Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 23 Untitled

A small tree that can run, and it is so beautiful that he hasn't even heard of it. Such a magical thing makes his heart beat so fast.

The possessiveness has also become stronger than ever before.

How can Xiaohei not see his master's current intention after living for so long, but he really hasn't seen it. Is it possible to change it?

If he said he didn't know, Xiaohei shivered and felt cold all over his body. Suddenly, there was some pain somewhere. The result was self-evident. Just when he didn't know how to answer, a light flashed in his mind and thought that Ye 23 suddenly rushed here and must have seen the so-called treasure tree. In this way... .。

"Now you have a good question. If you hadn't gone crazy just now, Baoshu would have arrived. Now you have lost your temper. Didn't you believe me just now? Humph!" Xiaohei changed his style and became tough.

"I... I... Xiaohei, don't you think it's time to discuss who is right and who is wrong? Hurry up and find Baoshu!" Ye 23 felt guilty for a while. Thinking about this matter, it was indeed a little bit like that.

"Now it's gone. I'm running. There's nothing I can do!" Xiaohei's regretful voice came with a little anger.

"No, how can it be gone...!" Ye 23 was a little crazy and wanted to do it again.

"If you are not honest, I won't tell you anything good in the future!" Xiaohei's words are a little threatening.

"I... Oh... Forget it, I just don't think I have anything to do with that little sapling!" Ye 23 said unwillingly, "Besides about our relationship, how could I fight with you? It's all a misunderstanding!"

Xiaohei snorted coldly and said to himself: This boy's personality is really complicated. He hasn't seen such a person for so many years. He said that he is stupid. He is really not stupid. The treasure he got was sent out. It turned out to be to recruit a big hand and say that he is honest, but sometimes he speaks softly and says that he is noble. If he scolds, it's really cruel. Anyway, he is a complete weirdo.

After such a toss, Ye 23 suddenly lost his mood. On the way back, he was listless and kept muttering: "My treasure tree, my treasure tree!" Or he sighed and blamed himself for his bad life. Xiaohei wanted to persuade him at first, but later he collapsed directly and went into the air. The ring is quiet.

Not long after Ye 23 left, the small tree suddenly came out of the ground and slowly turned into a person. If Ye 23 saw it, he would be surprised, because this man was the handsome teenager he had seen twice. At this moment, his face was actually smiling and he looked at Ye 23 from afar. The direction of disappearance.

The Xuanwu snake came up from the tree, stopped at the feet of the teenager, and looked high.

The teenager gently stroked the head of the Xuanwu snake with his hand and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that there were any strangers in the world than me!" Turn around and say, "What do you think, little green!"

The Xuanwu snake spit out a bead from its mouth, which is a frog bead.

The teenager looked at the beads in the mouth of the Xuanwu snake and said, "I didn't expect you to know how to miss the past. They just gave you a bead, and you will have a good impression on them!"

The snake's head lowered, stretched out its tongue and involved the frog beads into its mouth and swallowed it.

"Little Green, it will be very soon. Soon you and I will be able to regain our strength. Although it is still almost, it is enough. At that time...!" The teenager's pupils burst out with eagle-like eyes.

When Ye 23 went back, the poisonous dragon adventure team was about to leave. Seeing him come back, the middle-aged man ran over.

"Where have you been? Why don't you understand any rules!" Although the tone of the middle-aged man is a little heavy, how can he not hear the little care in it?

In other words, they have only known each other for a few days and have no friendship, but with this sentence, they have exceeded the people he has known for a long time.

"No, I just saw a first-class monster and wanted to try my luck to see if I could get a magic core. I didn't think about anything else, so I chased it!" Ye 23 said softly.

"Hey, young man, you are too young and have a little experience. Hey, forget it, let's not talk about it. Just come back if you have nothing to do!" The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Then I'll go back to the team!" After saying that, Ye 23 ran to his own position.

"Hey, little brother, have you got the magic core?" Someone next to him asked.

"No!" Ye 23 said angrily, and there was a pain in his heart. His treasure tree, he just forgot a little, and you mentioned it again.

"I didn't get to come here to vent my anger. What's there to pretend!" Just now, the man was not angry. The person next to him pulled him and said something in his ear. The man snorted coldly and finally stopped talking.

Ye 23 didn't care. It was indeed his bad tone just now. He wanted to explain it to others, but now he is really not in the mood.

Now he just wants to leave here and leave this place that makes him sad again, his treasure tree...

The first city.

In Tonghai College, several people came today, a tutor and five students. These people are all from another luxury university, Luyuan College. The purpose of their purpose is to visit and study.

As two top universities on the mainland of Qiankun, the relationship between each other is very harmonious, which is only superficial and for outsiders. The tutors of these two colleges all know how fierce the open and secret struggle between the two colleges is. From students to tutors, they must compete for the first place and beat each other in turn.

I have to say that in the past few decades, Tonghai College has still been defeated and suffered several competitions. Among them, the worst was the last exchange meeting. Compared with cultivation, alchemy and beast control, all the first was obtained by Luyuan College. It is said that on that day, the dean of Luyuan College held a banquet, and the whole school celebrated for three days. He also sent the invitation to the dean of Tonghai College, saying that he invited his students to participate together.

The dean of Tonghai College burned it directly with Zhenyuan at the moment he received the invitation. He rushed back overnight and held a three-day conference after coming back.

The teachers and students of the whole college have been well educated, which is not enough. They also let those who went to participate in the test come out to see what kind of strength they are. If there is potential, he can** in person.

The words are very beautiful and attractive, but after one of them was beaten and even his mother couldn't come out, everyone understood what was going on.

But I dare not go up. Many people fly backwards and spit out blood before they start. They praise the dean's cultivation. They don't have such blessings. Anyway, to put it bluntly, there is no door alone. The angry dean brushed away, but the dean He also said harshly that if he still can't win next time, he will talk to someone. As for who he is looking for, it depends on whose luck.

The one who can enter Tonghai College is not an arrogant person, not a handsome man of one side. It is even more amazing that he can represent the college. It is very uncomfortable to lose. Coupled with such a spur, many people in the college are holding their breath.

Seeing that the next college exchange conference will begin in a year. At this time, there will be fewer people to challenge Luyuan College.

But it is the most inconspicuous of the five people. They have won five games in a row in Tonghai College. Whether they are forced or want to challenge themselves, anyway, in the end, they are no longer here to visit and study, but to play, so some good players in Tonghai College have also collapsed one after another.

But there was only one person on the other side, which defeated them all. Even Rogge lost. Later, Tian Yu rushed out and fought a hard battle. Tonghai College finally won a game, but he didn't wait for them to cheer.

One of the remaining four people from Luyuan College came out. This person is a talented person with fair skin and a white face. Naturally, the people in Tonghai College laughed.

But when he showed his cultivation, everyone closed their mouths, and even the dean of Tonghai College, who heard the news later, was shocked.

Since then, this seemingly white-faced person has become the number one enemy at the next exchange conference of Tonghai College.

Shifeng, this ordinary name has also become famous all over the world since then.

22 years old, goldfinch.

What is this concept? You should know that it is a goldfinch. You should know that it is difficult to improve your grade when you reach the silverfinch, let alone break through the obstacles of silverfinch and enter the goldfinch. Even if it is the most rebellious genius on the Qiankun continent, he is 23 years old when his cultivation reaches the goldfinch, that is to say, this Shifeng is now the most perverted person on the universe continent. It is certain that there is no one before, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to come later.

No wonder the dean of Tonghai College changed when he heard the news. For the tutor who came to discuss the next exchange meeting, he did not come forward to see him. Everything was entrusted to one of the following tutors, and the tutor had only been here for a year, although his own ability was also Yes, but it is obvious that it is almost done to do such a thing, whether in terms of qualifications or ability.

Obviously, that's what the dean thought. If you ask your students to smash my field, my college can't beat you. There's nothing I can do, so I have to let you go.

Originally, it was not too troublesome, but it took nearly a month to end, and when the people of Luyuan College left, they seemed to suffer the loss of a masked man. The masked man said that he didn't like them. Let's teach him a lesson. As for who the masked man was, everyone knows.

After that, some people in Tonghai College came back one after another when they heard the news and began to practice crazily. Even the dean did not expect such an effect.

However, there are talented people in the country. A month later, a person came back from Wanyao Canyon. As soon as he came back, he caused a sensation in the whole school, because his cultivation was already the seventh grade of silverfinch. Although he didn't reach the goldfinch, the cultivation of the 24-year-old seventh grade of silverfinch was also shocking. The ground.

As soon as he came back, he was called by the dean to guide him in person.

Then one night, a freshman named Jun Ruxue made the college boil again, not because of her beauty, but because of her terrible cultivation speed.

As a psychic body, she is indeed unique in her journey.

She, who is just 19 years old this year, is already a silver finch, which can be said to be extremely horrible. Now her reputation has surpassed everyone in the college.

She is the first person of Tonghai College, and she was directly accepted as an apprentice by Dean Jingyu, which can be said to be one step to the sky.

The night before she became a teacher, she came to the woods alone and sat alone by the pool looking at the moon. She was stunned and didn't know what she was thinking, but the faint fog left before leaving finally condensed into water droplets and stayed there.