Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 14 Wild Forest

Three countries.

Ye 23 walked aimlessly, through the endless crowd, through the desolate hills, across many unknown rivers, and continued to walk.

Where should I go? Ye 23 has been thinking about it.

Back to Ye's house? He didn't dare or want to. He didn't know how to face this family and how to face the people of this family.

Back to college? He doesn't want to do it now. He thinks that he has graduated from that place. He has mastered what he needs, even if he wants to go back, not now.

Where else can he go?

It's gone, it's really gone.

There is nothing, no place to go, my first love, and nothing.

No, there are still dreams.

Ye 23 tightly grasped his last life-saving straw and did not let his heart sink to the bottom.

Strength, I need strength, I need strong strength.

His heart is shouting and shouting with all his strength.

The sun shines high.

A star in the sky suddenly flashed dazzlingly, which was so strange.

Where to go? Ye 23's thoughts turned quickly, and a name came to his mind.

Wild forest.

The wild forest is located in the due west of Sanyuan, and the forest borders dozens of countries. Because there are many monsters here, it is also the most in distinct place on the borders of these countries.

As one of the most gathering places of monsters, this is also the place where warriors most want to come, because coming here means their lives to summon beasts, gold coins, and opportunities.

As one of the five most dangerous Jedi in the universe, there are bloodshed and fights here every day.

After paying a certain amount of gold coins, Ye 23 came to this forest as he wished.

The huge trees covering the sky and the sun are everywhere. Ye 23 in the distance feel a gust of breeze blowing from the front, and the fragrance of the bamboo house is not refreshing and indescribably comfortable. Taking a deep breath of clear air, 6,000 pores all over the body seemed to be stretched out, and the feeling was truly indescribably comfortable.

This feeling made his depressed heart much better.

Ye 23 stood on a big bluestone and looked at it from afar. What he saw was a green ocean. The endless green in front of him looked so shocking that the comfortable freshness also came from it.

Finally, he walked into the wild forest. The towering ancient trees made him secretly wonder. This was only the outermost. The dense forest had no path at all. The shadows of the trees were heavy, and he could not see the real scene in it.

The air in the forest is more comfortable. A little chill comes with the wind, and the fragrance of wet soil in the air constantly stimulates his nerves.

Ye 23 walked slowly.

The terrain in the wild forest is very complex, and there is no road in the forest. The work of opening the road naturally falls on the nameless sword.

The thorns on the road kept flying, mixed with a few sword lights. Ye 23 raised his body to the strongest state and carefully observed his surroundings.

The tutor of the college once told him about the wild forest, where the monsters are extremely aggressive and hate the humans who hunt and capture them. In this forest, many monsters live in groups, that is to say, they are likely to encounter a group of powerful monsters. In this case, Unless your cultivation is amazing, it is likely to become the prey of the other party. This is the wild forest, where a hunter and the monster he wants to kill often change their identity.

Soon, he met monsters, and it was a group of monsters.

Ye 23 stopped moving forward.

is a group of silver rats. This monster is similar in size to that of ordinary rats and is not very aggressive, but their teeth are very powerful and can easily pierce people's bodies.

Their sense of smell is very sensitive, and he has been found at such a distance. With the scream of a silver rat, all the silver mice faded like a tide, and for a moment, one of them disappeared.

Ye 23 shook his head and said to himself: In this wild forest, even this first-class monster has such a ** nerve, which is really one of the five Jedi.

Ye 23 continued to move forward. About an hour passed. At this time, it was already ten minutes at noon, but there was still little sunshine in the forest. This big tree that covered the sky and the sun was too dense.

In this hour, Ye 23 also met many monsters, but most of them were first-level and second-level monsters. He usually avoided far away and did not directly conflict.

This is not his kindness. He believes that everything is born with it and must be taken.

But he felt that these low-level monsters were not a threat to him. There is no need to kill. If all human beings are like this, will there still be monsters in this forest many years later? What's more. His tutor said. In the wild forest. Even if you encounter low-level monsters, you can't take it lightly. Because once there is a battle with them. The smell of blood and sound are likely to attract powerful monsters, so he'd better be careful.

After walking for a while, Ye 23 felt a little hungry. He sat down against a tree, ate something and had a rest.

This is also the periphery of the wild forest, and high-level monsters are rare. It is relatively safe. His goal is to find a suitable life summoning beast for himself, which requires further penetration, and the more it goes inside, the more dangerous it will be, and the less time to rest, so. It is necessary to adjust to the best condition in a relatively safe place.

Something is approaching.

Ye 23 suddenly stood up.

The sound of the sand has become smaller and louder, which shows how fast the unknown creature approaches him.

Ye Twenty-three pointed a little and quietly rose into the air, standing on a big tree and looking in the direction of the sound.

A piece as dark as ink, wrapped in black scales, thick arms, and a blood-red flesh (crown) on the head

, the strange snake about three meters long is swam quickly from the place he has just passed.

Ye 23 of the "Black Crown Snake" exclaimed at the moment he saw it, but then there was a surprise. How could this snake be exactly the one he had seen in the unknown canyon?

Is it a coincidence? It's impossible. Ye 23 put away his ideas in an instant. You know, the black crowned snake is a fourth-level monster. If it hadn't been banned in the canyon at that time, I'm afraid he would have become its food without others. Moreover, it is still the periphery of the wild forest, and even a third-level monster has not been seen. How could a four-level monster emerge? What's more suspicious is that the route it came along the way it took. Did it follow it all the way?

Thinking of this, Ye 23 was cold all over his body and had been followed by a four-level monster, and he hadn't found it yet. Doesn't this mean that his life has not been held in his own hands?

But another question arises in Ye 23's mind. Isn't the black crowned snake dead? How could he come back to life? He measured it for a long time.

If you try, you will know that if it is a third-level monster, it is the snake you have seen, and vice versa. Ye 23 has made up his mind to do it.

In fact, what he thought was not comprehensive. He didn't think about what consequences he would have if it hadn't been for the one he had seen. It was a four-level monster. Even if it was a four-level early monster, it was equivalent to the eight-grade cultivation of silverfinch, which he could not resist at all. But now Ye 23 doesn't think so much, and now he wants to prove that his judgment is right.

"It's coming!" Ye 23 secretly said in his heart.

In an instant, Ye 23 rushed down from the air and was not afraid of the four-level monster at all. The nameless sword in his hand stabbed the blood crown on its top with a faint light.

The black crown snake reacted quickly. Although it traveled quickly, its head was biased at this time of life and death. Ye 23's sword did not stab its blood crown, but its body, making a muffled sound, and the black crown snake's body shook and stopped.

The black crown snake seemed to be shocked. The snake's head tilted and suddenly opened its mouth to spit out a thick gray fog towards Ye 23. At the same time, its tail swept forward.

Ye 23's figure flashed and turned to the left to avoid the thick gray fog, but the dark shadow flashed in front of him, and the black tail came to him with the momentum of wind and thunder. The airflow blew his black hair fluttered. At this moment, he did not panic in his heart and stepped on the leisurely walk, and could not avoid the thunderous blow. He exerted his strength and jumped a few feet back.

One person and one snake look at each other quietly, but there are countless crises hidden in this calm.

moved, and the black crowned snake moved, jumped up and rushed to Ye 23. In the air, the blood crown above its head lit up, and then its figure suddenly turned into two, two identical snakes rushed towards him one left and one right.

Ye 23's eyes condensed into the tip of a needle and remained motionless. Only when the snake was still a foot away from him, he suddenly flashed, flashed to the right, and leaped up. His body twisted into a strange bow shape. Two black crown snakes passed him. At this moment, Chu Yang's long sword in his hand condensed on the tip of the sword and poked the meat on the top of one of the black crowned snake's head. Above (crown)!

No blood burst out, and the snake stabbed by Ye 23 slowly became blurred in the air, and finally disappeared strangely.

One snake began to look at each other again. The long core of the black crown snake remained outside its mouth and did not take it back. The black ** flowed down with the tip of its tongue.

The sound of "sneer" came from the ground, and the green vegetation around the place dripping by black ** quickly withered, and a small pit appeared on the bare ground.

Ye 23 took a cold breath. Although he knew that the toxicity of the black crowned snake was very strong, he knew that it was very different from seeing it with his own eyes. You can imagine what would happen to him if he was stained by that **.

But he is still very excited now. Judging from these two fights, this black crowned snake must be the one he has seen in the canyon. Although I don't know how it survived, its strength has completely exposed it, and its speed is slower than the last time I saw it. It seems that he must have been injured again.

The black crowned snake is also very anxious at this moment. When its strength reaches the fourth level, how can its own wisdom be low! Originally, in the canyon, it escaped by relying on its talent and magical power. What was killed by the owner of the Ye family was just its skin. Later, it had been following Ye 23. It wanted to wait for Ye 23 to take the elixir and burst out, but the human in front of it was just the blood ginseng king, so that it had to continue to follow. When his strength recovered, he was killed with one blow, but after such a long time, the prohibition on his body not only did not even subside, but also because of his talent and magical power, his cultivation went directly to the early monsters of the third level, which made him afraid to do it.

But today, because of a carelessness, the human he followed was far away from him, which made him very annoyed and tried his best to catch up, but he didn't expect that the sound of carelessness was found by him.

The subsequent fight made it even more frightened. He made up his mind and slipped away first. The blood ginseng king had to talk about it later