Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 209 Sword Soul World

The divine sword looked at the approaching figure and hesitated, but still dodged out and stood in front of her.

Jun Ruxue stopped and looked up at the man in front of her. Her jade-like face was more shy and whispered, "Senior, I want to see Ye 23!"

She didn't say let Ye 23 come out to see her, nor did she ask the sword to tell Ye 23. Obviously, she subconsciously did not regard herself as an outsider.

How rich the experience of Shen Jianyi is and how meticulous he is. In this simple sentence, he has noticed many of the different questions, but he is still hesitating. The matter of Ye 23 is now top secret, and no one can know that keeping the mystery of this matter is also a kind of protection for the Ye family. .

However, Ye 23's relationship with the girl in front of him made him a little embarrassed. He looked up at the sky, and his eyes were full of blue sky and white clouds, which was indescribable comfort, but his eyes were full of bitterness.

Jun Ruxue did not move, just stood there quietly. If a holy lily, the dress swayed in the wind.

The sword thought for half a sound and said in a low voice, "Come in!"

Jun Ruxue's heart suddenly sank, and the uneasiness was expanding rapidly. Her feet instantly became like iron casting, and her face was extremely pale.

The sword sighed in his heart. This female doll is really unusual. Such qualifications and such heart are all the best choice. Ye 23 is really blessed. He doesn't forget to laugh at that person in his heart.

Jun Ruxue almost forgot how she walked into the bamboo forest. There was only that figure in her eyes, and everything around her disappeared.

Ye 23 leaned against the bamboo, with a smile at the corners of his mouth, as if he knew her arrival.

Jun Ruxue half squatted in front of him, and her eyes were full of pearl-like tears. She told herself in her heart: This is not true, not true!

The deep white and almost transparent jade hand gently stroked Ye Twenty-three's face. The cold skin could not help but feel cold, but heartbreaking.

She couldn't control herself. The tears that had been stuffed with her eyes were like broken beads, constantly sliding down her cheeks, and her long eyelashes were also trembling.

I don't know how long it took. She looked at him like this, as if to engrave him in her heart. In fact, he had already been in her heart, and it was full.

The sword stood in the distance and looked at the two people silently. His heart was sour and uncomfortable.

In fact, God is very fair and fair to everyone. As long as you work hard and pay, you will always get something!

Ye 23's sunny smiling face, which seemed almost like nonsense to him, flowed through his heart, but this time, there was only prayer in Shen Jianyi's heart.

He has never believed in God, but now how much he wants to believe in God! Believe Ye 23's words! He shouted in his heart: God! Open your eyes and have a look! What does the believer who has always believed in you from the bottom of his heart look like now? Take a look! Take a look! He is shouting silently!

The sword felt weak all over. At this moment, he seemed to have collapsed. The feeling that he had not been before floated to his heart for a long time, feeling the wetness of tears scratching his cheeks, that kind of sadness, that kind of helplessness, at this moment, he is no longer a high sword, no longer the chilling demon, just a need Helping people!

The sun seems to be unwilling to see this sadness and slip away quietly.

The sky had faded, and a bright moon appeared faintly. Jun Ruxue's face was gentle, and her eyes exuded endless brilliance. She closed her eyes, with crystal tears on her long eyelashes, and gently kissed Ye 23 lips.

For a long time, she stood up and moved gently to the sword.

As soon as the sword looked at the woman who surprised him, there was a faint illusion in his heart, as if it was not a woman in front of him, but a fairy, a fairy falling from the nine heavens. Her face was still unparalleled, but it seemed to be frozen, emitting a deep chill.

"Who is it?" Jun Ruxue said lightly without a slight tone.

"The Demon Sect!" The sword answered almost without thinking, and at this moment, he had forgotten to think.

"Thank you!" Jun Ruxue's tone remained unchanged. She came to Ye 23 again, smiled, tied up his clothes, and straightened a few hairs on his forehead, as if a wife was taking care of her husband.

For a long time, until she was satisfied, she laughed and said softly, "I will come back!", her tone was as good as when Ye 23 left Jun's family.

She left, very unrestrained and free, and seemed to have no concern, but the divine sword felt a chill: Wanmo Sect is really over!

The bright moon has hung high, and the bright moonlight is still selflessly sprinkled in the bamboo forest, sprinkled on the body of the divine sword and falls on the face of Ye 23.

"Where is this?" Ye 23 looked around. There was a faint mist here. I don't know how big it is, but it is certain that there is nothing here except this mist.

A sigh attracted his eyes. There was a faint figure in the mist. He walked over and asked, "Who are you?"

The man got up, but he couldn't see his face clearly. He said lightly, "I'm Ye 23!"

Ye 23 was stunned and then smiled: "You are Ye 233, so who am I?"

The man smiled, and his face suddenly became clear. Ye 23 saw this face and was stunned. He pointed to the other party's face and said, "You...this...this...!"

There is no other reason. The person who appeared in Ye 23's eyes looked exactly like him. If he hadn't been standing here, he would really think that that person was him.

The man had a long smile, and the laughter was full of desolation: "Here, you don't care who you are, even if you think you are God!" He suddenly showed his snow-white teeth and said coldly, "There is no one else here. We are gods, because we are immortal, but we can never leave here!"

Ye 23's body trembled and his face changed greatly, but he returned to normal for a moment. He stopped talking and strode away. The man's laughing voice came to his ear: "Don't look for it. There is no way out here!"

Ye 23 ignored it. He believed that he would be able to go out and must go out.

There are too many worries and reluctances about him. His ancestor, father, Shen Jianyi and his own promise to the Lightning Eagle King, as well as Jun Ruxue, who promised her that he would go back.

Now he understands his mind, and he has already installed her in his heart.

Ye 23 is running in a boundless area. He wants to find a direction and find a way to go home.

There is no day or night here, only this faint white fog.

Through layers of fog, I don't know how many fogs I have walked through for a long time, but there is still endless fog in front of him.

"I told you that you can't get out of here at all. You'd better think about how to live more interestingly!" The cold voice came again.

But Ye 23 didn't seem to hear it. In addition to running, he had only one thought in his heart, that is, to go home.

In the faint mist, a figure looked coldly at the running Ye 233, with a trace of disdain at the corners of his mouth.

This disdain lasted for a long time. Three months have passed on the mainland of the universe. This kind of disdain finally disappeared. He suddenly found that the man really seemed to be tireless and desperate, moving forward all the time.

He said countless words that hit Ye 23. He believed that these words would make people collapse on anyone, but this person showed no sign of collapse at all.

He sighed and said softly, "This is the sword soul world of the nameless sword!"

The voice was not loud, but as soon as his voice fell, a figure rushed to him with an eager face.