yi shi tian xie

Chapter 167 4

At this moment, when he saw a big fire in the south, Oguni's eyes suddenly turned red. He walked out of the house and shouted, "Action."

As soon as her words fell, a neat step appeared on the originally quiet street. A team of elf warriors poured out of the dark street and killed directly towards the center of the city. Instead of escaping from the city, they attacked the garrison building and recaptured Xia Yan City.

Suddenly, the fire broke out, and the shouts of killing around became stronger and stronger. Those residents who were originally excited were no longer happy at this moment. As can be heard from the sound outside, it was a mutiny again.

As for the ordinary residents of the western city, those ordinary and kind elf residents also changed into a set of neat armor and listed neat teams ready to rush to the garrison building, which instantly changed the look of the patrol soldiers and began to discard their armor and directly scattered around.

At the same time, the dozens of shadows carrying four big fat men stopped and stopped in a dark corner. A taller guy put down the fat man behind him and gasped, "How's going over there?"

"My lord, they should still be in chaos." One of the black shadows hugged his fist and said respectfully.

"Ye, leave them alone. Let's go to the North City and hope to gather with them there." This figure smiled coldly, "Wait a minute, accompany me to play a good play~!"

As soon as the figure finished speaking, he carried a fat man again, shouted angrily, and walked along the street. Now there is a fire next to the cell, and some patrols have already retreated to the garrison building. As for the army in the city, they have not moved for a moment and are still sticking there.

The 20,000 troops led by Oguni attacked all the way and went straight to the garrison building. On the way, except for seeing several patrols and doing a few games with them, they did not see a large group of troops intercepting here, which made Oguni a little cautious. When the North City was less than 300 meters away from the garrison building, Gunney suddenly ordered all the people to stop.

Although it is 300 meters away, Augusti still set up a telescope to see the situation of the guard building. Sure enough, she guessed it right. The area around the guard building is already full of troops and guarding there. If it really goes there, it may not be their opponent.

"Hold~!" At this moment, an elf detective quickly rode a horse and ran over. From the sound, it could be heard that the voice was female.

Before the elf arrived, it was intercepted by the elf troops.

"Let her in." Oguni saw this elf from the beginning.

As soon as the elf heard this, he quickly knelt down. "General Puni sat down and scolded the soldiers and met General Augusti."

"Say it~! How's Puni's side?" Oguni said coldly.

Puni naturally refers to the civilian army in the chaos in the West City. Like Oguni, she also holds an army of 15,000. Their task is to take back the whole Xia Yan City tonight.

General Puni said that everything is right, just wait for the general to act according to the plan." The rebuking soldier shouted.

"Good~! Go back to Puni and start the action." Augusti waved his hand.

"Yes, General." As soon as the reprimanded soldier got on the horse, he instantly ran on the same road.

As soon as the reprimanded soldier left, an adjutant-like elf next to him came over on horseback, "General, what should we do?"

Oguni narrowed his eyes and suddenly remembered the mysterious man's words, and then the corners of his mouth moved, "Let all the troops set the form of battle and wait for the order."

"Yes, General." After taking the order, the adjutant rode away immediately, and then called several officers behind him to say all Oguni's words.

Oguni looked ahead with a telescope again, "Hey, Puni, I hope you don't let me down. It's all up to you."

Thinking of this, didn't Oguni think the mysterious man's words were reasonable? So she has to be cautious now.

At the same time, there was also a rebuking soldier in the west, saying that it was General Augusti's rebuking the marquist. He said the same thing again. This Puni was originally a big old man and rough, and it was okay to fight, but his wisdom was not good. As soon as he heard the words of the marquisition, his eyes immediately lit up and immediately ordered to start. Immediately march into the garrison building.

As for the scolding soldier, he turned around a street and threw his armor on the ground and put on a black suit, while her direction was north.

Oguni, who was rocking ahead and watching the movement, suddenly moved his eyes. In front of him, more than a dozen shadows were running towards here carrying four fat men. Oguni quickly jumped off his horse and shouted, "Come on, meet the patriarch."

The dozen shadows stopped in front of Oguni's army on the street, and then the troops next to him immediately came to take over and sent four chairs for four fat men to sit on it.

And Augusti walked to the biggest fat man and whispered, "Your Excellency, my lord."

I found that Fenfer was not woken up and seemed to be snoring. Augusti also gave up. He looked at these dozen shadows and smiled, "You are all tired. Go down and have a rest~! You have made great achievements this time, and the patriarch will reward you well.

"Yes, General." These dozens of shadows nodded and then got into more than 10,000 troops behind.

After seeing the more than a dozen shadows leave, Oguni's face immediately sank and called his adjutant, "Sending someone down to find a quiet room and bring the four patriarchs in."

"Yes, General." The adjutant will do it in person immediately.

And the Oguni enterprise laughed coldly.

On the other side, Puni's 15,000 troops are ready to start. Now almost the whole West Street is in her hands. She doesn't care about anything else and rushes directly to the garrison building. In her thoughts, about 10,000 troops in Weston should still be guarding on the wall, as long as her own army rushes over, After surrounding the whole garrison building and arresting Weston and others, it was hers, so she is now fighting for time, not as afraid of this and that as Oguni.

However, as soon as her 15,000 army approached the garrison building, a miracle happened. There were few elves here, leaving only a dozen patrol elves, and these elves ran towards the garrison building like ghosts after seeing Puni's 10,000 troops.

As soon as Puni saw it, he quickly accelerated the march and went straight to the garrison building. Originally, this garrison building was big enough, not to mention more than 10,000 troops, 350,000 is enough to come, so in order to make contributions, Puni was stupid enough to take all the people with him.

After all, Puni often comes here and is familiar with the terrain here. There are no stairs in this guard building, only the skyscraper, that is, the magic elevator. In order to catch up with Oguni, he sent a group of ten elves, and a team began to transport it to the whole guard building.

Even Puni made an unforgivable mistake. The garrison building has a total of five floors, and she even lined up the troops up. For example, the magic elevator can only transport ten elves at a time, the first time ten elves to the second floor, the second time the elf army to the third floor, and so on. Although this method is somewhat disciplined, that is to say, the number of dispatches at each level is the same.

But when the ten elves went upstairs and came out of the magic elevator, they immediately had dozens of * standard ones. As long as they moved a little, they would die immediately. Then before these elves with * stopped, they immediately tied up these rebel elves.

However, the situation on the second floor is the same. Seeing that there was no movement above, Puni's eyes lit up. He must have thought that there was no army here at all. Even if there was, it would have been solved, but when she led nine departments to the third floor, she was immediately dumbfounded.

There is no doubt that she is 18* in front of her. Although she thinks she is very powerful, she is not sure that she can escape the shooting of 18* in such a short distance. Even here is still in the magic elevator, and the space around is small.

"General Puni, please~!" As soon as Puni appeared, a voice came from inside, and then a female general came from inside.

This elf is Weston. Her face still smiles so naturally and relaxedly, but in Puni's eyes, it is a poisonous snake.