Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 82 Let's go!

He left in a hurry like a homeless dog. Ye 23 went out a long distance before he stopped and gasped. The atmosphere just now was so depressed that he could hardly breathe, while Tian Yu beside him fell with a smile.

And in the view of the compatriot of that blockbuster, how powerful and comfortable Ye 23 walked, riding the wind and holding a beautiful woman in his arms should be the best portrayal.

"I can't see that the great hero of our Tonghai College is so unbearable!" Tian Yu laughed.

"What a hero, hey, if there is such a thing in the future, I won't fight for you. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I will die ugly!" Ye 23 was a little helpless. There was nothing he could do. The feeling just now was really devastating.

"What? Block it for us?" Tian Yu was stunned, and then laughed again, and the flowers and branches trembled.

Ye Twenty-three glanced at her and felt that she was a little puzzled! Is she crazy? Or is there anything ridiculous about what you just said?

Tian Yu smiled for a long time before stopping and looking at him. His eyes suddenly changed and he became a little cautious. He looked around and said in a low voice, "After doing what you want to do, leave here immediately. Don't ask why!"

After saying that, she laughed again, pointed to a figure not far away, and squeezed her lips and left.

Ye 23 was stunned and didn't understand the meaning of her words, but he had decided to leave in a few days to find a ghost doctor. Speaking of which, the two things coincided.

Put down the doubts in her heart and stood quietly along the place where her finger had just pointed.

The breeze blew her black hair and floated up. She danced in a white dress in the wind. The back alone was beautiful and suffocating.

Ye 23 took a few steps forward and came behind her. He wanted to say something, but found that he could not say anything.

Originally, his ability to talk nonsense is not small, but for some reason, in the face of this peerless beauty who had never had a good impression, and later gradually felt that her nature was not bad, he always had a feeling of walking on ice. Maybe the other party was not as beautiful as the world, or maybe it was something else. In her Ye 23 will always feel restrained before.

The owner of the back seemed to have felt the approach of Ye 233 for a long time, but she did not turn back. The two stood quietly.

I don't know when the sunset fell, and the afterglow fell, and the shadows of the two slowly grew longer. Finally, they couldn't tell each other from each other.

"Are you all right?" The figure never looked back, but the moment he opened his mouth, his shoulders moved slightly.

Ye 23 nodded and remembered that she couldn't see it at all. She laughed at herself and said, "I'm fine. How about you?"

The soft voice floated up with the gentle wind and reached the back.

Silence, silence, as if these two words have emptied all their words.

A leaf was blown down by the already chilly autumn wind, floating down, never landing, blown by the wind, and rising into the sky again, floating through the twenty-three leaves and flying to the back in front.

When the leaves were about to touch the long black hair, Ye 23 stretched out his right hand like lightning and grabbed the leaves, but then his whole body trembled and he could no longer move.

A white jade-like hand grabbed his outstretched right hand, and then the smoothness and warmth made him feel like an electric shock. He had never felt this feeling, and he never thought that a person's hand would have such magic that it would make people want to hold it for a lifetime.

However, this feeling disappeared in an instant. The jade hand also trembled when it grabbed his hand, and then moved away as if it had been bitten by a snake.

This leaf filled their hearts with ripples.

For a moment, Ye 23 retracted his right hand. The feeling seemed to be still coming from the end of his fingertips, which made his heart unable to calm down for a long time, and he did not even dare to open his hand to let the leaf fly away.

A person's life is wonderful. Sometimes, your words and deeds, even a small action, will change your life.

Just like at this moment, this common action of the two has made many more stories in their lives.

Jun Ruxue finally turned her head, and the peerless face appeared in Ye 23's eyes.

Although I have seen it several times, every time I face this face, Ye 23's heartbeat is still accelerating.

At this moment, her cheek blushed slightly, and there were only a few faint spots left on her cheeks. Her hands were behind her back and she could not see any movement, but her arms were still shaking gently.

"Are you all right?" Jun Ruxue said gently, with a little more expectation in his eyes.

"Hm, what about you?" Ye 23 nodded and said slowly. At this moment, he not only did not feel the repetition of Jun Ruxue's question, but also felt that he should say so at this moment.

"I'm fine too!" Jun Ruxue gently bit her lower lip, and a few strands of hair gently raised from her face, completely covering her only a few blushes.

I don't know whether it was him or her. They walked side by side first.

"Where have you been these days?" Jun Ruxue asked lightly.

"That's a long time. I'm afraid it will take a while!" Twenty-three.

"Speak, I want to hear it!" Jun Ruxue seems to be interested.

Ye 23's helpless smile, but she couldn't say anything to refuse, so she had to start from her departure. When she said Xiaohei, Junru Xue smiled, as if a lily on the edge of the cliff was swaying in the wind. When she said that the autumn rain was cold, her eyes were a little more worried. Obviously, He was worried about him. Of course, Ye 23 did not say that he almost sacrificed such a thing. Speaking of the divine sword, her eyes were a little more yearning. When she talked about the Lightning Eagle King, her eyes were filled with fog.

Although many processes of Ye 23 have passed by, it took about two hours to say this, and it was already dark.

Today is another full moon night, and the roulette in the distance emits some cold moonlight and sprinkles on everything.

Unconsciously, Ye 23 and the others came to the familiar forest again. The small pool was still flowing vigorously, but there were many yellow leaves on the trees, and it seemed that it would not be long before they would fall into soil.

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight!" Jun Ruxue looked up at the moon. At this moment, the moonlight fell on her, as if she wanted to ride the wind to be the cold fairy.

"No matter how beautiful the moon is, it is not as beautiful as you!" At this moment, Ye 23 suddenly had such an idea in his heart, and blurted out. At the moment of his words, he regretted and lowered his head, but taking advantage of the remnants of the corners of his eyes, he could still see Jun Ruxue's current appearance.

At this moment, Jun Ruxue did not mean to be angry. On the contrary, countless colorful clouds jumped on her cheeks, and her beautiful eyes were full of shame, which was simply irreparable and beautiful.

For a while, Ye 23 was crazy.

"stupid!" Jun Ruxue saw Ye 23 and said coquettishly.

"Hey!" Ye 23 scratched his head awkwardly, but said in his heart: It's really beautiful!

The moonlight has become much more clear, and a little chill comes to my mind.

After that short moment just now, the relationship between the two suddenly got closer.

Ye 23 also asked her about her recent situation. From her words, she learned that her life is not only practice, but also worship a master to continue practice.

Ye 23 was a little speechless and felt that Jun Ruxue was a little pitiful, but there was an indescribable feeling in her heart, as if there was a potential line between the two.

After chatting for a while, Jun Ruxue's eyes became heavy and her face was also heavy.

"Go quickly. The farther you go, the better. Never come back!" Jun Ruxue said, "Don't ask me why!"

Ye 23 suddenly became dull. Tian Yu said the same thing just now. Jun Ruxue also said so. What on earth is the reason? What kind of thing can be so serious?

"Why!" Ye 23 didn't seem to hear what Jun Ruxue said later. He asked slowly. Their eyes met in mid-air in an instant, and they saw each other with perseverance.

Jun Ruxue shook her head. I don't know whether she will say it or not.

After a while, Jun Ruxue quietly left, leaving only Ye 23 and the round moon, as well as the sound that circled in his ear.

"Let's go, believe me!"