Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 99 Iron Cloud

The sunset was infinitely good, but near dusk. Although the scenery was still charming, Ye 23 had no intention to appreciate the scenery at all. He found that no matter how he used his eyes and hinted, Ouyang Yan didn't seem to notice it at all. Finally, his eyes were too hard, and Ouyang Yan's eyes were always on Ye Fan. Up.

Day, Ye 23 scolded in a low heart. Finally, she took a look at Ouyangchun and couldn't help admiring her courage. In front of so many people, she could do this. It seemed that she really fell in love with her brother.

Forget it, I have always been a good person. It seems that things like profiteers are still not suitable for me.

He sighed in his heart, regretted the wealth he had lost before he got it, and said, "Since Brother Ouyang was kindly invited, we have to obey!"

But he won't shout the word "senior" again. If it's not good, he will be his sister-in-law in the future.

"Okay, good!" Ouyang Yan was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

Ye Fan frowned slightly, obviously a little reluctant.

Ye 23 smiled from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that his brother was not willing to. In this way, he had long known that Ouyang Yan was a woman, but looking at the skin, Ouyang Yan's appearance was not bad, but her figure seemed to be a little out of shape, but it was also good.

The woman chased the man's partition veil, which is an eternal truth. Ye Fan, you ask for more blessings. Ye 23 smiled secretly in his heart and looked at Ouyang Yan with the corner of his eyes, and his heart shrank again. As for Ye Fan's eyes, he directly ignored, my property!

Under the guidance of Ouyang Chun, Ye 23 and his entourage came to a camp.

This camp is not big, and its size is not as big as some of the courtyards Ye 23 has seen, but far away, you can feel the atmosphere of the barracks.

Two black armored soldiers stood at the door. The dark armor glowed in the cold light of the sunset, and the iron sword in his hand exuded a breath of iron blood.

With the arrival of Ouyang Chun, the two black armored soldiers knelt down directly on one knee, but did not say anything. Ouyang Yan did not say anything and walked straight in.

What a female hero, Ye 23 praised in his heart.

The layout of the barracks is very simple, but there are everything, such as barracks, arsenals, martial arts arenas... Along the way, Ye 23 can't help but admire Ouyang Yan a little more.

It is a great thing that she alone can control so many men.

"Here it is, please come in!" Ouyangchun pointed to a barracks in front of him.

Ye 23 stabbed Ye Fan and let him advance, but the latter did not move. He smiled secretly in his heart: I'm afraid you will drill into such a barracks every day in the future.

So he is now walking in. The layout of the barracks is very simple, but it is unusually clean, and there is a faint fragrance.

Anyway, she is also a woman. Ye 23 asked about this comfortable fragrance and thought of it.

The guests sat down, and after a while, all the wine and dishes were delivered.

Wine is a strong wine, and meat is a whole piece. Ye 23 can't help thinking: This is the world.

Not long after, accompanied by Ouyang Yan and Ye 23's intention, the atmosphere in the room was also harmonious. From time to time there were bursts of laughter, but Ye Fan's face was still indifferent and did not say a word, and from time to time he gave Ye 23 a sad look.

Of course, this is completely invisible to Ye 23.

"Brother Ouyang, why is there such a barracks here!" Ye 23 is very interested in this small camp. After all, such a small city where everyone is a practitioner is a little unreasonable.

"There is nothing special about this, but our Iron City is small, so the military camp is much smaller, which makes Brother Ye laugh!" Ouyang Yan said casually, and a bowl of wine blocked most of her face.

Ye 23 said oh and did not refute. He knew that what Ouyang Yan said was not the truth, but after all, he was an outsider, and it was the first time he met, so naturally he would not speak so clearly to himself.

"Hmm!" Ye Fan suddenly turned his face and said to Ye 233, "This city is called Iron City. The reason why it is called Iron City is that thousands of years ago, the tide of beasts came. This is the place to block their footsteps. At that time, Elder Tieyun crossed thousands of rivers and mountains with one sword and split the top ten demon kings with one palm. In memory of his descendants, they named this place Iron Cloud, and this small city is the Iron City!"

"In this way, Elder Tieyun is indeed a hero!" Ye 23 had some emotion in his heart. Although what Ye Fan said was very general, he crossed thousands of rivers and mountains with one hand and split the top ten demon kings with one hand. Such a momentum made people surging.

"Then why is this small city so dilapided?" Ye 23 had a question in his mind. How can such a great hero be said, and what he did was so earth-shaking? Since the descendants were to commemorate him, how could he be like this?

"This is not well known. Some people say that Elder Tieyun doesn't want to do so, while others say that someone interferes with it. Anyway, there are different opinions!" Ye Fan said slowly, but his eyes fell on Ouyang Yan for the first time.

Seeing this, Ouyang Yan smiled and said, "Since you two want to know so much, I'll talk about it, or someone should speak ill of me!"

Ye Fan and Ye 23 both pricked up their ears and listened to Ouyang Yan's words.

"Actually, there is really nothing to say. The construction of this city is completely in accordance with the words of the predecessor Tieyun. As for why, I don't know!"

"It's over?" Ye 23 was stunned.

"It's over!" Ouyang Yan said something.

Ye 23 was a little speechless. He thought there was some shocking secret, but he didn't expect it to be so simple.

"Are you a little disappointed?" Ouyang Yan glanced at the two and said, "This is the world. Before you get the truth, you will try your best to get the truth. After you get it, you will feel very boring, so you will try your best to fabricate the truth again!"

This time, Ye 23 did not refute, but felt that what she said was very right. Wasn't he the same just now? After learning the truth, didn't he also think that there were some unknown mysteries in it?

"However, I think everyone can practice in this city. I don't know why?" Ye 23 was immersed for a long time before asking again.

"This..." Ouyang Yan meditated and said no words.

"If there is anything difficult, forget it!" Ye 23 hurriedly said.

"Brother Ye was wrong, and there is nothing to be embarrassed, but I don't know, but from the moment the city was built, the children who make a sound here can practice, and their qualifications are good!" Ouyang Yan suddenly said such a shocking secret.

Ye 23 was shocked and couldn't help thinking of the mysterious transmission array and the strange shape. Is the city itself a magic array?

He was shocked. If he was right, then this predecessor named Tieyun's means were really like a fairy.

In this way, he should be a rune artist, but with his inference, a greater doubt arises in his heart.

Just now, both of them once said that Tieyun crossed thousands of rivers and mountains with one sword and split the top ten demon kings with one palm. In this way, his own cultivation should be very high, but the rune master is naturally not suitable for cultivation. This is a theorem. It seems that God is also jealous of the powerful power of the rune master, so he let their cultivation change. It is difficult and abnormal, so the life expectancy of rune artists is relatively short, only about 200 years.

This is naturally old for ordinary people, but it is just a small thing for their practitioners. Generally speaking, the life expectancy of copper sparrows is about 200 years old. When it comes to the holy finch, it can have a life span of 2,000 years. As for the sparrow, it is said that it can live for thousands of years.

In the face of such a base, 200 years old is naturally very short.

Is it possible that this predecessor Tieyun has jumped out of the three worlds and is not in the five elements and has really become an immortal?

At this point, Ye 23's heart moved, and an idea flashed in his heart, but he didn't catch it.

"Brother Ye, what are you thinking about so much?" Ouyang Yan looked at Ye 23 with a confused face and asked with a smile.

"Oh, it's nothing, but I can't help thinking of the arrogant posture of Elder Tieyun!" Ye 23 said casually.

"What, do you want to see the style of Elder Tieyun?" Ouyang Yan suddenly smiled mysteriously and said.