Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 18 Encounter

I have to say that if a person is in a good mood, good luck seems to often take care of him. Well, it took only half a day to enter the wild forest, and he has harvested three elixirs. Although the year is not too long, is it a good omen after all? Besides, this is the outermost part of the wild forest. ?

There must be a lot of good things in it like weeds. With this idea, their group began to walk to the depths of the wild forest.

Unconsciously, there were already three-level monsters in the place where Ye 23 came. Although there were not many, he still took his steps lightly. God knew whether he would run out of a group of three-level monsters. Now he is particularly sorry for his life. After all, he is a person with a dragon in his hands.

The breeze blew, and the dark forest became more blurred with the arrival of the night, and even the twenty-three leaves could only see less than three meters around.

Darkness is equal to danger. Ye 23 who is familiar with this road stopped decisively and opened up a space of about ten square meters between several big trees.

Not long after, the red flame lit up around, and the air warmed a lot. After eating something, one person and one dragon (let's put it this way) began to gossip.

Xiaohei is still like a cow, spitting and shaking. Although many of the things it talks about are exaggerated, for Ye 233, many things are some secrets, and his confidence in the fact that it is a dragon has improved a lot.

After Ye 23 put a few dead branches, the flame became much stronger, and the illuminated distance became much farther. A figure slowly came out of the darkness.

It was not until the figure was about three meters away from him that Ye 23 felt that there was someone behind him, and it was the reason why the man deliberately lifted his footsteps.

He quickly turned his head and looked at it with a trace of surprise in his wary eyes. You know that his cultivation is not low now, and his reaction is the most proud place, but the people behind him came behind him quietly, and if it hadn't been for the other party's deliberate sound, it would not have been possible for him to make a sound. Now.

It is completely certain that the person who came must be a powerful person and should have no malice against him, otherwise he could have killed himself directly just now.

Almost the first time I saw it, Ye 23 felt a sink in his heart and thought to himself: It was him.

Then the firelight can clearly see the opposite face. The face that can make countless women crazy is still bleak. With his entry, the thick desolation is also full. The little black brush rushed to Ye 23 with a sound, and the body is close to him, from which the slightly trembling body can Imagine its current mood.

The teenager ignored Ye 23's eyes, slowly came over, sat out, stretched out a pair of perfect hands, and approached the flame. His hand reflected in the flame light turned slightly red.

A small snake climbed out of his arms and swam to the ground. Ye 23 was a little stunned. The little snake was too small, only the size of a palm, but with the movement of the snake's body, something surprising him happened. The palm-sized snake's body instantly turned into three meters open.

Ye 23's pupils contracted, which is the largest warcraft Ye 23 has ever seen. Although it is not very big now, he can be sure that it is it, the Xuanwu snake.

After all, this Xuanwu snake impressed him so deeply that the figure that seemed to destroy the world emerged from the depths of his memory.

His eyes became a little hot. No one knew whether he was excited or something.

The teenager didn't seem to notice his change, just sitting there quietly and enjoying the warmth brought by the flames.

For a long time, the Xuanwu snake seemed to have found something familiar and slowly swam over and spit out a long core to the little black beside Ye 23.

The teenager's eyes followed the Xuanwu snake. Seeing its strangeness, his eyes slowly turned to Xiaohei. His godless eyes seemed to have a trace of brilliance, and he said with some surprise, "Black Dragon!"

Ye 23 didn't say anything. After hearing this, Xiaohei's body seemed to be much stiffer and scared

Almost while the little black body was stiff, the roar of the Xuanwu snake sounded. The difference was that there was a little anger in the roar.

They seemed to know each other. Ye 23 patted Xiaohei beside him, and the latter's stiff body also became much softer.

In Ye 233's view, Xiaohei was simply pitiful compared with the Xuanwu snake, but somehow, the Xuanwu snake seemed to be a little afraid of Xiaohei and did not dare to be careless, but was reluctant to turn around and leave. At that moment, it roared in a low voice and his expression also became ferocious.

Ye 23 took out a thing from his arms and stretched out his palm. An oval bead appeared in his hand, and the faint smell also dissipated.

Almost as soon as he stretched out his palm, the Xuanwu snake's eyes emitted a green light, and saliva kept flowing out from the corners of his mouth.

Ye 23 smiled faintly and threw the beads in his hand into the distance. The Xuanwu snake's coiled body flew out like electricity. In an instant, it rose up and caught up with the boiling beads. He bit it, turned in the air, and flew back to the side of the teenager, but did not swallow it, but spit it out again. , very cherished, sticking out his tongue and licking on the beads.

The teenager's eyes came with a trace of surprise, and he also smiled.

This bead is called frog beads, which is produced in the body of the heavenly frog. Although it is useless, the smell it emits is indeed fatal to the Xuanwu snake. It was bought by Ye 23 in the market. At that time, he thought it was a treasure, but he didn't expect it to be useless at all, so he still arrived at random. Bian, I didn't expect it to be of unexpected use today.

The teenager suddenly broke his silence and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to know such a method. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people know about it!"

Ye 23 looked at the Xuanwu snake crawling beside the teenager, and there was also a trace of joy in his eyes, and said, "With your heart!"

The teenager turned his head, added a small branch to the fire, and was silent again. After a long time, he suddenly said, "I don't know how many years this Xuanwu snake has followed me. I always thought I knew it best, but I didn't expect to find out today that he was much happier than me!" The smile on his face seemed to be a little more bitter, and he said, "A small frog bead makes it so satisfying, which is too easy to satisfy than most people!"

Ye 23 looked up at the teenager and saw that his face was full of bleakness, and the smile just now disappeared. The loneliness was full of words. His heart agreed with what he had just said. If there is something to say, "Yes, people are not easy to be satisfied, so what about you? What kind of things can satisfy you?

The teenager snorted and said proudly, "Although the world is big, what can make me move and satisfy me?"

Ye 23 frowned. The teenager's tone was really a little uncomfortable, but think about it, with his ability, what else in the world is beyond his ability? Just see if he wants it or not.

Thinking of this, he sighed, if he had such ability, would he be able to get what he wanted?

The teenager took a look at him and suddenly said, "What about you? Is there anything that can satisfy you?

Ye 23 remembered a person, full of gly, and whispered to himself, "There is a person who will be very satisfied if I can be with her, even if I give my life." Later, his eyes became tough, but after saying that, he thought that you were a good man, and his eyes became a little lax.

The teenager looked at him with some deep meaning and said, "Why, she doesn't like you?"

Ye 23's eyes became a little cold, but he didn't say anything.

The teenager was silent. From Ye 23's look, he suddenly recalled the past buried in his heart many years ago. The beautiful face seemed to appear in front of him again.

He shook his head violently, but his hands ran out, and his ten fingers were tightly clenched together, making a crisp sound.

Twenty-three looked at his hand and said faintly, "Do you also have such a sad past?"

The teenager's face was gloomy, he didn't say anything, and his eyes flashed. After a long time, he never spoke.

The night was bleak, and two people who met unexpectedly sat opposite each other. Beside them was a mysterious snake and a dragon.

If someone sees it, I'm afraid they won't believe their own eyes.

The night was bleak, and Ye 23 withdrew his eyes, lowered his head and meditated, and the shadow appeared in front of him again...

And the teenager opposite also bowed his head and said, and the firelight kept dispelling the darkness until it was extinguished, and finally turned into a puff of smoke and drifted away.

The night is bleak, but I don't know how long it has been.

When he woke up from meditation and looked up, the teenager had disappeared, and the Xuanwu snake on the ground seemed to have just soared into the sky and merged into the darkness, and its low roar came from afar.

Xiaohei slowly left him and looked at the place where the teenager disappeared. Finally, he couldn't hear the voice of the Xuanwu snake and said, "Fuck, I'm scared to death. Why hasn't this guy died yet? And he looks exactly the same as before. There is no change at all!"

"You know him. Who is he?" Ye 23 was also very interested in this teenager, after all, his expression was very similar to himself.

"Who is he? He is..." Xiaohei said that he arrived and seemed to have checked it. After confirming that the teenager had left, he thought for a while before saying, "How can I know who he is!"

This made Ye 233 very depressed. He knew that he didn't tell himself and didn't take himself as his master. It seemed that the family law was inevitable, but to his surprise him, no matter how he stepped on it this time, he didn't say a word and didn't even scream.

In the end, he had to give up and thought about what to do to let him speak. It seemed that the boy had a lot of things hidden from him.

Xiaohei slowly coiled up and looked up at the sky, as if he was thinking about something. It looked very different from usual.

Ye 23 is very confused, but he is too lazy to pay attention to it. At present, the most important thing is to find a way. If it is not until its strength recovers in the future, it is not certain who is the owner. It is a dragon.

Dragon, this makes him happy and worried. What is happy is that his life summoning beast is a dragon. What he is worried about is that he will not revenge on himself when his strength recovers until he can't cope with it.

Wouldn't it be better?

"Xiaohei, that's almost dawn. Let's take a break and go to look for treasure at dawn. These are the few elixirs harvested today. I'll give them all to you!" Ye 23 smiled charmingly and turned away the elixir in his hand one by one.