Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 11 The Bookhouse

The next day.

In front of a magnificent building, a young man in blue is standing at the door, sighing infinitely in his heart that this library building is really impressive.

Not to mention anything else, it is incredible to simply build this ten-storey building out of wood, not to mention the beauty of his carving. It is amazing. It doesn't feel like a library at all, but like a luxurious mansion.

Entering the door, there were many people on the first floor, as if they were waiting for something. Many people saw him walk in, and their eyes showed contempt, which seemed to be very unwelcome to Ye 23.

Ye 23 couldn't help shaking his head. It seemed that he had really become a celebrity and attracted much attention there, but he didn't say anything. Seeing that they were waiting, he knew that even the previous library had open time, not to mention this library.

So he found a place to sit down and wait slowly. What he couldn't imagine was that after he sat down, there was no one around a few meters. Everyone seemed to regard him as a plague god, and some people whispered about something from time to time.

An old man with a long face and black beard came in. The people who had been waiting seemed to recognize this person. The people who whispered just now closed their mouths. The old man sat on a chair near the stairs and said slowly, "Okay, let's start!" Remember that whether you are here for the first time or not, the rule here is not to stay here for more than an hour. Choose what you want, register, and leave quickly!"

"Yes, Elder Liu!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Let's start, bring your tokens and remember the permissions to several levels, and you can borrow up to three books at a time. Don't violate the rules, or you will bear the consequences!" Elder Liu waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Who is this person? Why is he so arrogant!" Someone next to him asked in a low voice, and it seemed that it was the first time to come in like him.

"You keep your voice down. This is Elder Liu. He is famously cold-blooded. Let him hear it, but you will suffer!" His companion explained in a low voice.

He didn't care who he was. Seeing that no one came forward, he was the first to go up, took out the token and handed it over. When he finished writing, he went straight up.

Second floor.

Dozens of huge bookshelves are placed there, and all kinds of books are also full of eyes. They can be organized in an orderly manner. Each bookshelf is written on what is placed on this bookshelf.

Ye 23 chose the books he wanted here. He chose the introduction of this mainland monster and the level introduction of practice, and also chose a swordsmanship, nothing else.

Because in his opinion, the knight with the sword is the real knight. When choosing the swordsman, he also deliberately chose a very domineering swordsmanship called Tianzi swordsmanship.

At that time, he chose this set of swordsmanship because he fell in love with the name of this swordsmanship. In his previous world, the emperor was the emperor, and the emperor's swordsmanship was the emperor's swordsmanship. He could not be emperor, and it was also good to practice his swordsmanship.

There is a narrow staircase on the side of the second floor. It seems that only one person can pass at a time. It seems that it is deliberately designed like this. He wants to go up and have a look, but he doesn't know if his authority is enough.

The first floor is a hall with no books. According to this, the second floor is on the first floor. I have two floors of authority. It is said that I can go up, but I don't know what kind of punishment I will receive if my authority is not enough. The most important thing is that it is not good to involve my father. Ye 23 put down his curiosity and did not walk up.

turned around again on the second floor. He felt that the books he had chosen had achieved his purpose of coming here, so he wanted to go down. At the moment he was about to go downstairs, he saw a book under a chair broken leg. He was curious, so he moved forward and picked up the chair and picked up the book.

The page of the book has turned yellow and is full of dust. It seems that no one has read the book for a long time, blowing away the dust on it, and the name on the cover is blurred.

As the dusty book was opened, the content of the first page almost made him eat his tongue.

This is a book introducing the treasures of heaven and earth. The page Ye 23 saw introduced a kind of bamboo called "withered bamboo".

It is said that this kind of bamboo looks similar to a dead bamboo on the surface, and its texture is slightly hard. Generally speaking, ten thousand-year-old dead branches can be more than one meter high. Don't look down on it, but it is indeed a veritable king of medicine. As long as you take a trace of its juice and give it to people, you can protect your heart for a month to avoid serious injury.

Moreover, there is another world in the bamboo, which contains a green bead. If it is taken out, it can increase its life by thousands of years. Other uses are unknown.

Ye 23 was shocked when he saw the picture drawn above. How could he be so similar to the bamboo he broke?

Is it that you have such a great opportunity to get such a treasure without knowing it? This is simply a magic medicine. Now Ye 23 just wants to go back and find the bamboo and compare whether it is true or not.

If so, he is a thousand-year-old demon, and he only lived 108 years old in his last life. Haha, his heart is laughing wildly.

Picking up the book, went downstairs, and after registration, he slipped away like a rabbit, which made Elder Liu very strange.

In the past, people who came to borrow books did not come down. Today, he came down half an hour after he went up, and actually chose some worthless books and a lower-level swordsmanship. It seems that his cousin really gave birth to a strange son.

Running all the way, Ye 23 returned home, tossed around, and almost demolished the house, but he couldn't find the bamboo, which made him depressed.

"If I had known that I couldn't find it, you didn't let me see this book. Oh, let me see this book, and I was also very excited, but when I came back, there was nothing left, and the whole person didn't have this method!" Ye 23 has been muttering.

This is the first time he has come to this world to complain, and you can imagine how depressed he is now.

Thinking about it, if you accidentally bought a lottery ticket, you didn't care at that time. A few days later, when you saw the result, you won the jackpot, but when you look back, the lottery ticket is gone, your mood is indescribable.

Ye 23 still didn't give up. He looked inside and outside for a long time, but still couldn't find it. He sat down on his bamboo chair and looked at the messy home. He didn't mean to clean up at all.

But he knew that the bamboo was already in his Dantian.

After one night, Ye 23 didn't fall asleep at all this night. He just comforted himself. Not to mention comforting himself like this all night, he really thought about it. Since that thing was not his own, there was no need to force it! Everything has always been fateful, and it's not good to be too persistent.

He couldn't help laughing. What kind of bamboo and longevity seem to have become a trivial matter of the battle between chickens and insects.

He believed in Taoism in his previous life. Taoism talked about quietness and indifference. At this time, he was integrated, and his mind naturally came up a step.

Ye 23 stood outside the bamboo gate with a long smile. Although he didn't sleep all night, he was more energetic.

Taking out the borrowed book, I plunged into the book. The more I read it, the more I felt that my previous ideas were sometimes extreme. There are so many interesting places in the world that I don't walk in my lifetime, but it's really in vain.

It took Ye 233 more than a month to finish reading those books, and now he has a deeper understanding of the continent.

He knew from the book that the Zhenyuan mainland is so big that the Sanyuan country he is located in is just one country. There are tens of millions of countries like this in the Zhenyuan continent. Ye 23 can't help sighing that his previous vision was too short.

In the Zhenyuan continent, the cultivation levels are divided into iron sparrow, copper sparrow, silver sparrow, goldfinch, holy sparrow and divine sparrow, each of which is divided into seven small levels.

Generally speaking, the silver finch is a master in a country, and the cultivation of the goldfinch will not exceed two figures in a country. As for the holy finch and the divine finch, it has only appeared in the record, and few people have actually seen it.

Everyone can sign a life agreement with the monster and become their own life summoning beast, and the division of the monster is not so complicated. In short, the monster is divided into seven levels, that is, the first-level monster, the second-level monster, and so on. Each level is divided into three stages, namely, the early, the middle and the later stage, generally Monsters beyond the third level have great magic power, which is very difficult to deal with.

According to the above records, Ye 23 knows that he is now the cultivation of the five grades of copper finch, and there are 32 true yuan in his body, which is only four shares away from breaking through the six grades. It seems that the day is just around the corner.

"Let's aim for the silver finch. When you have enough strength, you will definitely travel every inch of the Zhenyuan mainland!" Ye 23 secretly made up his mind.