Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 79 Tower Man

Three days later.

The morning sun broke through the faint mist and reflected into Ye 233's room. The warm sunshine made him turn over, find the most comfortable posture, continue to sleep, and enjoy his beautiful dreams.

In the distant northern Xinjiang, in the mountains, the mountains are covered with snow, and the peaks rise into the sky. Suddenly, a black eagle rushed out of the clouds and rushed into the mountains.

In the depths of the mountain, a figure rose to the sky.

The sword eyebrows fell into his temples, and his face was like a knife, extremely tough, with a unique momentum and a murderous atmosphere. He instantly put the black eagle in his hand.

The black eagle whispered, as if it was transmitting something, and his figure slowly melted into the void with the low call.

"It seems that everything has started again!"

At the same time, in a place called Windy Town, in this small town, on the wall of an inn, there is a figure curled up, covered with a filth. The clothes on his body can no longer see the color. It shines in the sun, and a dog stick like a dead branch is always held in a dog stick. Black charcoal-like hands.,

Suddenly, he did it, and his long hair that could not be combed covered his face, but through that wisp of hair, two terrible eyes shot out.

"It's time to go!"

The sun rises in the east, one shot after another, and in a blink of an eye, the red sun has blown high.

Ye 23's footsteps were very brisk, and he kept greeting the people in front of him all the way, but he never stopped.

It was not until a tall building appeared in his sight that his footsteps slowed down.

This is a library of Tonghai College. Because there are some rare books collected here, there are not many people. Like the books collected in it, this library is far less magnificent than other books. It is just a three-story building with spots outside the wall.

Ye 23 took a light step and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye 23 couldn't help but be stunned. There were no bookshelves as imagined here, not even a book, and there was only a large wooden table in the room, and there was no one.

"Is anyone there?" This is the third time he asked. Originally, he had to climb the stairs to go upstairs to see, but the thin prohibition at the entrance of the stairs made him stop. Although this prohibition was just a small matter for him, he was unwilling to do anything that violated the regulations. After all, he came to borrow.

There was no response. Ye 23 was a little disappointed and decided to come back tomorrow.

He walked out of the door a few steps away, but there was a very low voice behind him. Fortunately, it was very quiet around him. In addition, Ye 23 had a good cultivation, so he heard this almost whispering voice.

"Who, you can't let people sleep in the early morning!"

Ye 23 turned around, rushed in with an arrow, looked around the house, and finally stopped behind the wide wooden table.

The sound of "squeaky" sounded, and the seemingly strong wooden table shook at this moment. It was hard to imagine what kind of power it was carrying at this moment. For a moment, a hand stretched out, bronze calluses were covered with palms, and then a tall figure jumped into his sight.

His body is magnificent, like a black iron tower, ** with his upper body, revealing bronze muscles, and the other hand rubs the unopened eyes, with an unhappy look on his face. Obviously, he thought someone was disturbing him.

Ye 23 was speechless. He never thought that the person with such a pair of hands could be such a burly giant, and he could make the table completely block his body from being discovered by himself. You know that although the table is very large, it is obviously not enough to hide such a giant man.

"What are you shouting about in the early morning!" The giant opened his big copper bell-like eyes and stared at Ye 23 and said fiercely.

Early morning? Ye 23 was a little ironic. He had already got up late enough, but look at this one, it turned out that he was still an early bird.

With his signature smile, he showed his white teeth and said, "I'm here to borrow books!"

"Oh" The giant shook his head, as if to wake himself up from his sleep.

"Token!" The giant seemed to be much more sober and stretched out his huge right hand.

Ye 23 took out a purple wooden card he had just applied for from his arms and handed it over. The giant took the wooden card and put it in front of him for a long time.

When his eyes were on Ye 23 again, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

This purple wooden card means that the holder can read all the books here. You should know that although most of the books here are very rare, its reading level is very high.

Especially those on the third floor, even some tutors of the college do not have the right to read. It surprised him that this seemingly unexpected teenager got such an opportunity.

"What's your name?"

"Ye 23"

"Who sent you this brand!"



After a meaningless dialogue, the doubts in the giant's eyes deepened, but in a blink of an eye, he ran out like the wind when he saw the high sun.

"What should I do?" When the huge figure was about to disappear, Ye 23 finally reflected and shouted.

In the air, an arc fell into the newly opened hand of Ye 23.

"There are so many strange people in this world!" Holding the token in his hand that had finished writing runes, Ye 23 said lowly.

With this token again, Ye 23 finally came to the second floor.

There are only two bookshelves on the second floor, but this even has a large bookshelf, each of which is almost the same length as the room. The height leaves reach the roof, which is full of all kinds of books and divided into categories, which makes Ye 23 very happy. This is very quiet, and the books are also neatly arranged. Most importantly, here Unexpectedly, it is also spotless. It is hard to imagine that the tower-like giant has such a delicate heart.

Walk between these two bookshelves to find the books you need.

This time, he came here for one purpose to find a detoxification method for the double-tailed bee needle. In his imagination, Tonghai College, as the top university on the continent, must be recorded in the collection here.

Soon, he found the goal he needed.

On the Heng Kuang above this set of shelves, there is a strange poison written on it.

There are not many such books, only about a dozen, and the title of the book is similar to the type written above, such as the collection of strange poisons, the top ten magic drugs and so on.

Ye 23 chose a collection of strange poisons and began to check it. Soon, he found an introduction to the double-tailed bee needle, but to his disappointment, the last word written on it turned out to be no solution.

Pressing the disappointment in his heart, Ye 23 took another book from it, but he could see the part of the double-tailed bee needle, and the word "unsolved" was still recorded behind it.

After turning over these dozen books, Ye 23's heart was completely cold. The record of the double-tailed bee needle in the book is very detailed, but there is no answer to the solution.

This poison can only be alleviated and suppressed, but not eradicated. The method provided for suppression is also roughly the same as the method used by the Lightning Eagle King.

Is there really no solution? Ye 23 felt a burst of weakness. Thinking of the Lightning Eagle King and his frozen wife, he suddenly felt a burst of fatigue and felt that he was the biggest man in the world. He gave others hope. In the end, he still sent him back to hell.

Thinking of the Lightning Eagle King, who is now running around looking for the so-called elixir that can save his wife, his heart suddenly picked up, and there was a burst of chagrin in his heart for no reason, and he felt that he was useless.

"Looking at you like this, I didn't expect what I was looking for!"

Suddenly, a sound came from the direction of the stairs. Ye 23 looked back and didn't know when the tower-like giant had stood not far from him, his mouth bulging and his mouth was full of oil, holding a half-pull roast chicken in one hand and a whole one in his hand.

In these breaths, the half-pulled roast chicken in the giant's hand had entered his stomach. It was so fast and his appetite was as big as a monster. What surprised Ye 23 was that he did not spit out a bone, which was simply a monster.