Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 12 Blood Ginseng King

This is the culprit, Ye 23 said in his heart.

The eyes turned to the blood ginseng king, and the small yellow flower that was about to bloom gently shook, and the blood-red branches became more and more red, the blood red.

Ye 23's eyes suddenly turned red, just for this thing. For this so-called natural treasure, so many people died and left so much blood.

That's a group of innocent people!

Ye 23 is almost crazy.

"It's you, it's you. Without you, they wouldn't die, they wouldn't die!" Ye 23 roared in a low voice.

His face was grilous, surrounded by countless ghosts in front of him.

Ye 23yi stretched out his hand and silently twitched a sword. After filling it with his strength, he was about to cut it down.


A starlight in the sky passed through the boundless black clouds, like a bright light illuminating his front.

The green leaves shook more violently, as if they were afraid and begging him to show mercy.

Is it really its fault?

Ye 23 wanted to hear a certain voice in his heart, but it came from the bottom of his heart.




Ye 23 suddenly collapsed and couldn't stand on the ground. The illusion in my heart was shattered.

Although he saw the tragic scene with his own eyes, he had always expected that there was a reason he could not think of, a reason to convince him. At one time, he once thought he had found it, but the reality was so cruel.

Ye 23's body trembled slightly, and the truth in his heart kept emerging.

is caused by human greed!

It is caused by the evil of human nature!

It doesn't matter.

Oh, Ye 23 sighed feebly.

The black fog is getting thicker and thicker, slowly flowing in the air, like a long black river.

The starlight in the sky is dim, and the faint starlight can't penetrate the black fog, and the canyon is dark.

I don't know how long it has been.

Ye 23 slowly sat up with a lonely look.

Despair, fear and helplessness filled his heart.

Is this the only way?

What should I do?

Is it drifting with the tide or going my own way?

is it good or as usual.

Ye 23 felt that his brain exploded, and his mind was in a mess.

All kinds of thoughts kept colliding back and forth, and countless voices sounded from the bottom of my heart.

He fell down again.


In the sky, the stars disappear and dark clouds cover the sky.

In an instant, the rain fell.

The rainstorm poured down, and the bean-sized raindrops kept hitting his face, and his body crackled.

Ye 23 closed his eyes and let the cold rain keep washing and washing.

Why are you alive?

A question rises from my heart.

There is a starlight in the sky.

Ye 23 felt a bright heart and turned over and climbed up.

Yes, why are you alive? Isn't it just living for the dream in his heart? If a person loses his dream, what's the difference from death?

Small chaos is a small rule, and big chaos is a big rule.

A spark can start a prairie fire.

Maybe one day, you will become the flame of the prairies.

Ye 23 looked up at the sky and let the heavy rain fall on him.

Yes, that's it.


The rain was slightly light, and Ye 23 turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, he saw that the blood ginseng king came into his sight.

An idea quietly jumped into his mind.

Take it away!

Ye 23 walked back and forth a few meters around the blood ginseng king. To his surprise, not a drop of heavy rain fell around it, as if there was an invisible shield separating the rain.

It should be banned, or how could they not send someone to guard here!

But how to get him away?

Ye 23 kept thinking and had it.

With one hand, the nameless sword came to his hand, and an inexplicable connection quietly rose.

With full strength, Ye 23 unnamed swords were suddenly inserted. Half of the sword body is inserted into the land under its feet.

"The soil here is not ordinary hard!" Ye 23 said in his heart.

He has seen the sharpness of the unknown sword for a long time. He has seen the general soil, not to mention full power, even if it is gently inserted, it can be without handle.

However, Ye 23 didn't think much about it, but kept thrusting one sword into the ground.

In a while, a circle composed of blades appeared at the feet of Ye 23.

Ye 23 kept stabing with an unknown sword in this circle until the land under his feet was completely broken.

Then, the soil under his feet was removed, and a large deep pit appeared.

Dig down for about a meter, and the soil became soft.

The time was not big, and a tunnel that could accommodate his body appeared like this. As the body entered, a faint green Zhenyuan also appeared around his body, illuminating his front.

Ye 23 also became much faster. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the blood ginseng king. An idea suddenly came out, which made him feel much better.

People say that Tu Xingsun is an enthussar of digging holes. I don't know how to compare with myself. This time, Ye 23 has dug a hole for the second time. It seems that he really has an inexsoluble relationship with digging holes.

However, the nameless sword was used as a hoe by him. I don't know if the unknown old man has a spirit underground. He knows how he feels about his beloved sword being used like this, and whether he will jump out to find himself desperately.

At present, he had no time to think about it. After a few small roots appeared in his sight and dug out a small hole that could accommodate him, he was relieved.

After leaving a safe distance of three feet, this really began to dig. Ye 23 is carefully placed aside from all the excavated soil, and the movement of the excavation is as light as possible to avoid making a sound. Inscapable of alarming others...

Although it is relatively remote and there is no one here, it is better to be careful about everything. Unnecessary trouble, if you can't have it.

This excavation only took half an hour. Except for rain, Ye 23's clothes are sweat, and the rest is dirt.

He is a veritable clay man now.

Finally, a whole body was red and faintly bright. It seemed that the blood ginseng king with blood flowing appeared in Ye 23's hands.

Under the blood ginseng king's whole body, even a piece of skin was not broken, and the roots were complete. The first petal of the small yellow flower had been scattered. In an moment, it was as thick as an ordinary person's wrist. With a slight touch with his hand, there was a trace of red left on his hand.

"Good stuff! Looking at this situation, I don't know how many years it has been. No wonder so many people have been crazy about him, but now it belongs to me and has my surname since!" Ye 23 gasped and looked up and down, with joking in his eyes.

Ye 23 seemed to see the expression of the three masters after they came, which made him feel better.

I took out a white jade box from the space ring and put the blood ginseng king in it. Twenty's heart really calmed down.

Slowly climbed out of the tunnel, Ye 23 sneered, identified the direction, and his figure flashed and rushed into the black fog.

An hour later, Ye 23 walked out of the entrance of the canyon and gasps entered his ear.

There was a guard, Ye 23 said in his heart, but he didn't care. He sneered in his heart and climbed up like an ape along the mountain wall on the side of the canyon.

When he left for a while, a thin shadow also rushed out, and a long core kept swallowing, stopped for a moment, and chased in the direction Ye 23 left.

The stars outside are bright, and the moonlight is like water. There are no dark clouds or rainstorms. Inside and outside the canyon, it seems that there are two worlds. Ye 23 unconsciously took a deep breath, as if the next inside and outside are also two worlds for him.

Ye 23 did not take this blood ginseng king. It's not that he didn't want to, but that he felt that this thing might be of great use in the future.

Ye 23 found a big tree, jumped up, and looked at the direction of the canyon from time to time.

A dirt mountain.

The three families finally reached an agreement that the yellow flower belongs to the Jun family, and the blood ginseng king himself, half of the Ye family and the Bai family.

With the agreement, the three families also rushed to the canyon.

What could enter their sight was a deep pit, and the blood ginseng king disappeared without a trace.

There is almost no warning, and the people of the three families have done it.

Although there are not many people who come with them this time, there are only four or five people in each family, but they are all masters, and the lowest cultivation is also in the eighth grade of silver finch.

In fact, the people here are not fools. As long as you calm down and think about it, you will know that it is not done by some of them, but now they have been confused by anger and identified as one of them as the so-called, so the war broke out.

Here, the divine glory is soaring to the sky, and several strong human beings are fighting in a row. The glow is shining, and various weapons are flying all over the sky, making the night sky as bright as day.

The long sword, the big gun, the golden sword, the blood knife, etc., like the side with life, swallowing the divine light, huddle together, constantly colliding, the sonorous sound is endless, every time is the battle of the true element, making the sky tremble lightly.

In the distance, Ye 23 was unable to calm down. Looking at it from afar, the battle above the canyon made him dizzy and excited.

"Fight, fight, this is your retribution!" There was a certain excitement in Ye 23's deep voice, which made him tremble all over.

"You will never think that the Blood Ginseng King will go there!" With this low and hoarse sound, a figure rose to the sky and disappeared into the dense forest.

And behind him, the slender figure appeared again and followed his footsteps.

This figure keeps a certain distance from Ye 233, which is not far away, but by no means close.

In the canyon, after a big war, all three ancestors were injured, and the three owners were covered with blood, and the rest died.

After the war, several people also thought about it.

Someone must have secretly stolen the blood ginseng king, and this person is no longer among them, and it is by no means the news that some of them have leaked.

This is a naked calculation.

Looking at the fallen body, the three ancestors' faces were full of resentment, and their eyes could kill people.

"Who is it? Who is it? I have the guts to come out. If I don't take you into eight pieces and frust your ashes, I won't call you in heaven!" The owner of the Jun family is crazy and roars up to the sky.

But this person can't hear. He has come to the foot of the mountain, and the war seems to make him very satisfied.

Evil is rewarded with evil, and good is rewarded with good. This is what Ye 23 wants to say to them most now.

A sigh came from the front, which made Ye 23 stop and could no longer step out.

Although the sigh was very small, it was like an earthquake in his heart, and his heart beat wildly.