Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 5 Peak

When Ye 23 stepped on the first bluestone, a force surged from his feet and there was a feeling of flying.

He couldn't help but be a little stunned. In this case, he really didn't understand the meaning of this test. Although he couldn't figure it out, he still walked forward step by step. The strength under his feet made him almost effortless. There were more and more stairs behind him, and he seemed to be able to see the top of the mountain from afar.

At the end of the path, there is also a black gate. The door is tightly closed, and there seems to be a pair of couplets engraved on the door. The upper couplet is: the door can't be opened, all depends on the heart, and the lower couplet is: whether there is, whether you can enter or not, it all depends on people, horizontal batch: it is difficult to enter the door.

Ye 23 looked at this incredible and bullshit couplet and couldn't help but feel sad.

There are already many people in front of the door. These people are trying to open the door, but the door can't be pushed open.

"It seems that this is a test for us" There is humanity in front of the door.

"Yes, it seems that if you want to open this door, you need at least seven grades of iron sparrows!"

"I'll try it!" A beautiful teenager walked to the door, slowly raised his hands, pressed on the door, and a blue light came out of the teenager's palm.

"It's the eighth grade of iron finch, and I can't see that this teenager's skills are good!" Someone shouted, but more people watched silently.

A white light fell from the sky and caged the teenager in front of the door, watching that the teenager had disappeared.

A sound from the sky


At this time, the rest of the people pushed the door one after another. From time to time, some people were shrouded in white light and then disappeared, but more failed.

Ye 23 felt that many people had passed through the gate with 300 people, and fewer and fewer people passed slowly. Many people left the door dejectedly. He wanted to go down the mountain like this. Anyway, he didn't want to go up. Besides, he didn't know what kind of cultivation he was, but the couplet made him cute. I have an idea.

He thought of a puzzle he saw in his last life. A man was locked in a secret room without a window, and the only door could not be opened, but finally the man came out and asked how the man came out.

At that time, he didn't think of it for a long time, but the final published answer made him laugh and walked out of the door.

Thinking of this, Ye 23 walked to the door with the mentality of trying, pulled hard and didn't move. It seems that he was wrong. He couldn't help but smile. Do you think this is a quiz?

Just as he turned around and wanted to leave, a white light shone down. The bright light made him close his eyes unnaturally and felt as if he had been dragged directly from a place. By the time I opened my eyes, I had reached the top of the mountain.

An old man with gray hair stood in front of him and threw himself a token. He didn't know what kind of material the token was made of and fell on it in his hand, with 397 written on it.

"Let's go, they're all over there." The old man pointed to the south.

Ye 23 bent down to reply to the old man and walked straight to the crowd.

"This child seems to be a little interesting." The old man looked at the back of 23 and said softly.

Approaching the crowd, someone looked at him with a look. He ignored it and walked aside and sat down against a tree.

"Don't you see anyone here?" A cold hum came from above his head.

Ye 23 looked along the sound. There was a man sitting on the tree branch, dressed in black. Under the black clothes, a muscle flowed like beads, and every inch of his whole body was full of alert, like a strong crossbow in his hand, on the touch, and there was bursts of chills all over his body. From so far away, he could also feel a trace of coolness. .

"Oh, isn't it? Excuse me!" Ye 23 said gently that he would not fight with these great-grandchildren. After saying that, he stood up and was about to leave.

"Forget it, you're there." The people on the tree didn't seem to think that this young man with good cultivation could be so easy to talk. He was stunned and said.

"Thank you!" Ye 23 was neither humble nor arrogant, and then sat down again.

The people on the tree looked at him in surprise and closed their eyes to refresh their minds. However, he despised the people below. Seeing that this person's cultivation is not bad, he does not have a proud bone. Seeing that his cultivation is higher than him, he is so easy to talk. Otherwise, we can make friends.

Ye 23 silently observed the people in the distance and inadvely found an acquaintance, Ye Feng.

I haven't seen her for a year. Ye Feng seems to be more beautiful. She is dressed in white, which makes her more dusty and outstanding. Her surroundings are full of people and seems to be very popular.

I don't know if she still remembers herself. He can't help thinking that after all, he still has a good impression on this little girl.

After a while, the old man who just issued the token came over.

"It's time. In this family ceremony, there are 420 people who have passed the test. You are all the future of the family. I hope you can get a good ranking in the next big comparison. Well, now we invite our ancestors and elders."

The old man took out a stone from his arms and put it into a groove in front of him. It rumbled and rumbled, and there came bursts of sound, as if something had been activated.

"Look, what is that?" Someone exclaimed.

"Iron armored flying dragons are a group of third-level monsters, run!" For a moment, the crowd was in turmoil, and many people began to summon their own life beasts.

"Don't mess up, that's the guardian beast in my clan!" The former old man shouted.

The crowd slowly calmed down. Ye 23 looked up. There seemed to be a dark cloud approaching in the distant sky. Close, Ye 23 looked at his huge thing. The shock in his heart was really unparalleled. The first time he saw the legendary flying dragon, he felt more surprising than he thought.

These strange beasts, known as armored flying dragons, look like birds, with their wings elongation up to more than three feet and about one foot long. The dragon scales all over the body are like a pair of armor, wrapping the whole body tightly. Small head, short neck, flat chest and spine, slender claws, five toes.

Ye 23 was still in shock. At this time, a group of people came up and down from these iron-clad flying dragons, led by an old man in a green robe. He looked indescribably quiet and leisurely, standing with his hands back, as if he was satisfied with the reaction of the people below.

"Well, the descendants of the Ye family, I am the patriarch of the Ye family, Ye Yang, and behind me are the 29 elders of the Ye family. Today is the 20-year ceremony of my Ye family. You are the best disciples in my family. I am very happy to see you. Next, you will have a training related to your future. I will send you to the experience of our clan, where you can hunt monsters to get points. If you are in the top ten points, you can get an iron armored flying dragon cub. As soon as the words arrived, the crowd below had already boiled.

"That's a third-level monster. If I have one, I can go horizontally!" Someone whispered.

"That's a cub, not an adult, and it's you..." Someone retorted,

Many people can't wait to start practicing immediately, and everyone feels their blood boiling.

"Quiet for a moment." Ye Yang waved his hand and then said, "The top three can get the first eight layers of the family's internal power and ten Zhenyun Dan, and you can meet the ancestors of our Ye family and accept his true biography. The second place will get ten Zhenyuan Dan every year for the next three years. In addition to getting Zhenyuan Dan every year, you can also go to the family's library to choose a skill. As soon as the words fell, there was a brief silence below.

"Long live the patriarch, long live the Ye family" tsunami-like sound drowned everything.

"Finally, I tell you that in the trial land, the closer you are to the center, the more dangerous it will be. If your strength is not good, don't be stubborn. When you are in danger, crush the lettern sent to you by your family, and you will come out safely, but you will be disqualified from the trial for three days, and you can finally save Those who survive are ranked according to the points. All right, everyone can register and get the letterhead according to the number plate just issued.

Soon, the team stood up and everyone quietly waited for registration.

"What's your name?"

"Ye Fan"

"Hm, this is your token and letter. Good luck."

"Next, what's the name?"

"Ye Hu"


Finally, he arrived. After registration, Ye 23 stood aside and waited.

For a long time.

"Master, everyone has been distributed!" The person in charge of distribution got up and reported to Ye Yang.

"Okay, let's start the practice! I hope you can all play well." Ye Yang laughed.

In front of the transmission platform, everyone entered the transmission array. After a burst of white light, everyone was transported to the edge of the forest of trials, but everyone's transmission position was different, which seemed to be intentional.

Ye 23 looked around, surrounded by towering trees, and there was no one near him.