smiled happily. As for Tianling holding his chin aside, he didn't know what to think.

However, Tianling suddenly raised his head and looked at Bilin, "General Bilin, how are the four captured patriarchs now?"

"Sir, don't worry, those four guys have been imprisoned. There are heavy soldiers outside, and nothing will happen." Bilin sighed and had to admire this human being, as if everything could be calculated. The last battle of the dock was completely under his control.

So in general, Bilin has reached the realm of admiration for Tianling, a human being.

"Hmm~! It's good to guard heavily." Tianling nodded, "But I still want to advise you."

Birin frowned, "Sir, is that what you said?"

Tianling sneered, "Don't you think it's strange? At that time, Musvin and Finfe had a total of more than 30,000 troops, and your 5,000 troops defeated them by zero, and they won completely without any casualties.

"It's not surprising at all. We all attack. They don't have any precautions." Belin retorted.

"No~! Even if they are unprepared, can't they break the net? And after your army got on the ship, they didn't have any resistance, did they?

Blin nodded.

"All right~! I have confirmed my point of view. Now please go to the cell immediately and take good care of the four guys. It's better to transfer them. Don't let people know casually. Well, if you can, make some illusions in the original cell. Tianling said seriously.

"This..." is a little embarrassing than Lin. The overall situation has been decided. I really don't know what this human being has to do?

Qingbi turned her eyes, looked at Tianling, and stood up from the chair, "What the hell are you doing? Why did you transfer them? They plan to implement it tomorrow.

Sweighton seemed to have guessed something after listening to Tianling's words, but he never said anything and looked at Tianling like other elves.

Tianling spread out his hands and said, "All this is too simple and terrible. Anyway, there are 30,000 troops, but how many of us sent is only 5,000? Also, have you seen where the people of their four ethnic groups have gone? In the city? Or..."

Before Tianling finished saying this, the teacup in Swayton's hand suddenly fell to the ground, and his face turned blue in an instant, as if it was terrible.

"It's not good~! We have been tricked." Swayton calmed down his mood and said, "It's a good trick for the golden cicada to get out of its shell."

Swayton's words were undoubtedly mixed with anger. Tianling, Qingbi and the three officers all turned their eyes to her, but Tianling did not look nervously, but smiled.

Swighton has turned his eyes to Tianling's body and then hugged him with a fist. "Sir, have you... already arrived?"

"Even if I arrived early, I wouldn't dare. I just suspect that it was too simple this time. At the beginning, I didn't plan to let General Bilin's 5,000 troops annihilate 30,000 of them. I just delayed the time. No matter how rubbish they are, they are still 30,000 troops, but they can't defeat them. It should be no problem to escape. Don't forget that since they can Enough to become a soldier, the marching quality is still there, and there will be no backhanded strength after the sneak attack as General Blin said. Tianling smiled, and the little one was very relaxed, but he scolded in his heart, "Fuck, a small golden cicada almost cheated me out of its shell."

Swighton nodded slightly and took a long breath, "There are many of them who can come up with such a plan~!" After saying that, he immediately turned his eyes to Tianling, "Sir, you must have a good plan when you think of this."

"I dare not take it as a clever plan. There is a small trick." Tianling smiled coldly and had to say that there were indeed masters in the rebels. He could use his master as bait and deceive the enemy. I'm afraid he didn't dare to use this bold idea.

"Wait, what are you two talking about? Why can't I understand a word? Didn't the two rebel leaders of Mursven and Finfe be caught? We just kill them directly." After all, Qingbi is simple and cute. If there is no Tianling, such a small conspiracy will deceive her. No wonder the old guy will send Tianling to the elf continent to help Qingbi. If Qingbi really controls an army, he won't know how to die the next day.

This is not only green, but also the three officers, Jinna, Billin and Polly, are a little confused.

Tianling smiled mysteriously, "Okay, I won't sell it. Let me talk to you directly~! Well, in fact, it's true that Mursven and Finfe were caught by us. It's also true that the 30,000 rebels were annihilated, but we didn't destroy their main force. In short, the 30,000 rebels originally came to die. The real rebels were still alive, and their next purpose was to rescue Mo. Sven and Finfeld, if I guess correctly, maybe the real rebels didn't leave the city at all.

Tianling's words undoubtedly caused a sensation for all the elves. Except for Swayton's psychological preparation, other elves looked suddenly. As for Qingbi, it was already cold.

"Well, fortunately, we found it early, otherwise we would have really been cheated by them. How about this~! Let's make another plan. Aren't they going to save people? Save them and don't let them go back. Tianling took a sip of tea casually, but his small action was placed in the eyes of all the elves here, as if it was a glass of blood in his hand.

Swayton immediately hugged his fist, "Sir, please tell me~! We all follow your arrangement.

Jinna, Billing and Polly also have a hot expression. Now Qingbi looks a little ugly. She also understands that if it weren't for Tianling, tonight would be a bloody night, because she also planned to give the army three days off.

Of course, all the elves here have not been found. In fact, Tianling is also sweating coldly. This guy who can connect two moves must not be weak. Although it is ostensibly a golden cicada out of its shell, it is secretly mixed with a conspiracy to hide snakes in the bag. If this move is successful, it will not only get rid of the rebellion of Moshevin and Finfer. The charge, and what is more horrible is that all the troops in Xia Yancheng were completely wiped out.

"General Bilin, you continue to carry out your task and be optimistic about those four guys. Remember, you must take good care of them and don't let them lose anything. The elves who come up with this plan must be in their army. We must lead him out this time, otherwise it will bring us a lot of inconvenience in the future." Tianling actually doesn't care about the two fools, Mersven and Finfer, but what he really cares about is the poisonous snake hidden in the dark. It's okay if it doesn't bite you. It's a fatal blow.

"Yes, sir." After Belin took the order, he immediately walked out.

Then Tianling turned his eyes to Swayton, "General, borrow your 300 assassins." Tianling smiled.

"Sir, you..." Swayton seemed to think of something.

"I'm just borrowing it." Tianling's eyes were tired and seemed to signal her something.

"Well, that's all right~!" Swayton also found Tianling's eyes, "Then our mission is...?"

Tianling's face sank, "Remember, General Jinna, General Polly, General Swayton, your task is very important. It can be said that I have entrusted the future of the whole Xia Yan City to the three of you. If you fail, the whole Xia Yan City will be defeated."

All three nodded.