yi shi tian xie

Chapter 169 Whole Team

The soldiers who came in were dumbfounded, and no elves spoke in just a minute.

And at this time, I don't know where such a voice came from, "The patriarch is dead, and Oguni has rebelled!"

Together with this sound, all the elves were awakened, and the elves below began to panic. As for the sound of Oguni killing the patriarch's rebellion, it spread three times and ten times. The soldiers in the streets were completely panicked. After all, these elf warriors were not only from the Ika, but also the Kira and so on. Clan, now that their patriarch dies, and the person who killed the patriarch is still the master general, what does she mean? Annexation?

So in a panic, 15,000 troops fought in several forces on the street, and the battle became more and more fierce. At first, it was a demonstration, but in the end, after bleeding, the eyes of the tribes turned red one by one, began to light up the knives, and the real knife * began to fight.

As for Augusti, she is completely stupid. Now she can't even jump to the Yellow River, but fortunately, there are more than a dozen loyal soldiers around her who protect her and try to run out of the city, but waiting for her is a neat garrison.

Oguni suddenly found that he was really wrong. If he had listened to the black shadow military division before, at least now he was still a majestic general, and in a blink of an eye, more than 10,000 troops were gone?

The battle lasted until dawn, and Weston led all the troops in the city to begin to round up, saying that it was better to clean up the stalls. After the war, Weston calculated that his side would not waste a soldier and captured a total of 23,000 rebels. As for the panic of the rebels in the North City, about 7,000 horses were killed and injured. By the time she led the army, even if the rebels who had not died had no combat effectiveness, the overnight killing was indeed a kind of torture in front of these soldiers who did not meet the standard in quality.

The two generals of the army, Puni and Oguni, were captured alive. As for the four leaders of the rebellion, they were killed in the war. In addition, three generals and four generals were arrested. As for the adjutants and other small officers of the captain, there were hundreds.

But at this time, Weston was facing a big crisis. The rebellion had calmed down, but there was no place to put down these rebels.

But fortunately, Tianling gave her a note, that is, to subdue these rebels. Although these elves are rebels, they represent that they want to brand the term traitors forever.

I have to say that Tianling is really good at working and summoning all the rebels outside the city. Of course, the rebels' weapons and armor have been taken off. Like ordinary residents, they sit cross-legged on the ground and listen to Tianling's speech alone on the stage.

After a whole afternoon, Tianling's throat was hoarse, but the effect was still very successful. More than half of the 20,000 elves were crying. Later, Tianling gave them two choices. First, they left Xia Yancheng to live a wandering life, and second, they continued to stay in Xia Yancheng to join the army, but the premise was that there would be no future. There are any Yika and Killa, as long as the elf clan, the elf alliance.

At the beginning, some elves hesitated. About 300 elves went away one after another. Tianling did not stop them, but let them go, of course~! Those elves who walk four or five miles at most will accidentally suffer a group of horse thieves and then kill them. After all, Tianling will not be so stupid enough to leave a disaster. As for the rest, they are willing to join the army.

Although more than 300 elves have left, there are still more than 20,000 troops left, and more than 20,000 troops have become a mental illness. Now there are only more than 10,000 troops in Xia Yancheng. Now as soon as these rebels join, there are more than the original army. If the days are longer, a counter-guest will become the master. Then I don't know what's going on.

But Tianling is not stupid. The military measures in this world have many drawbacks. Why not move out the modern military form?

His plan is: ten elves as a team, including the captain and deputy captain, 50 elves as a platoon, set up a platoon leader and deputy platoon leader, among which there are five captains and five deputy captains, and 200 elves as a company, of which are the same nature as before. 600 elves are a battalion and 1,800 for one In the regiment, 5400 are a brigade, 10,8 million elves are a division, and each class is set up as a deputy officer.

Now the rebels and Weston's original army have a total of about 40,000 horses, that is, almost four divisions of troops. For this reason, Tianling set up the more than 20,000 rebels separately and edited them into various teams to prevent these rebels from rebelling again in the future, but in order to make the army better Jinxin, this time, the garrison of the former Xiayan City was all upgraded. The original ordinary soldiers were promoted to the positions of big soldiers and captains, those captains were promoted to platoon leaders, and those with 50 elves were promoted to company commanders, so this time they have been analogous, and a lot of generals emerged.

In this way, not only gives the departments of the regiments confidence, but also there will be no rebellion at all. The army is more self-motivated. Everyone dreams of making contributions and becoming a senior official. Even if a captain dies during the real war, then the deputy captain can still take over. If a regiment leader dies, he is still the deputy commander.

After finishing these jobs, the nervous moment began. The candidates for the division commander, the regiment leader, and even the battalion commander were all in Tianling's hands. At the beginning, several elf officers who were very familiar with Tianling wanted to rely on this relationship to pull them to Tianling, but unfortunately they were rejected by Tianling. Because what he said is very simple. In today's system, as long as you make contributions, you have to be official. If you rely on relationships, it will not be called the military system.

After several consecutive days of discussion, Tianling and Qingbi finally discussed the selection of the division commander. There is no doubt that Weston has made great contributions to the marshal of the chaos. Bilin, the battle of the male elf dock, and the division commander of the first division. Jinna and Polly have made great contributions in this war. They are the third division commanders and the fourth division commanders, and three The division commander has been determined. As for the three deputy division commanders they sit on, they have temporarily left there. After all, this official position is not small, and there are many military achievements to be able to sit in that position, so there is no suitable person, and the position of the last division commander makes many elf candidate officers shine their eyes one by one by one, but it is a pity that they They were all disappointed, because the elf of the division was directly given to Weston. It's impossible that she, the grand marshal, didn't have a soldier around her~!

And Tianling finally let Weiwei serve as the deputy teacher under Weston for a little selfishness. At first, the little girl was unwilling. After all, she had never held an official position, but Weston immediately helped him accept it.

As for the following brigade generals, they are all middle-level officers who have made contributions to Weston, while the position of deputy brigade commander is left to the tribes who were friendly to Weston at the beginning, that is, those tribes with little* and less power, to Those who were a little powerful and had been arrogant for a while, but stayed in the positions of deputy generals at the regiment and battalion level. At first, they were a little unconvinced and even put on airs. But after Tianling personally taught a few guys a lesson, they began to calm down and were not convinced, right? No problem, just keep the official position and leave. If you want to rebel, just destroy you. This series of threats has made these guys much more honest.

After all, it is better to have an official position than not, at least one more than one.

After setting up the official position, the army was adapted. In the past, all the elves were all mage corps, of course~! Weston was the first to reform. Since there were spears, mages, *, and even assassins, that is, assassins in her army.

However, in order to improve it, Tianling personally formulated a set of plans. One division is divided into six regiments, which are divided into six regiments: the spear regiment, the mage regiment, the * regiment, the cavalry regiment, the big knife regiment, and the reserve regiment.

And weapons are distributed according to the style of each legion, and a long gunner is absolutely not allowed to appear in a large knife regiment. After all, you can cooperate with each other in case of war, and you will not panic immediately as before.