Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 212 From the Ye family!

The ancestor of the Ye family's face was heavy, and his heart was full of hatred. Two sharp gods stared at the void in the distance. The sword was behind his back with both hands, and his eyes were full of war, and his clothes were hunting.

There was a shaking in the void, and there was a faint strong breath, and a strong pressure swept the earth.

As soon as the sword and the ancestors of the Ye family soared. In their opinion, it was the Wanmo Sect who killed it back. Under the whole world, only Wanmo Sect wants to slaughter the Ye family most now, and only they have such a powerful power.

Although the speed of their recovery is very surprising to them, this battle is inevitable. If they hadn't killed them, the divine sword and the ancestors of the Ye family would have come to the door and never end.

"You go!" Ye Wutian's eyes were still far away in the sky, but he said such a sentence.

The sword was stunned, and he understood what he meant. Now the Ye family has no chance of winning at all, and Ye Wutian's own injury is not all good. He let himself go and does not want to let himself lose his life in vain, but the more so, the more angry he became. He hummed and was about to open his mouth, Ye Wutian's words came again.

"Let's go! I beg you! Take him with you and get out of here!" Ye Wutian still looked into the distance, but this tone made the sword tremble.

"He likes to be quiet and likes to live an undisputed life. In fact, it's all my fault. Originally, he had no feelings for this family at all. I valued his potential and took advantage of his weakest side to keep him with those fetters!" Ye Wutian seemed to be talking to himself. He suddenly turned around and looked at the divine sword. Although his voice was still low, it was uncomfortable: "Actually, I hurt him!"

The divine sword looked at the ancestors of the Ye family in a dazzling way. He never thought that in the past few months, the ancestors of the Ye family had lived in such pain and were so crazy that they would put Ye 23's death on his shoulders. This kind of burden also made people collapse. For a moment, he couldn't think of words to comfort or scold him.

As soon as Shenjian saw the nearly pleading eyes of the ancestors of the Ye family, he sighed in his heart. It seemed that he could not understand this matter for a while. At present, he no longer paid attention to him, but calculated their chances of winning and a way out...

When the ancestor of the Ye family saw that the divine sword still had no action, he wanted to say something more, but he felt the violent fluctuation of the void and withdrew his eyes. There was only one word left in his heart, war!

For himself, for the Ye family, for the sake of the Ye 233, he can only stand and fight to make him forget for the time being, and only in this way can he rejuvenate his already gray life.

There was a twist in the void, and two old men came out of them. Both of them were dressed in green robes, with a few white beards under their jaws, and a little contemptful of the world between their eyebrows.

The two were shocked as soon as they appeared. They looked at each other, and both sides had some blame in their eyes.

"Fuck, what the road did you take? Is this the Ye family of Sanyuan Kingdom?" The old man on the left preached to the right.

The old man on the right snorted and said, "Damn it, it seems that you will take you the way!"

The ancestor of the Ye family still imprinted the label of Wanmo Sect on the two people's body. At present, he did not answer. He exerted his strength under his feet, put his hands into palms, and rushed up with strong Zhenyuan fluctuations.

The sword frowned and stood in front of the ancestors of the Ye family, saying, "Don't be impulsive, ask clearly before you talk about it!"

The ancestor of the Ye family's eyes were red, his teeth were clenched, and he looked like he saw an enemy, but after all, it was a divine sword in front of him, and he still stopped.

Although the sword finally blocked the action of the ancestors of the Ye family, four thin light popped out of the eyes of the two old men opposite him, and a sudden chill rose in the void.

When the two old men opposite saw this posture, they were faintly unhappy. When it came to their cultivation, face was more important than anything else. Although they were afraid of one or two swords, since they wanted to do it, they were naturally fearless.

The divine sword looked at each other and said faintly, "Who are you two? Why did you come to my Ye's house!"

The two old men opposite him have made up their minds to fight with them, but when they heard that this was the Ye family, their expressions suddenly eased a lot. The two looked at each other for a moment, and one of the old men asked, "This is Sanyuan Kingdom!"

The ancestor of the Ye family was already impatient, but as soon as the sword stood in front of him, he had to restrain himself, but he still said coldly, "Yes, this is the Sanyuan Kingdom, and it's the Ye family. You two have gone the wrong place!"

This voice is not only strange, but also contains strong hostility. Anyone can hear it, but the two old men really don't seem to hear it. Instead, they smiled and said to the old man beside him, "Look, I said, how can it be wrong for me to lead the way!"

Originally, when the divine sword heard the words of the ancestors of the Ye family, he was hearty, but the expressions of the two old men surprised him.

The two old men have been entangled for a long time and are competing for their own merits. They all said that it was his credit for coming here. After listening to it for a long time, the divine sword gradually heard a little bit.

The two people followed the leader to come to the Ye family. On the way, they were very excited and wanted to see who could come to the Ye family first, so they started the game with great interest.

As soon as the divine sword looked at the two old men, he thought that the two old men were not weak, similar to Yang Tianfangting of the Wanmo Sect, but because of this, his doubts in his heart increased greatly.

What kind of person can drive such two people, and looking at their appearance, there is no hostility to the Ye family at all, but with a faint intention of closeness.

The ancestor of the Ye family was also very surprised. Unconsciously, his hostility was greatly reduced, and he kept looking at these two old men like living treasures.

The two old men were entangled for half a while and did not feel tired. Instead, they seemed to be addicted. They sounded higher and higher, their faces were red and their necks were thick, and the dirty words in their mouths did not stop.

Shen Jianyi still likes their personality. This straightforward personality is also the most suitable for him. At present, he smiled and said, "Don't quarrel first. Can you tell us why you came to my Ye family?"

The two old men had round their eyes and wanted to eat each other, but now when they heard the question of the divine sword, they immediately changed their faces. They came to the front of the divine sword almost at the same time and opened their mouths at the same time.

"I'm the emperor!"

"I'm the emperor!"

"We are the two emperors of heaven and earth!"

After saying that, he stared at the four big eyes, looked at the divine sword, and looked at the expression, waiting for people to say something like thunder and so on.

The divine sword couldn't help shaking its head and laughing and said, "I've heard the two names for a long time, like thunder! It's like thunder!"

There was a little helplessness in his tone, but the two old men didn't seem to hear it at all. Their faces were shining, their eyes were bright, and they looked forward to it. It seemed that they didn't hear enough and let him continue talking.

The sword was very speechless, but he still took care of their nature and said a few more words. The two old men also laughed and praised the sword, which was nothing different from what he said.

The divine sword almost rolled his eyes, as if the other party did not know his name at all. God knew who to praise, but it still showed a very useful appearance. The three people looked at each other for a long time.

The divine sword asked, "I don't know why you two came to my Ye's house?"

"We came with Xiao Yezi. He said let us come to Ye's house, and we came!" Emperor Dao.

"What little leaf, that's our head!" The emperor corrected.

"Even if he is the head, his generation is not as high as ours. What's wrong with calling him Xiao Yezi?" The emperor retorted.

"This...this...this...!" The earth emperor couldn't find the words to counterattack for a moment and couldn't speak.

"Hahahaha!" The emperor laughed and looked arrogant. Looking at this, he seemed to see that the emperor was sweeter than eating bee shit.

The two people are also helpless, and their language is also mixed, and there is no routine at all, but at least they got a message that they came here because their leader wanted to come here, that is, the little leaf in the emperor's mouth.

But where is this little leaf? What kind of relationship does it have with the Ye family? How can he come to the Ye family thousands of miles away?

With puzzlement, he turned his eyes to the ancestors of the Ye family behind him, but the other party, like him, was also a cloud and fog, and only gave him a big shaking of his head!